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This channel is used only to recommend games and spread awareness of all the positive possibilities of gaming.
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✔︎索尼文件曝《秘境探險4》將登PC 確認製作第一方IP手遊:https://game.udn.com/game/story/122089/5488789
✔︎傳聞《Final Fantasy》將於E3發表類魂遊戲,由《仁王》團隊操刀:https://www.4gamers.com.tw/news/detail/48121/a-dark-souls-style-final-fantasy-game-might-be-announced-soon
✔︎Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - 10 Minutes of Gameplay:https://youtu.be/kNluu5Ab2PA
✔︎《戰神5》將吸取《最後的生還者2》優點 學習其優秀敘事:https://playgame.wiki/news/6ecb342b69
✔︎Far Cry 6 Gameplay Demo 4K:https://youtu.be/19LjHGDxl0Q
✔︎傳聞《Final Fantasy》將於E3發表類魂遊戲,由《仁王》團隊操刀:https://www.4gamers.com.tw/news/detail/48121/a-dark-souls-style-final-fantasy-game-might-be-announced-soon
🎵Boomerang Fu Theme (feat. Paul Kopetko)
🎵Wavedash (Super Smash Bros. Melee) (TRAP REMIX)
#戰神諸神黃昏 #地平線2 #皮卡嚕 #嚕新聞 #PikaLu #SEGA
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