一向伶牙俐齒、反應迅速的我在產後一直處在遲鈍狀態,戲劇方面倒沒問題,可是主持就常常咬舌頭了,今天吃螺絲吃的很飽,回家立刻補充維他命,快點恢復靈活腦袋,下一次表現一定要恢復水準!謝謝耐心給我機會的德輝及團隊!Had facing "slow reaction" and "non fluently speak" problems after giving birth to my child, quite headache for these really influenced my hosting, so frustrated for my "NG" hosting today, sigh. So keep taking vitamin and hope my brain and condition to be back to normal ASAP, thanks to Fai and team for your patience, I'll do better for the rest of episodes.