Are you guys ready for the World Cup? Before all that come take a look at this beautiful national dish of Brazil (Macanese influenced)
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豬腳1.5公斤/kg of pig's feet
豬尾1公斤/kg of pig's tail
牛肉乾200克/grams of beef jerky
煙火腿500克/grams of smoked ham
煙肉300克/grams of bacon
豬肉腸2條/pork sausage
煙肉腸1條/smoked sausage
紅蘿蔔200克/grams of carrot
鼠尾草葉6片/leaves of sage
香芹葉3棵/sprigs of parsley
蒜頭6個/cloves of garlic
黑豆800克/grams of black bean
雞湯300毫升/ml of chicken stock
黃糖半杯/cup of brown sugar
甜椒粉1茶匙/tsp of paprika
茴香粉2茶匙/tsp of ground cumin
黑胡椒粉1茶匙/tsp of black pepper
月桂葉4片/bay leaves
黑胡椒粒半茶匙/half tsp of black peppercorns
水1500毫升/ml of water
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