『你想成為 LOOPTOPIA 的派對饕客嗎?』
馬上將這則影片分享在你臉書的動態時報或 Instagram,並標上你的親朋好友,你/妳就有機會獲得台灣地表最強音樂季《 Looptopia Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季 》現場的 #2000元飲食兌換券!讓你一邊 PARTY、一邊喝飲料解渴,還可以同時品嚐美食~現在,趕快告訴你的夥伴們一同分享出去吧!
▶ 得獎名額共 10 組 (贈送出總價值 20,000 元的好禮)!
✔ 活動辦法:
1. 追蹤 LOOPTOPIA 樂托邦 Instagram @looptopiaIG
2. 在《Looptopia Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季》臉書粉絲頁按讚
3. 分享這則影片到 #你自己的動態時報上,@標籤 5 位朋友,並寫下活動標語『 4/8 - 4/9 我想在《 #LOOPTOPIA Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季》享受美食!』(該篇PO文狀態須設為公開,我們才看的到喔!)
4. 截止時間為 2017/3/8 16:00,以發文時間為準。我們將在同一天的 20:30 抽出 10 組幸運兒, 並公佈於粉絲專頁!
5. 主辦單位保有調整及最終解釋權之權利
▶︎ 距離 LOOPTOPIA 活動日期興奮倒數中,theLOOP 團隊將帶給各位高潮不斷的驚喜,敬請隨時密切鎖定本粉絲專頁,以獲得更多有趣的 LOOPTOPIA 幕後花絮、精彩影音、媒體報導與最新好康消息!
▶︎ 樂托邦美食:http://bit.ly/LTPIAfood
▶︎ 更多資訊:www.looptopia.cc
Want a chance to win $2000 NTD food & drink's token for LOOPTOPIA this spring?
By sharing this post with your friends you will have a chance to win $2000 NTD food & drink's token of Looptopia music festival. (Total prize valued 20K for 10 winners!)
✔ Rules and Regulations:
1. Follow Looptopia’s Instagram: @looptopiaIG
2. Like our Facebook Fanpage:《Looptopia Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季》https://www.facebook.com/LooptopiaFest/
3. Share this post on your feed and tag 5 friends with the following text:
『 4/8 - 4/9 I wanna enjoy great food at《 #LOOPTOPIA Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季》!』(Make sure you set your post as public so we can see it!)
4. This event will conclude 2017/3/8 16:00, and we will announce the 10 lucky winners at 20:30!
5. Please note that the organizing party has the right to make any changes anytime and have final say of the details.
▶ There’s only a few weeks left until LOOPTOPIA, and theLOOP is gearing up the excitement for our loyal followers, so keep on the lookout for more surprises and festival information!
▶︎ Looptopia Food:http://bit.ly/LTPIAfood
▶︎ More Info: www.looptopia.cc
2000元飲食兌換券 在 家樂福Carrefour - Δημοσιεύσεις - Facebook 的推薦與評價
線上購物單筆599元+259元/個市價680元,限量3,000個軟握塗層手柄,穩定舒適;不鏽鋼刀片具有微鋸齒, ... 阿福將選出留言區最有創意的五位幸運兒獲得冰淇淋單球兌換券. ... <看更多>