感恩Sam的介紹,以三個半月時間分別在產前、產後三天、產後一個月到產後三個月拍攝文昌閣Babywise資訊影片,也為小馬做了3D手足印、臍帶章及胎毛筆,拿到完成品時感概了,才明白這其實是給馬爺和我的禮物,待孩子大了離家,這會是老夫老妻回憶所有育子過程的紀念品,再次讚美生命的美麗。At first I just take it as a usual video hosting job introduced by Sam, with shooting few days before giving birth to baby, the 3rd day after delivering baby, one month after delivering baby and 3 months later after delivering baby, finally I see the 3D hands&feet print, navel stamp and chinese traditional pen made by my baby's first cut hair, I'm so touched, thought this would be the gift for baby but actually it's more like a gift for M and me, the best gift to keep our memory of how we brought our M junior to the world and every moment during his growth, thank you Babywise.