Facebook 現在新的功能 Memory(不知道中文叫什麼因為我的臉書是英文版😳)每天都會讓你看到以前的這一天你做了什麼事😌 去年的今天我們剛結束南極旅行🐧 完成了人生第七大洲🌐 York 跟另一個台灣男孩,兩人跳進冰冷的南極海大叫 “Taiwan Number 1!!!”😂
想要回憶我們南極旅行可以看第一集➡ https://goo.gl/NSNGQI 或是第二集 ➡ https://goo.gl/58hMHf 👍 但是我可以跟你說第二集比較精彩,所以不要第一集讀完就不想讀了😂 Ps. 兩者都有英文版唷!
Thanks to Facebook memories, everyday they reminded us where we went this time last year😌 Well this time last year we just made it to Antarctica and back🐧 Completed our 7th continent🌐 York did his polar plunge yelling "Taiwan number 1"😂
To refresh our Antarctica diary, welcome to link to Part I ➡ https://goo.gl/dLkUvW Part II ➡ https://goo.gl/yVdTkS 👍 Can definitely tell you Part II is more exciting than Part I for sure😜