美股本月終究沒能逃脫「9 月魔咒」下跌的宿命,週四 (30 日) 四大指數集體淪陷,工業、必需消費品和金融板塊領跌,道瓊收黑近 550 點,標普下跌逾 1%,台積電和聯電 ADR 逆勢收高。
本月受到聯準會 (Fed) 即將縮減購債 (Taper)、經濟增長放緩擔憂、通膨升溫、供應鏈瓶頸、全球能源緊縮、恒大危機與中國監管風險等多項因素影響,道瓊月度跌幅達 4.3%、標普跌幅則達 4.8%,兩大指數雙雙迎來自 2011 年來最慘的 9 月份表現。
《股票交易者年鑑》(Stock Trader's Almanac) 顯示,9 月份歷來是跌幅最大的月份,平均跌幅為 0.4%,通常 9 月中旬後的拋售力道將會提升。
政經消息方面,美國政府停擺進入倒數計時,美國參議院和眾議院週四 (30 日) 如火如荼地表決通過臨時開支法案,以免於斷炊關門,目前臨時開支法案已移交給美國總統拜登簽署。
化解一場可能的危機後,另一場危機即將來臨,國會仍需要在 10 月 18 日之前提高或暫停債務上限,避免美國首度債務違約。美國財政部長葉倫週四呼籲國會永久廢除債務上限。
新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情持續蔓延全球,截稿前,據美國約翰霍普金斯大學 (Johns Hopkins University) 即時統計,全球確診數已飆破 2.33 億例,死亡數突破 478 萬例。美國累計確診超過 4343 萬例,累計死亡數超過 69.6 萬。印度累計確診超過 3373 萬例,巴西累計確診 2139 萬例。
週四 (30 日) 美股四大指數表現:
美股道瓊指數下跌 546.8 點,或 1.59%,收 33,843.92 點。
那斯達克指數下跌 63.86 點,或 0.44%,收 14,448.58 點。
標普 500 指數下跌 51.92 點,或 1.19%,收 4,307.54 點。
費城半導體指數下跌 5.74 點,或 0.18%,收 3,258.09 點。
標普 11 大板塊陷入血海。(圖片:finviz)
標普 11 大板塊陷入血海。(圖片:finviz)
十年期美債殖利率再度波動,科技五大天王承壓。蘋果 (AAPL-US) 跌 0.93%;臉書 (FB-US) 跌 0.065%;Alphabet (GOOGL-US) 跌 0.50%;亞馬遜 (AMZN-US) 跌 0.49%;微軟 (MSFT-US) 跌 0.73%。
道瓊成分股盡墨,僅 Salesforce、默克收紅。沃爾格林聯合博姿 (WBA-US) 下跌 3.41%;3M (MMM-US) 下跌 3.02%;開拓重工 (CAT-US) 下跌 2.98%;家得寶 (HD-US) 下跌 2.57%。
費半成分股漲跌互見。英特爾 (INTC-US) 跌 0.39%;AMD (AMD-US) 上漲 2.54%;應用材料 (AMAT-US) 漲 0.36%;美光 (MU-US) 跌 0.78%;高通 (QCOM-US) 跌 0.23%;NVIDIA (NVDA-US) 漲 0.97%。
台股 ADR 僅中華電信獨弱。台積電 ADR (TSM-US) 上漲 0.03%;日月光 ADR (ASX-US) 上漲 1.55%;聯電 ADR (UMC-US) 漲 0.97%;中華電信 ADR (CHT-US) 下跌 2.07%。
蘋果 (AAPL-US) 下跌 0.93% 至每股 141.50 美元。市場研究機構 Counterpoint Research 週四將 2021 年下半年智慧型手機出貨量預估下調至 14.1 億部,預估蘋果 iPhone 受晶片荒的影響較三星、OPPO、小米等競爭對手要來的小。
Lordstown Motors (RIDE-US) 大漲 8.42% 至每股 7.98 美元。外媒週四報導,鴻海美國電動車工廠將購買美國電動卡車新創公司 Lordstown Motors 的廠房。
太空旅遊公司維珍銀河 (SPCE-US) 暴漲 12.15% 至每股 25.30 美元。美國聯邦航空總署 (FAA) 已結束對維珍銀河 7 月發射事故的調查,後者已獲准恢復太空旅行業務。
埃克森美孚 (XOM-US) 下跌 1.77% 至每股 58.82 美元。埃克森美孚宣布,由於創紀錄的全球天然氣價格,使其第三季獲利將增加約 7 億美元。
美國 Q2 GDP 季增年率終值報 6.7%,預期 6.7%,前值 6.6%
美國上週 (9/25) 初領失業金報 36.2 萬人,預期 33 萬人,前值 35.1 萬人
美國上週 (9/18) 續領失業金報 280.2 萬人,預期 279 萬人,前值自 284.5 萬人下修至 282 萬人
美國 9 月芝加哥 PMI 報 64.7,預期 65.2,前值 66.8
Charles Schwab 首席投資策略師 Liz Ann Sonders 表示,市場迅速波動歸因於投資人一連串的擔憂,包括變種病毒、債務上限、好壞參半的經濟數據、貨幣政策不確定性,以及通膨問題。
瑞銀 (UBS) 私人財富管理執行董事 Tom Mantione 表示:「市場並沒有忘記『攀爬憂慮之牆 (climbing the wall of worry) 』那句名言,對中國監管、全球新冠疫情、美國債務上限和增稅的擔憂,都為投資人帶來壓力,但重要的是,投資人要瞭解哪些問題可能導致結構性變化,哪些能成為投資者利用的短期波動。」
美國投顧機構 LPL Financial 首席市場策略師 Ryan Detrick 認為,標普連續 317 個交易日高於 200 日 (200MA) 移動均線,這是一個世紀以來所罕見的現象,隨時可能會出現 5% 至 7% 的修正。
同時也有2952部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Kris_Rider,也在其Youtube影片中提到,BMW官方車隊【南部汎德車隊】 成軍至今已三個月左右 但由於疫情關係 大家沒能好好聚聚 所以 今天的車隊首航 更別具意義 在此小弟我我也不冗述 一切感動心情都在影片中 MAKE LIFE A RIDE 希望大家騎車安全 騎車開心 也感謝大家為自己喜愛的品牌 做出的付出及努力 期待下次 再與大...
a ride 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Do you love SUP? We do!
Dinawan Island is located merely a 15 minutes boat ride from Kinarut jetty. A perfect island getaway to relax and enjoy a variety of fun activities from snorkelling and stand-up paddle boarding to hiking and fishing. If you are someone who loves to sit on the beach with your toes planted in the sand, you can just sit back and enjoy watching the sun sets below the waves.
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a ride 在 SJE 。 閱讀紀錄 Facebook 的精選貼文
(此圖不包含同myON的『Kaite Woo』和『Dino』系列)
卻增加了 #myON電子書 的量!
延伸上一篇文 ‧ 傳送門https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.ing.1024/photos/a.1661247717465782/3058233677767172
#SJE閱讀記錄 #Eugene6Y7M #英文閱讀 #英文有聲書
◆ The Elves Help Puss in Boots
◆ Quest for the Unicorn's Horn
◆ Medea Tells All: A Mad, Magical Love
◆ Medusa Tells All: Beauty Missing, Hair Hissing
◆ Three Blind Mice Team Up with the Three Little Pigs
◆ The Tooth Fairy
◆ Seriously, Snow White Was SO Forgetful!
◆ Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel Are Sweet!
◆ Snow White and the Seven Robots: A Graphic Novel
◆ Red Riding Hood Meets the Three Bears
◆ Red Riding Hood Meets the Three Bears
◆ The Robo-battle of Mega Tortoise vs. Hazard Hare: A Graphic Novel
◆ Medea Tells All: A Mad, Magical Love
◆ Helen of Troy Tells All
◆ Pandora Tells All: Not the Curious Kind
◆ Robin Hood, Time Traveler
◆ The Ugly Dino Hatchling: A Graphic Novel
◆ Keep It Simple, Rapunzel!
◆ Mermaid Midfielders
◆ Hansel and Gretel
◆ Say "Cheese"!
◆ Big Pig
◆ Cass the Monkey
◆ Rapunzel
◆ Honestly, Our Music Stole the Show!: The Story of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by the Donkey
◆ The Recess Bully
◆ The Runaway Robot
◆ Alice, Secret Agent of Wonderland
◆ Frankly, I'd Rather Spin Myself a New Name!
◆ Sleeping Beauty, Magic Master
◆ Quest for the Unicorn's Horn
◆ Secret Matter
◆ Truthfully, Something Smelled Fishy!: The Story of the Fisherman and His Wife as Told by the Wife
◆ Pandarella
◆ Hansel and Gretel Stories Around the World
◆ Red Riding Hood, Superhero: A Graphic Novel
◆ Beauty and the Beast Stories Around the World
◆ Goldiclucks and the Three Bears
◆ Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
◆ Believe Me, I Never Felt a Pea!
◆ Poodle and the Pea
◆ Kitten Who Cried Dog
◆ Ack's New Pet
◆ Pandarella
◆ Goldilocks and the Three Vampires
◆ The Silver Spurs of Oz
◆ Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein
◆ Peter Pan in Mummy Land
◆ Mouse Says "Sorry"
◆ Mouse Says "Sorry"
◆ Hippo Says "Excuse Me"
◆ Monster Knows Table Manners
◆ Monster Knows Excuse Me
◆ Party Problems
◆ Miles McHale, Tattletale
◆ Yasmin the Chef
◆ Truthfully, Something Smelled Fishy!: The Story of the Fisherman and His Wife as Told by the Wife
◆ The Robo-battle of Mega Tortoise vs. Hazard Hare: A Graphic Novel
◆ Max Goes to the Dentist
◆ Listen, My Bridge Is SO Cool!: The Story of the Three Billy Goats ◆ Gruff as Told by the Troll
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Speed Secret
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Growing Goo
◆ Marconi the Wizard
◆ Hair-pocalypse
◆ Little Tiger Picks Up
◆ Penguin Says "Please"
◆ Little Dinos Don't Push
◆ Little Dinos Don't Hit
◆ Dino Hunt
◆ Prize Inside
◆ Pizza Palace
◆ What's That Sound, Cinderella?
◆ Pet Costume Party
◆ Even Fairies Bake Mistakes
◆ Counting Money!
◆ Maybe When I'm Bigger
◆ Traveling Shoes
◆ When Thomas Edison Fed Someone Worms
◆ The Swim Race
◆ Ruth's Pink Pajamas
◆ Me and My Cat
◆ Boo Bat
◆ Incredible Rockhead and the Spectacular Scissorlegz
◆ Truly, We Both Loved Beauty Dearly!
◆ Poodle and the Pea
◆ Marshmallow Mermaid
◆ Green Queen of Mean
◆ Evil Echo
◆ Yum!
◆ My Body
◆ My Day
◆ My Neighborhood
◆ Marvelous Me
◆ Paid to Game
◆ Mr. Bones
◆ Little Dinos Don't Yell
◆ Do Not Let Your Dragon Spread Germs
◆ Friends All Day
◆ Field Day Rules!
◆ The Goose that Laid the Rotten Egg: A Graphic Novel
◆ Plans Gone Wrong
◆ The Ants and the Grasshopper
◆ The Boy Who Cried Wolf
◆ The Boy Who Cried Vampire: A Graphic Novel
◆ Frankly, I'd Rather Spin Myself a New Name!
◆ Little Red Riding Hood Stories Around the World
◆ Rapunzel Stories Around the World
◆ Hansel and Gretel Stories Around the World
◆ Beauty and the Beast Stories Around the World
◆ Little Red Riding Duck
◆ Goldiclucks and the Three Bears
◆ Kitten Who Cried Dog
◆ Princess Harper Gets Happy
◆ Pandarella
◆ How Do We Stay on Earth?
◆ Scary Night
◆ Aliens and Energy
◆ The Big Mistake
◆ The Black Hole Report
◆ Ack's New Pet
◆ Ooze Slingers from Outer Space
◆ Eek Discovers Earth
◆ Tap Dance Troubles
◆ First Base Blues
◆ Soccer Switch
◆ Snow Dance
◆ Jack and the Beanstalk
◆ Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker
◆ Crabby Pants
◆ Eleanore Won't Share
◆ Clara's Crazy Curls
◆ The Perfect Birthday Recipe
◆ The Little Bully
◆ You Get What You Get
◆ Zombies and Meatballs
◆ Boy Under the Bed
◆ Welcome to Third Grade, Gus!
◆ Going on a Field Trip
◆ Honestly, Red Riding Hood Was Rotten!
◆ No Lie, Pigs (and Their Houses) Can Fly!
◆ Seriously, Snow White Was SO Forgetful!
◆ Really, Rapunzel Needed a Haircut!
◆ Ninja-rella: A Graphic Novel
◆ Farms
◆ A Nature Walk on the Farm
◆ Bree's Bike Jump
◆ The Lion and the Mouse and the Invaders from Zurg: A Graphic Novel
◆ Lucille Gets Jealous
◆ Terrible, Awful, Horrible Manners!
◆ First Day of Unicorn School
◆ Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel Are Sweet!
◆ Clara's Crazy Curls
◆ Cat That Disappeared
◆ Super Billy Goats Gruff: A Graphic Novel
◆ Day of the Field Trip Zombies
◆ Shark in the Library!
◆ Sleeping Beauty
◆ Robin Hood, Time Traveler
◆ Red Riding Hood
◆ Rapunzel
◆ Puss in Boots
◆ Medusa Tells All: Beauty Missing, Hair Hissing
◆ Freestyle Fun
◆ Pandora Tells All: Not the Curious Kind
◆ Punk Rock Mouse and Country Mouse: A Graphic Novel
◆ Hansel and Gretel
◆ Chicken Little Saves the Moon Base: A Graphic Novel
◆ Johnny Slimeseed and the Freaky Forest
◆ The Goose that Laid the Rotten Egg: A Graphic Novel
◆ Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
◆ No Lie, I Acted Like a Beast!
◆ Morning Mystery
◆ Johnny Slimeseed and the Freaky Forest
◆ Curse of the Red Scorpion
◆ Rapunzel
◆ Jak and the Magic Nano-beans: A Graphic Novel
◆ Goldilocks and the Three Vampires
◆ The Silver Spurs of Oz
◆ Peter Pan in Mummy Land
◆ Hansel and Gretel
◆ Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein
◆ Private Eye Princess and the Emerald Pea
◆ First Day, No Way!
◆ Beauty and the Dreaded Sea Beast
◆ Cinderella Stories Around the World
◆ Frog Prince
◆ Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess
◆ For Real, I Paraded in My Underpants!
◆ Olivia Bitter, Spooked-Out Sitter!
◆ Willy the Worm
◆ My Home
◆ Three Princesses
◆ The Frog Prince Saves Sleeping Beauty
◆ Sleeping Beauty
◆ Princess Bella's Birthday Cake
◆ Princess Addison Gets Angry
◆ The Tortoise and the Hare
◆ The Voice in the Boys' Room
◆ Servant and the Water Princess
◆ Because I Stubbed My Toe
◆ Yasmin the Builder
◆ New Kid from Planet Glorf
◆ Monster of Lake Lobo
◆ Golden Goose
◆ Dozer Strikes!
◆ Incredible Rockhead vs Papercut!
◆ Super-Powered Sneeze
◆ Up the President's Nose
◆ Blastoff to the Secret Side of the Moon!
◆ Hercules and the Pooper-Scooper Peril
◆ Witch's Brew
◆ Princess and Her Pony
◆ Day Mom Finally Snapped
◆ Boy Who Burped Too Much
◆ Secret of the Summer School Zombies
◆ Peek-a-Boo Dinosaurs
◆ My Little Bro-Bot
◆ Night of the Homework Zombies
◆ Max and Buddy Go to the Vet
◆ Invasion of the Gym Class Zombies
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Putt-Putt Contest
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Cave Creatures
◆ Lost Lunch
◆ Good, the Bad, and the Monkeys
◆ Frank 'n' Beans
◆ Little Lizard's New Baby
◆ Missing Monster Card
◆ Bus Ride Bully
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Cool Caps
◆ Eek and Ack vs the Wolfman
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Outer Space Trip
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Super Fast Car
◆ Snorkeling with Sea-Bots
◆ Buzz Beaker and the Race to School
◆ Jimmy Sniffles vs the Mummy
◆ Wright Brothers
◆ Double Trouble
◆ Dognapped!
◆ Fuchsia Fierce
◆ Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Library
◆ My First Guide to Paper Airplanes
◆ Nose for Danger
◆ Helen Keller
◆ Thomas Edison: Physicist and Inventor
◆ People of the World
◆ Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
◆ When Neil Armstrong Built a Wind Tunnel
◆ Jane Goodall
◆ Malala Yousafzai's Story
◆ Going to School: Comparing Past and Present
◆ Dinosaurs for Breakfast
◆ What Do You Think, Katie?
◆ Too Much RainRain
◆ A Is for Albatross
◆ Tricky Tooth
◆ The Best Baker
◆ Big Lie
◆ Jay-Z
◆ You Can Work in Music
◆ Spiders
◆ The Best Club
◆ I Can Reuse and Recycle
◆ How Effective Is Recycling?
◆ No Valentines for Katie
◆ Pony Party
◆ Piggy Bank Problems
◆ No More Teasing
◆ Moving Day
◆ Katie's Vet Loves Pets
◆ Drawing and Learning About Cats
◆ Moo, Katie Woo!
◆ Keep Dancing, Katie
◆ Katie's Spooky Sleepover
◆ Katie's Noisy Music
◆ Katie's New Shoes
◆ Katie Woo, Super Scout
◆ Katie Woo's Crazy Critter Jokes
◆ Katie Woo Has the Flu
◆ Katie Saves the Earth
◆ Katie Saves Thanksgiving
◆ Katie in the Kitchen
◆ Katie Goes Camping
◆ Mystery Coins
◆ Missing Trumpet
◆ Slime Attack
◆ Beach Bandit
◆ Crazy Clues
◆ Surprise Prize
◆ Ghost Sounds
◆ Katie Finds a Job
◆ Katie Blows Her Top
◆ Haunted House
◆ Alice in Wonderland
◆ Katie and the Haunted Museum
◆ Katie and the Fancy Substitute
◆ The Story of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor: A Roman Constellation Myth
◆ Katie and the Class Pet
◆ It Doesn't Need to Rhyme, Katie
◆ Helping Mayor Patty
◆ Goodbye to Goldie
◆ Nervous Night
◆ Good Morning, Farmer Carmen!
◆ Friends in the Mail
◆ Fly High, Katie
◆ Flower Girl Katie
◆ Daddy Can't Dance
◆ Cowgirl Katie
◆ Cartwheel Katie
◆ Boss of the World
◆ Boo, Katie Woo!
◆ Best Season Ever
◆ Happy Day
◆ Underworld Clash
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
a ride 在 Kris_Rider Youtube 的最讚貼文
但由於疫情關係 大家沒能好好聚聚
所以 今天的車隊首航
希望大家騎車安全 騎車開心
期待下次 再與大家出遊!~
#bmwmotorrad #南部汎德車隊
a ride 在 加藤ミリヤ Official YouTube Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
アルバム「WHO LOVES ME」より先行配信スタート!
▼『WHO LOVES ME』プリオーダー
I'll never come back here again
Empty memories
No words can explain it enough
Burnin` inside me like the sun
I want you but no second chance
Remember our days
I was really dumb before
Honestly now I miss you more
Now everything’s so far away
I’m so lonely
I’ve never felt this way
Don’t want to live with regrets
Won’t you come back here to me
I will see you in your dreams
I can feel you even though you are gone
I’ve been searching for a way
Another you is not the same
I’ma make it through and live one more day
In dreams give me a piece of your mind
Stay here with me for one last joy ride
こんな痛みくらいJust fine
Gonna find 行くべき道を
君もおいでよ ここにおいでよ
I’m gonna find a way
I won't waste all the pain you've given me
standing strong
to learn from suffering
just live day by day
Won’t you come back here to me
I will see you in your dreams
I can feel you even though you are gone
I’ve been searching for a way
Another you is not the same
I’ma make it through and live one more day
In dreams give me a piece of your mind
Stay here with me for one last joy ride
a ride 在 楷教練 Youtube 的精選貼文
這是2021 四月初拍攝的,難得一次全家三天兩夜的旅行。紀錄了我如何在旅遊時保持健身與飲食,甚至吃素的習慣。希望朋友們喜歡。
片頭曲: Cancun 演唱:楷教練
片中曲:Let’s go for a ride 演唱:楷教練
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楷教練 - 6號 #Yellow Viper 限量版黃毒蛇 - 95折優惠
Muscle Fuel 乳清蛋白粉網址
#旅遊 #吃素 #健身#小琉球