恐懼才是沙也馬蘭的殺手鐗 - 《詭老》
近年每次說起美藉印度裔導演沙也馬蘭(M. Night Shyamalan) ,通常離不開幾個關鍵詞:一再中伏、突破下限、永續爛片等等。近日看到有社交媒體上的電影專頁介紹他的新作《詭老》Old,不少網民留言質疑這套電影會否跟他往常作品一樣地差劣,似乎不少觀眾光了看到導演欄的名字就多少有點卻步。而且,這個對沙也馬蘭的壞印象似乎不止發生在香港,全世界的電影觀眾看來都對這對導演的作品有所保留。
在了解現在大眾對沙也馬蘭的負面評價是否公允之前,必先知道他在很久之前為何被受追捧。曾幾何時,沙也馬蘭是大逆轉結局(Twist Ending)的代言人。透過懸疑性高的故事線,以及完全意料之外的結局,他的電影得到大眾的寵愛。回到他的成名作《鬼眼》The Sixth Sense上映時,大部分觀眾千想萬想也估不到一直治療陰陽眼男孩的心理醫生主角,到頭來竟發現自己正是亡魂之一。那份震憾,相信有看過電影的觀眾都記憶猶新。之後沙也馬蘭乘著人氣,拍了另一部題材不一,但結尾亦相當出人意表的《不死劫》Unbreakable。自此,沙也馬蘭這個品牌就和「結局」掛了勾,彷彿看他的電影就會自然對故事結局有相當期待,看看他會怎樣扭橋,令觀眾大吃一驚。然而,在他接下來的幾套作品,包括《驚兆》Signs、《森魔》The Village、《禍水》Lady in the Water、《破天慌》The Happening等,雖然繼續嘗試不同主題,結局亦有出現招牌性扭橋,評價卻未有如前作般高,相信普遍是由於大眾對大逆轉結局期望落差,而忽略了沙也馬蘭電影本身的質素,以及連貫他的作品的重要元素 – 恐懼。
在這裏,不得不提沙也馬蘭在2013年執導的「大爛片」《末日1000年》After Earth。這段日子沙也馬蘭的評價已經由被捧上天的天才導演跌到地底泥的爛片王。《末》夥拍韋史密夫父子,因角色設定,父親韋史密夫其實出場時間不多,主角其實是兒子積頓史密夫。正值他經歷青春期,由在《尋找快樂的故事》The Pursuit of Happyness裏非常可愛的童星變成一個相貌(比起父親)不算出眾的年輕演員。可能是這個原因,加上觀眾對沙也馬蘭的印象越來越差,電影口碑不好,成為導演其中一個污點。《末》故事單薄處無可否認是弱點,然而在這些局限之下,沙也馬蘭的處理其實花了不少心思,對恐懼與及危機的描寫十分細膩,值得大眾重新評估。導演處理未來末日與荒廢地球,比其他同類型的電影獨到,具有實感之餘亦見新穎。配合場景、聲效、鏡頭運用,有助觀眾一樣置身於同一個環境。最印象深刻的是主角抵達時的那個森林,不用太多情節上的驚嚇元素,但很容易就令觀眾感到心寒。
《詭老》亦然,它的故事簡單而荒誔,若非沙也馬蘭的技巧,這套電影可能會離奇得只會令觀眾感到詫異。電影講述主角一家四口來到熱帶地區一所渡假村,並前往由酒店經理推薦的私人沙灘消遣。怎料到,沙灘上數個家庭皆有成員身體出現變化,小孩的短時間成長成為青年; 中年的又瞬間老化。更可怕的是,他們全部人都離不開這個沙灘,只可以滯留在這個渡假天堂迅速等死。《詭》可能是沙也馬蘭的作品之中最為離奇的一套。它的誇張程度令我想到數年前「臭名遠播」的《媽媽!》Mother!。當年由Darren Aronofsky 執導的極具爭議之作,由一個郊區家庭所遇到的離奇怪事,發展出極度荒誔的暴力事件,借一系列的隱喻對聖經作出諷刺。《媽》的評價非常差劣,差到電影宣傳公司直接把影評人的負評印上電影電報,並以「史上最具爭議性的電影」作招徠。《媽》的失敗很大程度上來自失真,縱使大家都知那是寓言型式故事,但以不合理的情節作隱喻太過明顯,效果出來低手,最後不被觀眾接納。
同是十分誇張的《詭》,則著重於令觀眾瘋狂的恐懼感。電影厲害之處,是導演利用純熟而其他荷里活導演欠缺的技法製造一層又一層的危機,呈現一個時間緊迫卻又離不開的困局地境,令觀眾忙得分身不暇,沒有理會或要求故事上合理性。這個故事的恐懼感沿自幾個要素,第一,是沙灘上有超自然力量,讓人迅速老去; 第二,不知為何,沒有人可以離開這個沙灘,每次有人嘗試離開,皆會因為頭部感受到劇痛而最終昏倒; 第三,則是人性在這困局下的扭曲。換言之,第一點是和時間相關,第二點則是和地理有關,第三點則是人性的懦弱和可怕。
after earth 結局 在 去倫敦上插畫課 Facebook 的精選貼文
第二週Storytelling 工作坊。
以下是100 words story- An Encounter on a Lonely Road孤獨途中的邂逅:
After trying hundreds and thousands of ways to escape this cold, dim and lifeless undeveloped planet, I finally realise that I am merely a genetically modified Immortal animal or 'A Machine' searching for life and living places for human.
"Are you the only creature here?" I asked.
"Yes. I think you are from the Earth." Said the stranger in front of me.
"Well, I don't want to go back anymore." I said.
There were sincerity and tears in both of our eyes.
"Thanks for being here. We're not alone now. "
今天老師跟我們分享了好多篇知名短篇小說的開頭,好的故事開頭能夠快速吸引讀者,讓人想繼續看下去。老師讓我們想一個故事,人物設定要平凡,但會有意想不到的結局,然後寫下故事的開頭。我和另一個同學寫了: “She had not expected that she would be nose touching with an alien.”
第二階段,老師要我們把功課100字的故事用10-15個字濃縮,我抓出了故事主旨,寫了: “I thought I didn’t belong to anyone before I finally find you.”
“Where are you, my owner? Where are you? Where are you? I miss you! random people keep using me. They're rudely rubbing me, scratching me, throwing me on the floor and even taking my clothes off.” “Whose eraser is this?” “I don't know. Should we take it home? Somebody doesn't want it, I guess.” people keep discussing. “My dear owner, is that true you don't want me anymore? I can still remember the days I spent time with you and your drawings. You are always gentle and clean. I want to go home, go back to you, to my friends: pens and ruler.”
“Dear owner, it's been a while. I'm so weak and thing. Before turning into eraser dust and disappear in this world, I hope that I can see you again.”
after earth 結局 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
現代人追求表面的美,在自己的家裡東敲西打,破壞了整個格局,所以妳自己從妳的客人那裡也知道,很多新加坡人外表很風光,在臉書上總是說去哪裡吃,哪裡玩,今天買了什麼,和家人一起做什麼。我告訴妳,很多是騙人的,沒有錢的,根本談不上home sweet home。
很多家庭欠債的,要離婚的,孩子不聽話不會讀書,父母得看小孩的臉色做人,家庭吵架、婚外情,家人重病、心理病的、精神病的、小孩子憂鬱症的,脾氣不好、生意失敗的,事業不振, 很多問題, 就是因為家裡外在內在的風水都不好。」
玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu 正月初八晚上,會舉辦一年一度的拜天公活動。他過去兩年都帶領著一些國人一起為自己的家庭和國家祈福。屆時,如果您有心想學習,請關注師父的臉書專頁。
"There will be more and more problems, in Singapore's fortune outlook."
About three years ago, Shifu told me this. It was not long after Mr Lee Kuan Yew's death.
I asked Shifu why he said so.
Shifu replied, "From a Chinese Metaphysics point of view, when a country is prosperous, it is linked to the Bazi compatibility of the leader, and/or other important people. The Bazi can complement the Bazi of the country. Sometimes, because there is this important figure, whose presence can hold a country together and subjugate disasters from happening and people who wish to bully Singapore will back off."
"So it was possible for Singapore, such a small country of no natural resources, to build something up, and outperform its neighbouring countries. And when this person is no longer around, with no suitable replacement, then vile forces will pervade and the country will start to enter a cycle of poor luck."
"Secondly, in the name of more prosperity, Singapore is digging holes everywhere. This will severely damage the vitality force in the land, injuring the dragon qi. Moreover, the housing nowadays are poorly built, from a Feng Shui viewpoint. When you followed me on my Feng Shui audits at condos, you saw that their internal Feng Shui were even worse than HDB."
"People nowadays are only going for beauty. So they do not think twice when they hack the walls in their homes, destroying the whole structure. You see it in your clients too. Many Singaporeans only look good on the outside, posting about where they dine, where they go to have fun, what they bought, what they did with their families. Let me tell you this, many are lying. Many are having money problems. There is no home sweet home to speak of."
"Many families are in debt, facing divorce, have children who are disobedient and unwilling to study. Parents have to behave accordingly to the moods of their children. There are domestic quarrels and extramarital affairs. There are family members who are gravely ill, have psychological problems, mental issues and even kids have depression. Tempers are short, businesses do not perform well, careers are stagnant and many other problems, are caused by the poor external and internal Feng Shui."
"Thirdly, Singapore should not have casinos. This planted a seed of grave karma and will destroy many people and families. You see, there was a lady who called me. She used to work in the police, but she ended up visiting the casino too often and was fired by the police force. When there is gambling, there will be ghosts around, and vile energies will definitely be present. Anyone who gets stained by these energies will be mentally controlled by the ghosts. When the ghost wants you to visit the casino, you will surely go, despite knowing that it is not a good thing to do, nor is it advisable. This is why when you asked if I wished to dine at Marina Bay Sands during its opening, I told you that wasn't a place for spiritual cultivators to go. You shouldn't go."
I hastily shook my head and waved my hands.
"No, never, Shifu, I've no intention of going. I once went there to buy a piece of clothing. I didn't even stepped into the casino and I told Teng Qing, I wouldn't want to go there again. The energies there aren't great. My head spun as I stepped into the building. It looked impressive on the outside, but inside, the energies are very yin. Just that ordinary people aren't able to tell."
"But Shifu, you once said, the Feng Shui of Singapore also indicates that there are many illegal doings and businesses going on, comparable to that of Malaysia. So whether there are casinos or not, why will there be such an impact?"
"That's why I say, you never learnt properly what I taught you. Illegal activities are done secretly, in the dark and it can't be seen. But once you legalised it, as it surfaces to the top, the devastating effects of the vile energies will be even stronger. We humans cannot sacrifice morals for the sake of more prosperity and money. This will lead to failure due to shortsightedness."
I recalled, 5 to 6 years ago, the husband was ferrying Shifu in his car and drove past Fort Canning Hill. Shifu looked outside the window and curiously asked, "What are they digging?"
The husband replied, "Shifu, the government is building a MRT station, so they are digging the tunnel."
At that time, Shifu sighed, "They are digging too deep. When they keep digging into this dragon, we Singapore are going to have racial disharmony, anti-government problems and decline in the country's fortunes and many other problems."
Later on, I learnt that Fort Canning MRT Station won the Top Tunnelling Project of the Year at an international ceremony, because of the high difficulty level in the tunnelling feat. The excavation and tunnelling must be really deep and complicated. I wonder if there is any master that gave them pointers to repair the damaged dragon qi? Otherwise, the loss will outweigh the gain.
That day, when I walked past Sengkang General Hospital, I was reminded of my various hospital trips to visit family and friends, and couldn't helped but sighed.
The more hospitals there are, it means the sickness karma of our countrymen are getting more serious. My Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, once expounded that hospitals are hell in this mortal world:
"In hospitals, the doctors will open up your brain and dig your eyes. They open up your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. All these parts need to be operated. Actually, the hospital is the realm of Hell. Look at the people who are ill, who isn't suffering? A sick person is suffering. These sufferings, while very far away from that in the Hell, but aren't that far either. It is painful to be sick. When you are sick, you lie in the hospital and are at the whim of the doctor to be operated on. Actually when a hospital opens, it is like opening another Hell. The surgeon who holds the surgery knife in his hand is like the hell guard. Really!
The inside of the hospital is just like Hell. Everything can be operated on, like amputating your leg, amputate your hand, digging out your eyes, opening up your brain, dragging out the whole of your intestines, cutting away your intestines, and even cutting away your stomach. We called this borderland. Not the real Hell, but the borderland of Hell.
So don't say there isn't retribution. A person falls sick, because his karmic obstacles are severe. So he gets hospitalised and is up to the doctor to slaughter. For example, for breathing difficulties, the doctor will perform tracheotomy. He open up your throat and connect a tube. You will consume your food through the tube and also breathe through it. Your whole body is connected with tubes. That is the realm of Hell."
(20141130 His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma discourse after Preta-dana at 甘露精舍)
A big hospital is a big Hell. A small hospital is a small Hell. Anyone who has been to hospitals knows that there isn't any great energies to speak about. I have visited several new hospitals and the Feng Shui inside is a headache. Hence cases of doctor misdiagnosis, mistreatment that cause death, negligence by nurses, lack of timely patient care, wrong medicine prescribed by pharmacies etc, will only continue to happen and at an increasing rate. So to friends who have hospitalised family, please be conscious and ask the right questions. Understand what the doctor prescribed and what the nurses are doing.
When the environmental Feng Shui is bad, man's heart will also go wayward and his luck will roll downhill. Problems in the physical body and heart will get more and more fanciful.
Unfortunately, some of us are over-influenced by the Western culture. They think that learning Chinese isn't important and conveniently dismissed Feng Shui as superstition. When I asked what research they had done to come to this conclusion, they usually stammer and can't answer me logically.
My advice: don't be impatient. Don't be eager to disbelieve. When your thinking is not supported by genuine in-depth research, you are superstitious. Many things in life are worth studying. When you learn this in-depth, you will realise that Feng Shui is more scientific than science, far away from what you think old wives' tale are made up of.
2019 the year of the Earth Pig is not a good year for Singapore. There will be many internal and external conflicts. Our country will fall sick, with its luck declining.
Some people chose to point their fingers at the government. I understand for every cause, there will be an effect. However, the rise and fall of our nation concerns all of us.
Whether the government does a good job or not, as the children of our country, we should all lend a helping hand to fellow countrymen. If criticism does not lead to a viable result to improve the problem, then it is just an expression of the displeasure inside the person.
To repay the debt of gratitude to our country generates merits for ourselves. These merits can drive away our karmic creditors and resolve the disasters and obstacles we face. We are also leading by example to our children what it means to repay the debt of gratitude to our country.
When the seed of causation is proper, there will be no fruits of sorrow, but instead, fruits of joy and celebrations.
So all of us should strive to create positive seeds of causation, and that will naturally reap us positive fruits. Don't commit the five evils of killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and consumption of intoxicants like alcohol and drugs. Your proper conduct has the ability to help the people around you and of course, improve your family fortunes. Accumulating merits is critical, as these reserves will always come in handy to help us during our emergency times.
When you pray to the Tai Sui this year, please light a Lamp of Illumination for Singapore too. When you pray, please also pray for the good fortune of Singapore etc.
Every year on the night of the 8th day of the 1st Lunar Month, 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu will conduct a prayer ceremony to pay homage to the Supreme Jade Emperor. In the past two years, he had led other like-minded participants to pray for blessings for themselves and our nation. If you are keen to learn, do follow Shifu's FB page for notifications.
When I was at the KK hospital, I overheard a lady, probably in her 30s, that she was here for an operation to remove her entire womb. Momentarily, I felt sad for her.
I hope for everyone to have good moral conduct, great Feng Shui and good fortune.
May everyone who is hospitalised get to go home safely and healthily.
May all the sons of Singapore who go for army training, also return home safely and in one piece. Namo Amitabha.