[做intern 要貼錢,古已有之]TLDR:其實冇嘢嘅,你情我願。公司都係想篩走啲冇誠意嘅人。不過顧下啲窮學生感受好喎。
蘋果原文: 對沖基金請「煙腸」 要人倒貼兩萬元返工 (https://bit.ly/3axrwP9)
1. 首先,其實好似冇話冇人工要倒貼。只係話你知嗰舊培訓錢要拎返。咁我估當事人可以argue:兩皮嘢唔係好多錢(對金融才俊嚟講,但,對窮學生呢?),可以篩走啲無聊人。即係同我家寶貝女相睇,放低五皮先,唔好個個入嚟望兩眼。(有朋友報料話呢個放低兩皮嘢好似係新加上去的,可能之前真係有啲混吉友了)
2. 某程度都錯唔晒,姐係以前我地開talk咁,發現免費就好多混吉人,嚟拎西餅涼冷氣。但你收返廿蚊五十蚊,雖則都係濕碎,就少好多騎呢人。
3. 佢檔嘢,聽聞都10億美金AUM(Asset under management),咁當你two and twenty(#) (而家係咪冇咁著數了?),齋管理費都成1000萬美金啦,真係唔爭在嗰幾皮嘢。所以我估真係诙睇誠意。
4. 咁但,都係怪怪地架啦。感覺都係要人貼錢打工。使唔使Pantry個茶包計返錢咁?「你知我唔志在,但睇你有冇誠意」。個感覺好撚似我溝條女,約食飯都未見到就要幫佢買點數卡咁咯。「睇你有冇誠意」「你自願架」
5. 呢類貼錢問題,就三個角度睇。
6. 首先省靚portfolio 或者學到嘢之後,無數咁多行業都有啦。講真有供有求啫,又唔係咩恃強凌弱。等於有人畀錢要同畢菲特食飯聽佢講嘢,但又有人畀錢要人聽佢講嘢。冇嘢架喎。
7. 我公司都新嚟個煙腸,我都講笑同佢講,我地呢度有嘢玩有嘢學有嘢食(未限聚前久不久請佢食飯架)。都真係架,埃汾嘅專業培訓華盛頓式嘅巫師分享,你估唔值錢?你就當我N年前幫人補習都幾舊水個鐘啦,係咪先。
8. 咁所以如果你當件事係上堂學嘢,睇佢都教你好多嘢,兩皮嘢,值丫。「其實請唔請超齡煙腸」
9. 掉轉頭,扯,實不相瞞,我幫好多媒體寫稿,都係一個仙稿費都冇架啦。絶大多數時間上電視都係一個仙都冇啦。行規係咁。你係陶傑咪有,咁我唔係嘛。唔少公司畀錢買版位寫添,有啲作者出錢搵人幫佢訪問添。咁姐係你賺咗名氣或者有得自high又點計先。
10. 「做生意姐講供求架,有人買咪有人賣囉」。咁事實係丫,你Financial Times畀我寫專欄嘅,貼錢我都寫呀。
11. 咁同樣地,其實好多情況都真係「可以」咁的。例如我舊舖,啲後生仔都爭崩頭入嚟做煙腸。講真,我肯定唔畀人工都大把人嚟。但,咁我地唔會咁無良嘛。
12. 因為,比較核突咯。講真,煙腸嗰啲人工,你估好多咩。「拿高盛我唔知啦聽講煙腸都返幾個月夠首期買樓」(*),但我舊舖唔係咯。咁,慳你幾皮嘢,畀人唱咩,核突嘛。
13. 況且,咁你真係有點人做嘢嘛,就唔好咁咩咯。即係埃汾年少時去麥當勞做MT試工,都炸過幾日薯條,最尾嗰日都冇做,但人地都計返足人工畀你嘛。大公司,呃你呢啲嘢咩。一定同你計清楚,費事你走去講足幾廿年話爭你幾百蚊工錢(**)
14. 另一樣嘢又係,唔好搞到惡性競爭嘛。人都係咁自私,醫生係咁,CFA都係咁。我果年讀精算啲同學就好好,加上埃汾呢啲暑假梗係寫文補習打機睇波溝女做愛(溝女唔做愛溝嚟做乜?唔好咁虛偽好喎),就唔係啲咩year one十二月搵煙腸三月有屙化五月返工然後year two已經有份工等住佢嗰啲精英啦。但,我對下一屆,喂,有條友,寫免費幫人做intern喎,結果都好似引嚟啲微言。但我啲師弟妹有冇聯手封殺我就唔知啦—畢竟我地唔係醫生
15. 仲有,除咗有點核突之外,我地講遠少少。社會公義呀。流動性呀。即係我覺得無薪勞動都算,其實都仆街架啦。啲窮學生可能寧願去返七十一都唔會做煙腸,因為多啲錢(***)。你仲要掉低幾皮嘢嘅,你即係玩死啲窮學生啫。咁對個社會就唔多好咯。咁當然如果公司其實係想篩走晒啲窮撚嘅,咁肯定會好成功。
16. 其他行業都差不多,即係啲咩影相呀,都想去影呀邊個邊個世紀大婚省靚自己份CV啦。但你係個大明星去叫人貼錢影又另一回事,比較核突啲咯。咁吹你唔脹嘅
17. Anyway,望落好似冇犯法。咁都係自由交易,有供有求,佢有佢咁玩嘅自由。有人做咪即係啱價咯。但係,咁畀人批評,都係人地自由啫。
18. 又,都係我啲小友醒目,佢地話,嘩,財路呀。一件兩皮,十件就廿皮架啦!幫補下租金都好!仲要有人幫佢做嘢—我話,扯,我同你地食飯吹水夠獲益良多啦,仲係我畀錢添請食飯添呀!唔通又樣樣計住咩。
19. 所以就算大家唔訂我個Patreon我都唔會怨恨架!之但係,「最好就唔好咁啦,嗰少少錢」。(唔會有人以為我打咁大篇文只為賣自己廣告下話)
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一個星期至少三篇,一個月一舊水唔使,開張幾日已近300人訂,仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
(#)two and twenty 應該out咗十年,但循例解下。對沖基金當年嘅「例牌」收費。你嘅AUM,每年2%做管理費,硬堀,賺錢蝕錢都要畀,當交租之類。另外,有賺嘅,入面分你20%。咁又係嗰句,願打願捱啦。最神級嘅基金經理乜水?反而外行人未必聽過,Renaissance Technologies嘅Jim Simons。知唔知收幾多?收four and fifty-five!硬堀4%,有賺嘅佢分55你分45。夠辣未?畀埋條命你好未?但就係大把人仆住去。因為回報真係神級,係畀佢斬完一大舊都仲係神級。詳情可睇《The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution》一書。明顯我係未睇。
「argue management」的推薦目錄:
argue management 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#路透社/紐約時報 #Reuters via NYT
//Claudia Mo, opposition lawmaker:
“When they say 'day is night and dark is light' you just can't argue because they are the law. But this is not the rule of law, this is not even rule by law. This is rule by decree. Because anything that's up to their interpretation. The free press could just be announced dead in Hong Kong.
//“This would tell you that they want not just to get us, but to intimidate us into inaction, into a catatonic state. And the fact that they would put down in black and white that they would strengthen ... the management and over the foreign media in Hong Kong is another dire warning."//
argue management 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文
【From 500 to 1】
Next week we're back with another AI Meetup, this time about why small companies need (good) management, even more than big ones!
Our speaker is Mike Calcagno. He spent 17 years at Microsoft, where, among other things he co-founded, launched, and led the development of Cortana, as it grew from a somewhat unpopular idea to the centerpiece of Microsoft's AI strategy. In 2016, he left the company to find a second career, and that exploration led to Taiwan, and his current roles as an adviser at Taiwan AI Labs, and founder of SoopahGenius, an early stage startup working on enhancing human creativity through technology.
For this event, Mike will highlight the common pitfalls of poor management and share his experiences on how to run a startup while using his knowledge of how big companies are run. Bad management, pointless meetings, and stuffy corporate bureaucracy are arguably the norm in modern corporate life. Many startup founders, having been exposed to this brand of anti-leadership at some point, postpone introducing what they see as bureaucracy into their new companies as long as possible.
Mike will argue that this is a mistake. On the contrary, good management makes everyone's job easier, and it can be an invisible impact multiplier that small companies should take advantage of when they need it most, i.e., when they are very small. He'll share what he's learned in the course of my career about becoming and being a manager, and how he's applying these lessons to his own startup.
About the Speaker:
Mike Calcagno
Founder and CEO, SoopahGenius, Inc.
Adviser, Taiwan AI Labs
AppWorks is now accepting applications for AW#19! If you're an AI or Blockchain startup, please apply thru this link >> http://bit.ly/2VsnbIX
Language: English
Livestream available.
Light refreshments will be served.
- Natalie Feng Lin, Analyst
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