#台以關係 、透過文化、教育交流,相信一定能夠持續向前。
非常高興邀請到以色列學者,曾在中研院服務過的Dr. Mor Sobol 博士來分享台以關係。
博士分享了台灣與以色列,過去在核子計畫上合作的案例,也談到以色列因其軍事、技術水準高,投射出來的能量遠超過傳統區域強權,比方說技術轉移中國、台灣、因而導致當地軍事均勢被破壞的情事、以及因此捲入政治風暴的案例。(比方說被美國要求不准轉移某技術給中國、但已經簽約、違約導致鉅額賠償給中國的案例)Sobol 博士認為,這是以方許多首相過去擔任軍職,注重實用、效率,比較缺乏外交經驗的關係導致。
We are very pleased to have Dr. Mor Sobol, an Israeli academic who has worked in Academia Sinica to share his views on Taiwan-Israel relations. He shared cases of former collaboration in nuclear projects between Taiwan and Israel. He also mentioned that due to the superior caliber of Israel’s military and science, his country has been able to spread far stronger influence than traditional regional powers. Examples include the case where offering tech transfers to China or Taiwan in turn tipping off the balance of military power in the region. However, in that particular case, the contract was signed, and the breach of contract resulted in large penalty to China.)
Dr. Sobol also mentioned that Taiwan’s strategy when dealing with Israel and other foreign countries should not be bogged by formalities. Instead, substantial and concrete relationships should be goal.