Hi! I'm in this awesome court house in @clinkhostels here on Kings Cross! Been on the computer almost all day listening to pre recorded ideas... do I have enough for an album? Hmmmmmm 😏#albumsearch #london #clink78 #court
clink78 在 嗯嗯。莉莉嗯 Touch and Life Facebook 的精選貼文
【CLINK 261-Hostel】
雖然是10人房但是床位超大設備超新還在超級方便的king cross雖然一個晚上也是不便宜(約台幣一千)但倫敦這個價錢真的算是公道了網路早餐都不用錢(你如果住在YHA那早餐網路都要錢喔還有可能混浴的樣子),進出都有門禁卡管制一開始還打算帶腳踏車鎖的我根本想太多哈哈哈哈(或者是我的是有人太好),早餐還是吃到飽有夠豐富女生也有專用的洗衣間、廁所、淋浴間!! 大推拉
Staffs are friendly.
Breakfast is great.
Clean and Safe.
Facilities are quite news and convenient(except there doesnt have place for drying your hair tho you can try it in your room before people sleep).
Public area is clean and quiet ( cos no bar here,the bar is at Clink78)
clink78 在 單人跨國漫遊 Facebook 的最佳貼文