定宇摘要分享日本新任首相岸田的幾個施政方針,來源為日經亞洲Nikkei Asia和其他國際媒體、智庫…
日本自民黨新任黨魁,也是第100任內閣首相岸田文雄Fumio Kishida,對付中國將是岸田內閣的首要問題,面對中國侵略式的外交和經濟,岸田提出深沈的警告,也將在各個面向努力,確保日本的安全和利益。
Dealing with China would be a top priority in his government, Fumio Kishida, a contender to succeed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, told Nikkei, expressing “deep alarm” at Beijing’s aggressive behavior on the diplomatic and economic fronts.
To protect “basic values such as freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights, we will work with those that share the same values, such as the U.S., Europe, India and Australia, to stand against authoritarian systems,” Kishida said in an recent interview.
Economic security is high on his agenda. As Washington and Beijing compete for technological dominance, Japan, the U.S., Taiwan and South Korea are scrambling to coordinate to secure supply chains for strategically important goods such as semiconductors.
“I will protect our nation’s geopolitical interests with a focus on the economy,” he said.
On defense, Kishida emphasized the need for the capabilities to strike enemy missile bases to prevent to an imminent attack. “Even if missile defense systems block a first attack,” having capabilities to attack enemy bases could “protect people’s lives if a second or more shots are being launched,” he said.
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- 關於compete against 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
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Are you ready?
On September 23rd, our #SecretRift squad will represent Philippines at the Wild Rift SEA Championship!
We will compete against some of the best teams at SEA on Group A to secure our way to Playoffs. Keep supporting us fam 🖤
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#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀3條
│本週開除 Paramount 片廠主席之後,ViacomCBS 要把旗下這家百年電影片廠變成一個什麼樣的部門?│
• 本週好萊塢唯一比 Christopher Nolan 改投 Universal 更稱得上是震撼彈的消息是:華爾街日報披露擁有 ViacomCBS 的 Redstone 家族無預警地請旗下的電影製片廠 Paramount 的主席兼執行長 Jim Gianopulos 打包走人。 Jim Gianopulos 在2017年空降 Paramount 之前,原本在 Fox 主管 20th Century Fox、Fox Searchlight、Fox 2000、Fox Animation/Blue Sky Studios 等等多個製片廠,並且擁有《Titanic 鐵達尼號》和《Avatar 阿凡達》兩部打破一切記錄的電影資歷。
• 突然換將的理由是繼承父親 Sumner Redstone 事業的 Shri Redstone 準備大幅改組整個 ViacomCBS 集團。 Sumner Redstone 過世前原本堅持 Viacom 和 CBS 應該拆分成兩個集團,並且從未將正在崛起的串流當成集團最優先的業務。直到女兒好不容易接班,才費盡力氣說服兩個公司股東合併的利大於弊,尤其是整合起來的片庫才有機會加入串流大戰。經歷這些波折之後, ViacomCBS 姍姍來遲地在今年3月推出串流服務 Paramount+。
• 有鑑於競爭對手 Disney 和 WarnerMedia 都在去年就經歷深度組織改造,以打造完全以串流為第一優先的團隊(Warner 明年還要面臨與 Discovery 整併的另一波改組), Shri Redstone 因此將進一步改組 Paramount 這家百年老片廠。未來 Paramount 旗下的電影製作業務和電視製作業務將被拆分開來,其中電影製作將改由目前監管兒童頻道 Nickelodeon的 Brian Robbins 接手,電視製作將由 ViacomCBS 電視事業主管 David Nevins 兼管。過去一年好萊塢的改組多半與淘汰傳統電影思維有關,希望讓大腦更貼近串流業務的人可以掌握更大的決策權。被突然撤換的 Paramount 主席兼執行長 Jim Gianopulos 顯然不是老闆心目中的那個串流大腦。
• 去年疫情剛剛在全球擴散的時候,我曾寫過一篇文章回顧 Paramount 如何利用1918年橫掃全球的西班牙流感疫情,併購下游電影院,打造好萊塢第一個橫跨製作、發行和映演的超級托拉斯。100年後 Paramount 為何成為遠遠落後對手的下場?
• Forbes 的分析認為一切都跟 COVID-19 疫情完全無關, Paramount 已經在下坡路上好一陣子了。不過才幾年前 Paramount 原本還是不可一世的那家,不僅有 Tom Cruise 的《Mission Impossible 不可能的任務》系列、Hasbro 合作《Transformers 變形金剛》系列、DreamWorks Animation 的《Kung Fu Panda 功夫熊貓》系列,許多人可能早就忘記如今歸在米老鼠帝國旗下的 LucasFilm 的 Indiana Jones 系列電影以及 Marvel 的《Iron Man 鋼鐵人》系列電影原本都是以 Paramount 電影的名義發行。Paramount 一系列致命的錯誤決策包括把 Indiana Jones 讓渡給 Disney 以便跟 Disney 交換當時的超級製作人 Jerry Bruckheimer 的合作合約,另外一個更令他們後悔莫及的決策就是在 Disney 出價之前回絕了收購 Marvel 的提議。Paramount 隨後一系列搞砸的製作包含《Star Trek Beyond 星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠》《Downsizing 縮小人生》、《Annihilation 滅絕》和《Gemini Man 雙子殺手》,等於早在疫情襲來之前就已陷入和 Fox 有七十八分像的死亡螺旋。
• Hollywood Reporter 則認為 Paramount 的主席兼執行長 Jim Gianopulos 在過去這段期間深深陷入了無解的兩難。他的左手是大老闆 Shari Redstone 不斷施壓希望他盡可能餵更多內容給現在集團的一切希望所在—— 串流服務 Paramout+。他的右手則還要應付當家小生 Tom Cruise 的《Mission: Impossible 不可能的任務》和《Top Gun 捍衛戰士》 兩個系列電影必須一延再延的財務壓力,以滿足這些明星和創作者對於電影院專屬發行的不可能的堅持。
• Nickelodeon 的執行長 Brian Robbins 來做難道就有解?來自內部消息人士的說法指出 Paramount 仍會守住電影院這個通路,不過目前為止該公司其實從來沒有白紙黑字公開說過類似的話。ViacomCBS 的財務長 Naveen Chopra 則試圖安撫大家的焦慮,認為 Nickelodeon 的執行長 Brian Robbins 同時熟悉傳統發行通路和串流這個未來商業模式,自然可以掌握平衡點。值得注意的是 Brian Robbins 在專心當專業經理人之前其實做過製片和導演,還執導過運動電影《Varsity Blues 主力難當》和喜劇電影《Norbit 糯米正傳》。另外一個內部消息來源認為 Brian Robbins 至少比 WarnerMedia 執行長 Jason Kilar 更懂電影,因為 Kilar 完全是串流技術背景,才會把 Warner 的串流轉型搞得天怒人怨。
• 但另外一個不太妙的角度來自一個不具名的同業告訴 Hollywood Reporter 說「在我記憶範圍內 Brian Robbins 此生從未監管過任何一部讓人喊 WOW 的電影」。報導也認為Nickelodeon 的執行長 Brian Robbins 之所以雀屏中選是因為他早先在疫情中發行的動畫電影《PAW Patrol: The Movie 汪汪隊立大功電影版》。該片的三大特色 A) 預算節制 B) 和串流同步發行 C) 大量置入行銷很可能就是大老闆 Sumner Redstone 對於整個 Paramount 的未來期待。如果這個猜測成真,Paramount 恐怕會永遠跟那些昂貴的大片(以及昂貴的 Tom Cruise、他的昂貴分紅以及他對於電影院專屬發行的昂貴堅持)以及所有電影觀眾的 WOW 說再見。
◇ 新聞來源:
Jim Gianopulos Leaving Paramount As Chairman & CEO, Brian Robbins Expected To Take Over(https://flip.it/Nwqg.y)
Why Paramount Failed To Compete Against Disney And Netflix(https://flip.it/lvFPp1)
Shari Redstone’s Radical Paramount Overhaul Sets Up Clash With Filmmakers(https://flip.it/COzaG9)
│決心要滿足年輕的迷因股投資人就滿足到底,AMC電影院預計將開始收以太幣和萊特幣買電影票 │
◇ 新聞來源:AMC will let customers pay in Ethereum and Litecoin by the end of the year(https://flip.it/yBljm4)
│Christopher Nolan 開出的那些 Universal 無法回絕的條件曝光│
◇ 新聞來源:Here's Everything Christopher Nolan Demanded from Universal For His Oppenheimer Movie(https://flip.it/FHzuOI)
compete against 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的精選貼文
Yokohama, Showa retro ramen shop! I visited "Marimo" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is a ramen shop at the entrance of the retro bar Yokocho "Tanukikoji" at the west exit of Yokohama Station. It seems that it was founded in the Showa era according to its quaint appearance, and it is said that the second generation shopkeeper is "old to compete for the first and second place in Yokohama". It is a ramen shop with a relaxing atmosphere that has a solid menu of standard menus such as soy sauce ramen, miso ramen, and salt ramen. Let's take a look at the store!
* We take thorough measures against infection.*When shooting, we give due consideration to the shop and customers around us.
いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )
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神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen
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78才お爺ちゃんの屋台ラーメン『幸っちゃん』職人技ドキュメンタリー【飯テロ】虎ノ門後編 Old Style Ramen Stall in Tokyo

compete against 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
Watch Dogs: Legion
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/watch-dogs-legion
Watch Dogs: Legion is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective, and takes place within an open world setting based upon London, which can be explored either on foot - utilizing parkour moves - vehicles, or fast-travelling via the city's Underground stations. The game is composed of several missions, including those that progress the main story, liberation missions aimed at freeing the city's boroughs featured in the setting, recruitment missions for new playable characters, and various side-activities, with players able to freely pursue a mission or activity, or explore the city for secrets and collectibles. Each mission's objectives can be handled via one or several different approaches: an open-combat approach utilizing a variety of weapons; a stealth approach utilizing the environment to avoid detection and monitoring enemy patterns; or a hacking approach using any hackable object to subdue enemies with traps or distractions, while seeking out objectives via cameras and remotely accessing them. Combat includes a mixture of gun fights - involving lethal and non-lethal fire-arms - and hand-to-hand combat moves, with enemies making use of different methods depending on how the player acts against them in combat (i.e. a guard hit with a punch will use melee attacks). Players can be pursued by enemies when escaping, including hostile drones, but can lose them by utilizing hack-able environmental objects (i.e. vents) and avoiding line of sight with pursuers.
Unlike previous games in the series, Legion features the ability to use multiple characters during a playthrough, each of whom can be recruited from around the game's setting. While the player must choose a character to begin with after the story's prologue chapter, others may be recruited upon completing the initial story missions of the game from anywhere around the game's setting, which can also include those working for hostile factions. Those recruited become operatives that the player can freely switch to at any time, as well as customize with different clothing options, with each recruit-able character maintaining their own lifestyle and occupation when not active (i.e. spending time drinking at a pub). Each character that can be recruited have different traits and skills, based upon their background - a spy operative has access to a silenced pistol and can summon a special spy vehicle to travel around with, armed with rockets; a hooligan operative can summon in friends to help in a fist-fight; a builder operative can make use of large drones for heavy-lifting and a nail-gun for combat; while an "adrenaline junkie" operative can deal more damage, but risk the possibility of being knocked out/dying at any random moments. Operatives can gain experience when used by the player, which allows them to gain additional skills and abilities to improve them, with the player able to provide additional upgrades for all character by spending "tech points" - a collectible scattered around the city, which can be spent on weapon and gadget upgrades.
All potential recruits have an additional statistic, which details whether they can be recruited when approached - their thoughts on DedSec. Some recruits may not join if either they favour those that oppose them (such as a hostile faction), if the player has a character in their roster whom they hate or if DedSec did something to harm another NPC they have good relations with. If a recruit can be brought in, players will be required to complete a mission from them related to a problem they need resolving. An example of such a mission would be helping someone determine why they are being constantly spied on more frequently of late working as a vigilante in shutting down a criminal operation they seek to disrupt. Any character that can be recruited, can be killed during a playthrough by criminal gangs or law enforcement, and thus be permanently removed from the player's roster of playable characters, provided the player has the permadeath option enabled; if not, the character is merely arrested, and can be simply rescued by another operative. If the player loses all their characters from death or arrest, the game ends.
The online component of the game would be introduced through a free post-launch update in December 2020. Players can also join a team of up to four players in cooperative gameplay, sharing progression between single-player and multiplayer modes. They can also access Tactical Ops, which are co-operative missions designed for 4 players, or simply explore London together. The asymmetrical multiplayer mode Invasion would also return. The game also features a competitive multiplayer mode named "Spiderbot Arena" in which players assumes control of a gadget named spiderbot and compete against each other in free for all matches.

compete against 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
Watch Dogs: Legion
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/watch-dogs-legion
Watch Dogs: Legion is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective, and takes place within an open world setting based upon London, which can be explored either on foot - utilizing parkour moves - vehicles, or fast-travelling via the city's Underground stations. The game is composed of several missions, including those that progress the main story, liberation missions aimed at freeing the city's boroughs featured in the setting, recruitment missions for new playable characters, and various side-activities, with players able to freely pursue a mission or activity, or explore the city for secrets and collectibles. Each mission's objectives can be handled via one or several different approaches: an open-combat approach utilizing a variety of weapons; a stealth approach utilizing the environment to avoid detection and monitoring enemy patterns; or a hacking approach using any hackable object to subdue enemies with traps or distractions, while seeking out objectives via cameras and remotely accessing them. Combat includes a mixture of gun fights - involving lethal and non-lethal fire-arms - and hand-to-hand combat moves, with enemies making use of different methods depending on how the player acts against them in combat (i.e. a guard hit with a punch will use melee attacks). Players can be pursued by enemies when escaping, including hostile drones, but can lose them by utilizing hack-able environmental objects (i.e. vents) and avoiding line of sight with pursuers.
Unlike previous games in the series, Legion features the ability to use multiple characters during a playthrough, each of whom can be recruited from around the game's setting. While the player must choose a character to begin with after the story's prologue chapter, others may be recruited upon completing the initial story missions of the game from anywhere around the game's setting, which can also include those working for hostile factions. Those recruited become operatives that the player can freely switch to at any time, as well as customize with different clothing options, with each recruit-able character maintaining their own lifestyle and occupation when not active (i.e. spending time drinking at a pub). Each character that can be recruited have different traits and skills, based upon their background - a spy operative has access to a silenced pistol and can summon a special spy vehicle to travel around with, armed with rockets; a hooligan operative can summon in friends to help in a fist-fight; a builder operative can make use of large drones for heavy-lifting and a nail-gun for combat; while an "adrenaline junkie" operative can deal more damage, but risk the possibility of being knocked out/dying at any random moments. Operatives can gain experience when used by the player, which allows them to gain additional skills and abilities to improve them, with the player able to provide additional upgrades for all character by spending "tech points" - a collectible scattered around the city, which can be spent on weapon and gadget upgrades.
All potential recruits have an additional statistic, which details whether they can be recruited when approached - their thoughts on DedSec. Some recruits may not join if either they favour those that oppose them (such as a hostile faction), if the player has a character in their roster whom they hate or if DedSec did something to harm another NPC they have good relations with. If a recruit can be brought in, players will be required to complete a mission from them related to a problem they need resolving. An example of such a mission would be helping someone determine why they are being constantly spied on more frequently of late working as a vigilante in shutting down a criminal operation they seek to disrupt. Any character that can be recruited, can be killed during a playthrough by criminal gangs or law enforcement, and thus be permanently removed from the player's roster of playable characters, provided the player has the permadeath option enabled; if not, the character is merely arrested, and can be simply rescued by another operative. If the player loses all their characters from death or arrest, the game ends.
The online component of the game would be introduced through a free post-launch update in December 2020. Players can also join a team of up to four players in cooperative gameplay, sharing progression between single-player and multiplayer modes. They can also access Tactical Ops, which are co-operative missions designed for 4 players, or simply explore London together. The asymmetrical multiplayer mode Invasion would also return. The game also features a competitive multiplayer mode named "Spiderbot Arena" in which players assumes control of a gadget named spiderbot and compete against each other in free for all matches.

compete against 在 What Meta needs to do to compete against TikTok - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Scott Kessler of Third Bridge looks at Meta's earnings. With CNBC's Melissa Lee and the Fast Money traders, Karen Finerman, Steve Grasso, ... ... <看更多>
compete against 在 TB12 - "If you compete against me, you'd better be willing... 的推薦與評價
"If you compete against me, you'd better be willing to give up your life. Because I'm giving up mine." - #TB12 Tom vs. Time. Coming soon only on... ... <看更多>
compete against 在 "Compete with" or "compete against" - English Stack Exchange 的推薦與評價
Competing against someone or something indicates a targeted approach to competition where a competitor is focused specifically on one of its ... ... <看更多>