[生活美語] 同學有看過Bag to Earth*這種廚餘回收袋嗎?
The bags are made entirely of biodegradable paper and are used to hold kitchen waste/food scraps (廚餘). This makes the organic food waste cycle more efficient as the paper, made from renewable and sustainable resources, adds needed nutrients to the composting process. You can read more about the bags here: https://www.bagtoearth.com/about
In Taiwan, we use plastic bag to hold our kitchen waste. Are these bags recycled or burned? How much of our kitchen waste is turned into fertilizer or pig feed? How efficient is the process? How can we reduce food waste and lower the environmental costs of our recycling processes? Some questions to think about when discussing environmental pollution.
Key words:
•kitchen waste/food scraps 廚餘
•biodegradable 可生物分解的
•compostable 可堆肥的
•compost 混合肥料;堆肥
•organic fertilizer 有機肥料
•plastic particles 塑膠顆粒
•nutrients 營養素
•the composting process 堆肥的過程
•renewable and sustainable resources 可再生及永續資源
•raw materials 原料
•eco-certification 環保認證
•contaminate 污染
•environmental sustainability 環境永續
•forest management policies 森林管理政策
•enrich garden soil 使花園的土壤更肥沃
•pig feed (n.) 豬食、餵豬吃的
•reduce garbage 減少垃圾量
•lower production costs 降低生產成本
•incinerate 焚燒、焚化
•bury in a landfill 埋在垃圾掩埋場
•the food waste problem 食物浪費問題
•food self-sufficiency 食物自給自足
•waste treatment 廢物處理
•economic incentive 經濟誘因
*Bag to Earth 這個商標可能是出於 Give back to Earth (回饋地球) 或 Return to the soil (回到土地)的概念。
Bag to Earth
Bag to Earth makes composting a pleasure
In Taiwan, leftover food scraps help farmers sustain porky appetites
Taiwan’s food waste must be addressed
「compost food waste」的推薦目錄:
compost food waste 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的精選貼文
It’s Earth Day today. This year’s theme encourages everyone to do more to #RestoreOurEarth.
There are so many ways we can contribute to this as individuals – from using less plastic to conserving water. Every effort counts, and it’s never too late to start.
Reducing food waste in our daily lives is certainly something that we can all do. Instead of throwing your food waste after meals, try making your own compost. This video produced by the Science Centre Singapore shows you how.
Internationally, Singapore is also actively contributing to the climate solution. I will talk about our SG Green Plan 2030, at the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate today and tomorrow. We must all work together to build a sustainable planet for ourselves and future generations! – LHL
compost food waste 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文
🗑 俐媽英文教室—廢棄物分類篇:
♻️ general waste 一般垃圾
♻️ waste paper 廢紙類
♻️ PET bottle 寶特瓶
♻️ food waste 廚餘類
—> compost (n.) 堆肥
♻️ lunch and aluminum foil 便當紙盒、鋁箔紙盒類
♻️ tin and aluminum cans 鐵鋁罐
♻️ metal 金屬
♻️ plastic 塑膠
♻️ glass 玻璃
♻️ ceramics and tiles 瓷器、磁磚
♻️ refuse and recyclable material 資源回收
♻️ fluorescent tube 廢棄燈管
♻️ styrofoam 保麗龍
♻️ electronic waste 廢棄資訊產品
♻️ batteries and power banks 電池🔋、行動電源
♻️ discs 光碟💽
♻️ toxic waste 有毒廢棄物☠️
♻️ clothing and fabrics 廢棄衣物
♻️ house appliances 家電
🏥 醫療廢棄物:
♻️ bio-medical waste 生物醫療廢棄物
♻️ general waste (diaper) 一般垃圾(尿布)
♻️ bio-medical waste (syringes) 生物醫療廢棄物(針筒)💉
♻️ bio-medical waste (needles) 生物醫療廢棄物(針頭)💉
♻️ bio-medical waste (scissors) 生物醫療廢棄物(剪刀)✂️
♻️ bio-medical waste (test-tube and culture bottle) 生物醫療廢棄物(試管、培養瓶)🧪🧫
♻️ medicine glass bottle 點滴玻璃瓶
♻️ distilled waste bottle 蒸餾水罐
♻️ IV bag IV(靜脈注射 intravenous)軟袋