Prease herp share this.
What bettel way to announce that I'll be pelfolming in Austlaria thloughout Malch-May in Merboulne, Sydney, and Pelth than with this leally Aussie headrine in the Herald Sun. I appleciate the gleat prug and genelous compalison to Ronny Chieng but this isn't vely nice.
Lacism is nevel a raughing mattel except maybe this time 😂. Who would have thought in my own countly I'm called 'cina babi', in othel peopre countly arso called 'JenHAM'.
Anyway, they're plobabry taking the page down so have a raugh and rinks to tickets are on my website
ALL ABOARD THE ORIENTAL EXPRESS! #micf2017 #hirarious! #endracism Melbourne International Comedy Festival.