你是 HAPPY GO 快樂多一點 的會員嗎?
還不是沒關係,現在快點來申辦成HAPPY GO卡友
就能享受HAPPY GO x d POINT攜手的日本/台灣跨境點數服務!
對,上個月我去日本前就是用了這個HAPPY GO x d POINT的跨境點數服務,一路上買得好高興~~
不管你在台灣消費累積的 HAPPY GO 點數,或是在日本消費累積的 d POINT 點數,只要透過 HAPPY GO App就能直接轉換,台灣、日本兩地通通都能使用了!
也就是說你在日本累積的點數,能夠轉回台灣的HAPPY GO的點數使用;你的HAPPY GO點數也能轉換成 d POINT點數帶去日本消費折抵!
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過35萬的網紅Edward Zo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,► Use my code: "EDWARDZO" for 30% off: https://geolog.ie/edward-zo ► open below for IMPORTANT details! C O M M E N T: ► what skincare insecurities or...
d point happy go 在 Findit平台 Facebook 的精選貼文
一、跨境支付第一槍,LINE Pay將可用於韓國行動支付服務PAYCO合作實體店家,且將與Visa合作可在Visa全球5,400萬商家中使用、享受優惠LINE於7月初宣布將與韓國第四大行動支付服務PAYCO合作,未來LINE Pay與PAYCO將共享全球支付商戶網絡及行銷活動資源。
未來台灣、日本、泰國的LINE Pay用戶,到南韓任何一家與PAYCO合作的實體店家消費,都可用LINE Pay付款。
二、點數龍頭HAPPY GO創業界之先與日本電信公司DOCOMO合作,推出跨境累兌點及雙向轉點服務HAPPY GO和DOCOMO共同推出全台第一的行動App虛擬卡─DOCOMO快樂購聯名卡─d POINT CARD,提供跨境累兌點及轉點的服務。
HAPPY GO卡友透過HAPPY GO 新版App申裝註冊即可取得DOCOMO快樂購聯名卡,經開卡,便可進行d POINT點數累計,以及與 HAPPY GO點數的互換。
#跨境支付 #電子支付
d point happy go 在 高妹。Simple Life Wonderland Facebook 的最佳解答
有用happy go的人一定要看這篇‼
就可以註冊d POINT CARD虛擬卡獲得d POINT點數💳
台灣累積的happy go點數
在松本清、Lawson都可以用 好方便又划算啊👌!
回台灣之後 再轉回HAPPY GO點數使用😏
等於台灣日本都可以共用 點數是1:1轉換的🔁
讓我的生活更便利 也把世界的距離縮小
不管在台灣或出國 都能享受許多優惠 超讚的啦🉐!
【分享】d POINT x HAPPY GO的APP跨境點數服務♥點數不浪費 不管台灣或日本都超好買超好累積
d point happy go 在 Edward Zo Youtube 的精選貼文
► Use my code: "EDWARDZO" for 30% off: https://geolog.ie/edward-zo
► open below for IMPORTANT details!
C O M M E N T:
► what skincare insecurities or flaws do you have that you'd like help on?
F E A T U R E D:
► geologie skincare: Use my code: "EDWARDZO" for 30% off: https://geolog.ie/edward-zo
A B O U T:
► I suffer from eczema, skin sensitivity & at one point had really bad acne. It's caused me a lot of anguish, but through diligent skincare research & knowledge I've learned how to present myself to society as someone with "nice skin" but it takes a lot of maintenance, I need to stick to a good routine otherwise things will go haywire. You can't cure eczema, but you can learn to control it. Same thing with acne. I will for the most part always have sensitive acne prone skin, but through lifestyle changes and a good routine i can keep things under control. How about you? Do you have any skincare insecurities you'd like to share?
C O N N E C T:
►all my links: http://linktr.ee/edwardzo
By the way, if you are new to this channel:
► My name is Edward ZO, I'm an artist, entrepreneur & lifestyle guru based in Los Angeles, CA. I'm so happy you are actually taking the time to read this : My channel is all about self improvement and helping you become the best version of yourself! We cover a wide range of topics from men's hair, lifestyle, self improvement, fitness, social issues and much more. If you are reading this click here: http://linktr.ee/edwardzo to check out all my projects

d point happy go 在 Zoraya Vadillo Youtube 的最佳解答
Every Saturday we get hot and sweaty for a 2 hour workshop held by Ishaq Vadillo, my genius brother who teaches us all things health, nutrition and fitness.
★ Follow me on INSTAGRAM https://goo.gl/c9ZKgt
★★ Follow me on FACEBOOK https://goo.gl/dyY7S1
★★★ Follow Ishaq on INSTAGRAM https://goo.gl/h3HAbB
Waking up at 7am on a Saturday, is not exactly my idea of a perfect weekend. But if it's to get a good sweat and exercise high, then I am all in!
A trainer for almost 3 years now and a health and fitness fanatic for longer, Ishaq is my go to guide for all things health related. Always learn so much from his workshops and I'm so happy to see he is one of the few people that really teaches his clients how to take care of themselves even if they aren't training with him.
Such a proud big sister! :D
This was the first of a series of workshops Ishaq is doing every weekend, so I thought I would take the opportunity to bring you guys along for the ride.
He talks us through the importance of posture when doing heavy weight movements like the 'Clean and jerk' and explains how strengthening you abs and core will lead to good posture as your muscles build around your body.
We didn't use any weights as Ishaq explains that using your body as the weight is more than sufficient to get your muscles working.
After 2 hours of engaging our cores, learning that doing a Malaysian squats is no easy feat, and learning the importance of compound movement, the workshop came to a close.
Ishaq and I then hit the gym to pump some iron!
I'm doing leg day today which is my favourite day and I absolutely killed myself on the weights. Actually got stuck doing squats at one point and had to embarrassingly ask someone to lift the weight off me.
After almost busting a vein and watching Ishaq do pull ups with 30kg and then... with 40kg!! ... I headed back home for some more heavy lifting.
Hauled a massive 8kg washing machine into the back of our car to take home and that was where my body just decided to switch off. Got back home and within 10 minutes was fast asleep on the couch.
Ended the day in the kitchen cooking for some lovely guests we were having for dinner.
Hope you guys enjoyed watching another vlog with me.
My vlogging has been so inconsistent recently due to work and travel and a whole bunch of life things that also creeped into the mix, but I will try to get consistent vlogs out this month.
So don't forget to subscribe for new videos!!
and please leave comments! I love hearing from you guys! :)