如果你喜歡《黑豹》(Black Panther, 2018),也去看看《猶大與黑彌賽亞》(Judas and the Black Messiah, 2021)吧,這是個關於在1969年的芝加哥,黑豹黨主席 Fred Hampton 被 FBI 設局謀殺的故事。(是的,你沒看錯,FBI 謀殺沈睡中又手無寸鐵的 21 歲知識分子黑人青年。)
漫威角色中的黑豹,第一次的現身,是出現在1966年的《驚奇四超人》(Fantastic 4),1977年,黑豹正式成為以「黑豹」為漫畫主角的超級英雄。
1966年,在加州的奧克蘭市,Huey P. Newton 與 Bobby Seale 共同創立黑豹黨,革命思想的核心是「為了達到自由可以以採取任何必要的方式」,之後分支散布於美國各地的城市。其中一支在芝加哥,於1969年時,芝加哥黑豹黨分支的主席是 Hampton,也就是 Daniel Kaluuya 在《猶大與黑彌賽亞》飾演的關鍵角色。
在 Hampton 擔任芝加哥主席的時候(當時他才21歲),比起到白人群聚處放火對戰(FBI 灌輸給黑人線民的錯誤觀念),Hampton 其實更熱衷於透過建設機構的積極行動,改變非裔族群因為種族歧視而受到國家不公的待遇。
Hampton 的每一場演講都非常美妙感人,在形式上,都是以 rap 讀詩的方式演講,宛若節奏吟唱,在內容上,則都是心繫於民,熱愛人民的理想主義。電影題名以彌賽亞稱之,完全不為過。
《猶大與黑彌賽亞》在2021的奧斯卡,獲得兩個獎項,最佳男配角(Daniel Kaluuya)與最佳原創音樂。
最後,一定要聽聽這首奧斯卡的最佳原創音樂:“Fight for You”,由 H.E.R. 與 Tiara Thomas 共同創作。看電影時,這首歌隨著 Hampton 紀錄片中熱血演講的結束,咚咚咚咚突然出現,非常震撼人心。這幾天重複聽好幾次這張電影原聲帶,好激切動人也振奮人心。
這是一首既為他所愛之人(Hampton 的女朋友與懷孕中的孩子)所唱的歌,也是為他關愛的所有黑人所唱的歌。
"Fight for You":
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅toysrevil,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Images of Marvel’s #BlackPanther in this slideshow is courtesy of Entertainment Weekly (http://bit.ly/2u8Lj51) for their annual San Diego Comic-Con is...
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這次獲得最佳男配角的演員 Daniel Kaluuya,是在《猶大與黑色彌賽亞》 (Judas and the Black Messiah) 飾演曾經在黑豹黨擔任主席的 Fred Hampton。看到「猶大」這兩個字,應該就能聯想到,這是個與背叛有關的故事。《猶大與黑色彌賽亞》可以在HBO看到。
Kaluuya 是誰呢?《猶大》是部牽涉到黑人在60年代芝加哥的歷史,或許並非是許多人馬上會想看的電影。不過,如果你對 Kaluuya
第一次注意到 Kaluuya 這位黑人演員,是在《黑鏡》第一季第二集的《一千五百萬個積點》(Fifteen Million Merits, 2011)。故事中,他與一個可愛女生在無聊的奴役未來,因為人生宛若倉鼠在鼠籠奔跑瞎耗,而決定攜手進入才藝闖關遊戲,然後誤打誤撞最後晉級到偶像階層,結果意外發現自己已經進入原本想要打破的奴役階層之上層階級,俯瞰著其他人類倉鼠的奴役人生,並且享受著上層階層的優勢與好處。
第二次注意到 Kaluuya 是在《逃出絕命鎮》(Get Out, 2017),Kaluuya 是飾演被白人家庭設計的黑人精英。Kaluuya 最讓人難忘的,就是被催眠之後,身體凝固,但意識清醒,還默默地由僵固的軀殼流出兩行無處伸冤的眼淚。
《逃出絕命鎮》裡的除了 Kaluuya 的表演令人讚賞,飾演黑人女傭的 Betty Gabriel 同樣令人驚嘆,她那似笑非笑又欲哭無淚的恐怖笑容,肯定能讓看過電影的每位觀眾,難以在記憶中淡化消逝。
第三次讓我發現 Kaluuya 真是位氣宇非凡的英雄角色,是在《黑豹》(Black Panther, 2018),他是黑豹帝查拉的知己好友,是守護國土的第一大將,同時也是曉勇善戰的女侍衛長的知心情人。有趣的是,今年不只飾演黑豹好友的 Kaluuya 獲得奧斯卡提名,飾演黑豹的 Chadwick Boseman 也以《藍調天后》中的小喇叭手Levee 獲得最佳男主角的提名。
有一天,回頭再看《怒火邊境》(Sicario, 2015),發現 Kaluuya 竟然是女主角 Kate(Emily Blunt 飾演)的 FBI 同事,也就是陪著 Kate
「《怒火邊界》Sicario 誤入叢林的凱特白兔,看見不該看的黑暗之心」:https://bit.ly/3gEsM8d
「《黑鏡》(Black Mirror)上:控制就在雲端,隱私將成絕響」:https://bit.ly/3evXRZg
daniel kaluuya black panther 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] And the winner is...
Chloé Zhao and ‘Nomadland’ Win at 2021 Oscars
Good news is always welcome 🎉🎉🎉
“Nomadland” was named best picture and Chloé Zhao won best director at Sunday night’s sleepy and surreal 93rd Academy Awards, a stage show broadcast on television about films mostly distributed on the internet.
🎬 sleepy 寂靜的;冷清的 ; 倦睏的,打瞌睡的*
🎬 surreal 離奇的;超現實的;夢幻般的
*sleepy: https://bit.ly/3nlwipv
In a major upset, Anthony Hopkins was honored as best actor for “The Father,” beating out the late Chadwick Boseman (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”), who was the favorite going into the night. Frances McDormand was named best actress for “Nomadland.”
🎬 a major upset 爆冷門
🎬 the favorite 最被看好的
安東尼·霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)憑藉《困在時間裡的父親》(The Father)擊敗了已故的乍得維克·博斯曼([Chadwick Boseman],《藍調天后》[Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom])獲得最佳男主角,後者原本是當晚最被看好的人選。《遊牧人生》的弗朗西絲·麥克多曼德(Frances McDormand)獲得了最佳女主角。
Daniel Kaluuya was recognized as best supporting actor for playing the Black Panther leader Fred Hampton in “Judas and the Black Messiah.” “Bro, we out here!” Kaluuya shouted in joy before changing gears and crediting Hampton (“what a man, what a man”) and ending with the cri de coeur, “When they played divide and conquer, we say unite and ascend.”
🎬 best supporting actor 最佳配角
🎬 shift/change gear(s) 改變方法 ; 換個方式 ; 改變調子
🎬 play divide and conquer 玩起各個擊破
🎬 unite and ascend 團結和進步 ; ascend 上升 ; 登上
丹尼爾·卡盧亞(Daniel Kaluuya)憑藉在《猶大與黑彌賽亞》(Judas and the Black Messiah)中扮演黑豹黨領袖弗雷德·漢普頓(Fred Hampton)拿下最佳男配角。「兄弟,我們來了!」卡盧亞興高采烈地叫道,隨後他換了語氣,稱讚了漢普頓(「多麼了不起的人啊,多麼了不起」),並以一段有力呼籲結束了發言:「當他們玩起各個擊破那一套,我們就要講團結和進步。」
The supporting actress award went to Yuh-Jung Youn for playing a comically cantankerous grandmother in “Minari.” She was the first Korean performer to win an acting Oscar, and only the second Asian woman; the first was Miyoshi Umeki, a Japanese-born American actress who was recognized in 1958 for playing a bride who encounters racism in “Sayonara.”
🎬 cantankerous 愛爭吵且抱怨不休的
🎬 encounters racism 遭遇種族歧視
在《米納裡》(Minari)中飾演了一位滑稽而古怪的祖母的尹汝貞(Yuh-Jung Youn)拿下最佳女配角。她是首位獲得奧斯卡表演獎的韓國演員,也是第二位獲得此獎的亞裔女性;第一位是日裔美籍女演員梅木三吉,1958年,她憑藉在《櫻花戀》(Sayonara)中扮演遭遇種族歧視的新娘獲得此獎。
Zhao won best director for “Nomadland,” a bittersweet meditation on grief and the damaged American dream. Zhao, who is Chinese, became only the second woman, and the first woman of color, to win the award. (Kathryn Bigelow was celebrated in 2010 for directing “The Hurt Locker.”)
🎬 bittersweet 苦中有樂的
🎬 woman of color 有色人種女性
趙婷憑藉《遊牧人生》拿下最佳導演獎,該片是對悲傷和破滅的美國夢的一次苦樂參半的沉思。作為華人的趙婷成為第二位獲得該獎的女性,也是第一位獲獎的有色人種女性。(2010年,執導《拆彈部隊》[The Hurt Locker]的凱瑟琳·畢格羅[Kathryn Bigelow]獲得此獎。)
“I’ve been thinking a lot lately of how I keep going when things get hard,” she said in her acceptance speech, referring to a Chinese poem she used to read with her father that began with the phrase “People at birth are entirely good.”
🎬 acceptance speech 獲獎致辭/演講
文章來自《紐約時報》: https://nyti.ms/3xpCYaU
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3gM8klQ
電影相關詞彙: https://bit.ly/3gIuRA6
daniel kaluuya black panther 在 toysrevil Youtube 的精選貼文
Images of Marvel’s #BlackPanther in this slideshow is courtesy of Entertainment Weekly (http://bit.ly/2u8Lj51) for their annual San Diego Comic-Con issue, including the cover!
STORY: “T'Challa, after the death of his father, the King of Wakanda, returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful place as king.” (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1825683/)
WHAT-IS: ”Black Panther is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is intended to be the eighteenth film installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film is directed by Ryan Coogler from a screenplay by him and Joe Robert Cole, and stars Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther alongside Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker, and Andy Serkis. In Black Panther, T'Challa returns home as king of Wakanda but finds his sovereignty challenged by a long-time adversary in a conflict that has global consequences.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_(film) )
(Track used: “Whisper” by Riot)
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on Black Panther : Wakanda Forever to star in Nope. Keke Palmer's dance is everything. 24K Views. 194. ... <看更多>