你知道嗎?..... 英國廠商計畫打造 3,800 公里世界最長海底電纜,摩洛哥再生能源綠電將直輸英國!(09/28/2021 TechNews科技新報)
作者 Daisy Chuang
在國外,家裡所使用的電力,來源不一定是本地的發電廠,像是英國綠能開發商就打算在摩洛哥打造 10.5GW 太陽能與風力發電場,再透過 3,800 公里、世界最長的海底電纜輸電英國。
英國再生能源開發商 Xlinks 預計在摩洛哥蓋勒敏-農河大區(Guelmim-Oued Noun)建造占地 1,500 平方公里的混合發電設備,再拉一條沿途經過西班牙、葡萄牙與法國的海底電纜,連接到英國,預計耗資 210 億美元。
Xlinks 的摩洛哥綠能計畫包括 7GW 太陽能和 3.5GW 風力發電,再搭配 20GWh/5GW 電池儲能系統穩定電網,並採用雙絞 1.8GW 高壓直流輸電纜(HVDC)輸往英國。未來還會打造兩座工廠來製造所需的電纜,資金部分,據稱在 2023 財年前都算充裕,預計會在 2024 年開始製造 15,200 公里 HVDC 電纜,2025 年開始鋪設,2027 年完成 50%,2029 年完工。
主要是看中摩洛哥優渥的日照與風力條件,另一方面,摩洛哥的氣候也跟英國截然不同,距離夠遠,透過遠程發電(remote generation)與電網相連,可以達到發電互補的作用,這是附近歐洲各國無法做到的。Xlinks 創辦人兼執行長 Simon Morrish 表示,遠程發電相當適合英國電力市場,電力來自一個天氣型態完全不同、無相關的地區,為英國電網提供足夠的彈性。
摩洛哥的全天空日射(Global Horizontal Irradiance ,GHI)位居北非第三,比西班牙高出 20%、更是英國的兩倍。摩洛哥日照條件遠遠優於處在溫帶海洋性氣候帶、全年有雨的英國,Xlinks 指出,若在摩洛哥裝置太陽能板,其發電量是在英國設置的三倍,尤其是冬季,1~3 月的發電量是英國的五倍。
Xlinks 表示,預計 2030 年,摩洛哥-英國再生能源計畫可以為 700 萬戶英國家庭供電,並滿足英國 8% 電力需求。這座龐大的電廠計畫也可以為摩洛哥帶來 10,000 個工作機會,其中 2,000 個更是長期職業。
The world’s longest subsea cable will send clean energy from Morocco to the UK
Ex-Tesco CEO wants to build the world’s longest power link From Morocco to UK
Xlinks Announces Ground-breaking Renewable Energy Project to Deliver Low-Cost, Clean Power to Over 7 Million British Homes
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集節目由「台灣智慧移動產業協會」獨家贊助播出。 「台灣智慧移動產業協會」是由一群關心智慧運輸與能源應用各界專業人士組成,致力將友好環境及自然共生的理念導入智慧交通中,推動智能、永續的美好生活願景。 現在就到協會官網和粉專,了解更多豐富的電動車資訊,以及氣候變遷的討論吧! 👉 官方網站:http...
energy ceo 在 Anchor Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
🦄 Unicorn from a social enterprise? At Anchor Taiwan's 13th Women in Venture Roundtable, we were so inspired by the sharing of Joan Yao, VP at Kickstart Ventures - CVC of Globe Telecom / Ayala Group. She touched upon:
▧ Impact investing: it's a spectrum
▧ Story of #Gojek: tech as an enabler
▧ Opportunities in SE Asia: content, e-commerce, fintech
▧ Corporate Venturing: investment focuses for Kickstart
... and so much more!
🎥 What the full replay: https://youtu.be/MAvvs1qlQYE
A big shoutout for SEMI 國際半導體產業協會 for supporting diversity and inclusion in our ecosystem. Humbling to gathering a room of investors from leading funds again! Until next time. 🙌
* Session notes (Chapters on YouTube):
0:00 Intro by Elisa Chiu, Founder & CEO of Anchor Taiwan
3:15 Greetings from Joan Yao, VP at Kickstart Ventures
5:43 Impact investing: what is it?
8:23 Impact investing: it's a spectrum (slide) | LGT Venture Philanthropy
12:24 "Not every business is built to scale" - story of student loan company InvestEd
17:31 Advice for people wanting to get into impact investing
23:04 View on current landscape with impact investing: an enabler, tech
26:23 Example of Gojek: a social enterprise vs. tech startup
29:24 Working with the Ministry of Trade in the Philippines: why, how and lessons learned
35:36 Becoming a Corporate Investor: Kickstart Ventures, Globe Telecom, Ayala Group
40:58 How the President of Kickstart Ventures Minette Navarrete recruit Joan?
43:11 Critical mass for B2C markets; sample investments of Kumu (content), edamama (vertical specific e-commerce), nextpay (Fintech SME solutions)
51:11 Is the Philippines a big enough domestic market?
53:10 Some insights on Southeast Asia: 400M internet users in SEA (slide), 108M people in the Philippines (2nd most populous)
55:34 36% of consumers are new to digital services; 94% of new users will stay (slide)
56:12 Strategic investments for Ayala Group (healthcare, industrials/semiconductor/automotive, renewable energy)
1:00:20 Personal convergence of impact investing and corporate venturing
1:07:46 Q&A: Advice for building the startup / VC ecosystem in Cambodia?
1:10:28 "Raid The Fridge"
1:13:14 Q&A: How do you measure impact?
#anchortaiwan #womeninventure #womeninvestors #WomenInSTEM #womeninbusiness #impactinvesting #corporateinnovation #venturecapital #innovation
energy ceo 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
春哥觀察名單 Tesla 特斯拉
✏️基本面高速成長 同比利潤大超預期
Tesla在第2季交出有史以來最好的財報之一,同比利潤增長超過800%,環比利潤增長超過200%,可見Tesla正在高速成長。產能提升和交付數據增長固然是推動Tesla成長的主力,但其他收來源包括energy generation and storage和service都有接近100%增長,可以得知Tesla的增長是健康的全方位增長。
✏️芯片短缺嚴峻 無阻Tesla全速生產
雖然全球陷入芯片短缺,使得許多電能車公司的產量受到影響,但Tesla的交付數據顯示芯片短缺對公司來說不是問題。Tesla第二季交付超過20萬輛車,同比增長達120%。最新上市的Model Y 標準續航版第一天的訂單已經超過1萬輛,第二天也超過5千輛。
✏️大舉興建工廠 提升產生上限
Tesla仍在計劃增加產能,在世界各地都有大舉建廠。例如在德國柏林建廠生產Model Y;在美國德州建公司歷來最大工廠,生產Semi,Model Y和Model 3。最新財報也指出興建兩間工廠的進度和預期相符。公司也預計Model S今年的生產量也會提升。
Telsa和其他科技巨頭不同,它目前還沒有壟斷市場,也沒像Apple一樣建立自己的生態圈,以防被對手挑戰或搶去市場佔有率。電能車要壟斷市場十分艱難,但Tesla也有計劃建立生態圈,例如發展自動駕駛和訂閱服務(高級駕駛輔助系統),但這些都仍在發展階段,尚未幫Tesla建立好生態圈。各大傳統車公司也轉向全力發展電能車,包括 General Motor (GM), Ford (F)。連Apple和小米也計劃打入電能車市場來分一杯羹。Telsa如果沒能建立好自己的生態圈,將面臨非常嚴峻的同業挑戰。
雖然芯片短缺並不影響Tesla最近2季的交付數據,但CEO Elon Musk也承認芯片短缺可能嚴重影響電能車產業。即使Tesla如何建廠增加產能,如果欠缺芯片,產量還是會大受影響。而產量和交付量幾乎是電能車公司的命脈,投資者必須意識到產量可能會受影響這個問題。
energy ceo 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文
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#電動車 #電動機車 #氣候變遷
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00:00 開頭
01:15 世界各國都在用電動車嗎?
02:48 目前台灣的狀態
04:22 討論1:改用電動車,真的能減少空污?
05:28 討論2:最新燃油機車改善空污的效果,比電動車更好?
06:06 討論3:改用電動車,碳排放量會增加嗎?
07:16 討論4:電動車的生產和廢棄,碳排放量多嗎?
08:46 討論5:如果全部換成電動汽機車,電還會夠用嗎?
10:07 我們的觀點
11:30 問題
11:30 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Net Zero by 2050-50- A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector - IEA:https://bit.ly/2WSNiKL
→IHS Markit 全年汽車銷量數據:https://bit.ly/3l0eNdp
→預言電動車價格戰將至 日本電產CEO:2030年車價將剩1/5:https://bit.ly/3h8Bfjs
→蔡總統宣示淨零轉型之後,運具電動化如何加快腳步? - 報導者:https://bit.ly/3n6RQYM
→「2035年禁售燃油機車」政策 確定轉彎:https://news.pts.org.tw/article/426046
→拚減碳 8科技巨頭組氣候聯盟-環境資訊中心:https://e-info.org.tw/node/230698
→賴清德:面對氣候災難問題 台灣沒有豁免權-中央社:https://bit.ly/2YprDu9
→汽機車統計數據 - 交通部統計查詢網:https://bit.ly/3kQr4RC
→汽機車數量統計 - 交通部公路總局 統計資料:https://bit.ly/3n0UpM6
【 討論1 】
→環保署 - 全國空汙排放量清冊系統﹝TEDS 11.0版﹞排放量統計數據:https://bit.ly/3h8cswa
→Analysis of air quality and health co-benefits regarding electric vehicle promotion coupled with power plant emissions:https://bit.ly/3n3BnVd
【 討論2 】
→七期環保是什麼? 台灣的機車環保法規演進分析:https://bit.ly/3zUBiXO
【 討論3 】
→US energy 電廠+電動車 數據:https://bit.ly/3zOMbdy
→US energy 燃油車 數據:https://bit.ly/3n63tPV
【 討論4 】
→2020.03月 Nature Sustainability 的研究:https://go.nature.com/3n2rgjD
→Mobility and the Energy Transition: A Life Cycle Assessment of Swiss Passenger Transport →Technologies including Developments until 2050:https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000276298
→電動車廢舊電池回收 中國與歐洲市場的現狀和選項-BBC:https://bbc.in/2WXLjVa
【 討論5 】
→電動車充電 台電將推專用時間電價-自由財經:https://bit.ly/3jIdj8l
→機車電動化 台灣會缺電嗎?-工商時報:https://bit.ly/3kW92xp
→台灣邁向電動車時代 配電空間與用電量都成挑戰 - 公視新聞:https://bit.ly/3thJIWw
→每部電動機車每公里耗電0.024度 來源:行政院環境保護署審查開發行為溫室氣體排放量增量抵換處理原則:https://bit.ly/2WQbzl1
→台灣邁向電動車時代 配電空間與用電量都成挑戰-公視新聞網:https://bit.ly/3yNY1Dx
→【2040電動車化】供電受影響? 台電估:全部電動車化也不怕 - 環境資訊中心:https://bit.ly/3zQg7ps
→在「對的時間」充電有利多 台電靠這四招搞定 - 環境資訊中心:https://e-info.org.tw/node/209502
【 延伸閱讀 】
→A DEAD BATTERY DILEMMA:https://bit.ly/3DP9Z3o
→【電車世代】電池回收大哉問:到底退役電池會去哪?又會被怎麼處理? - INSIDE:https://bit.ly/3jMNOmh
🔴如果影片內容有誤,歡迎來信勘誤:[email protected]
energy ceo 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
สายการผลิต 2022 Audi e-Tron GT production รถสปอร์ตซีดานพลังไฟฟ้า พละกำลังสูงสุด 640 แรงม้า ก่อนเปิดตัวในเมืองไทย
ก่อนที่จะมีการเปิดตัวในเมืองไทยอย่างเป็นทางการ ในอีกไม่กี่วันข้างหน้า เราขอพามาชมสายการผลิต Audi e-Tron GT รถสปอร์ตซีดานหรูพลังงานไฟฟ้า จากตระกูล e-Tron ซึ่งในต่างประเทศเพิ่งมีการเปิดตัวในวันที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ที่ผ่านมา โดยทำตลาดใน 2 รุ่นด้วยกันคือรุ่น e-Tron GT quattro และรุ่น RS e-tron GT
With an energized driving demonstration and a world premiere featuring high-caliber participants, Audi has presented its new electric spearhead – the Audi e-tron GT. In two events on the digital Day of Progress, the Four Rings showcased the highlights of this fully electric Gran Turismo: dynamic driving performance, emotional design, and sustainability.
“The e-tron GT is a stand-alone Gran Turismo, reinterpreted for the future. Its looks are a testament to premium automotive design.Bringing impressive driving performance, this is electro-mobility in the most emotive way. And with its sustainable concept, it takes a stand,” explains Markus Duesmann, CEO of AUDI AG. “Because it’s not just the drive concept that is sustainable. The entire production at our Böllinger Höfe site now has a carbon neutral energy balance.This sends an important signal – for the site, our workforce and the future viability of Audi.”
Audi also set a new benchmark with the digital world premiere, the Day of Progress. Two digital events presented the Audi e-tron GT: in the Sprint of Progress, the Formula E driver Lucas di Grassi and the sustainability entrepreneur and Formula 1 world champion Nico Rosberg demonstrated the dynamic driving performance of the Audi RS e-tron GT alongside the current Formula E racing car of the Four Rings, the Audi e-tron FE07. In a trip on the circuit of the Audi Driving Experience Center in Neuburg an der Donau, the spotlight was on the dynamic performance of the new model.
In the Celebration of Progress, the brand with the Four Rings introduced the Audi e-tron GT to the public for the first time. In the hour-long virtual show, Markus Duesmann and Hildegard Wortmann, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, together with further Audi protagonists such as Henrik Wenders, Senior Vice President for the Audi Brand, and Marc Lichte, Head of Design, presented the highlights of the new model.
A varied program emphasized the forward-looking attitude of the Four Rings brand. With reference to the importance of design, sustainability and performance, the actor and producer Tom Hardy, the designer Stella McCartney and Nico Rosberg added their personal insights. Themusical accompaniment to the unveiling of the car was performed by the US-American singer and songwriter Janelle Monáe, while Steven Gätjen as moderator guided the audience through the show.
The GREENTECH FESTIVAL and Audi, a founding partner of this platform for sustainability, together presented the GREEN FUTURE Award for the first time as part of the world premiere of the Audi e-tron GT. The prize, part of the festival’s GREEN AWARDS, is given to projects and persons that promote environmentally compatible urbanization and at the same time make an important contribution to improving the quality of life in urban infrastructure. The winner is the start-up Zencity, based in Tel Aviv, with an algorithm that collects and analyzes social media posts and local news from cities.
Both events are still available to be accessed online.
Quotes from the Celebration of Progress
“The Audi e-tron GT is the beginning of a new era for Audi. Our aim is to shape the future of electric premium mobility. Love of detail, maximum precision, and design that points the way to the future show how much passion we at Audi put into designing and making vehicles.”
Hildegard Wortmann, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, AUDI AG
“With the Audi e-tron GT we are putting the DNA of Audi on the road. The Gran Turismo superbly reflects our innovative strength and our pioneering spirit. For us it is already part of a line of icons of the brand, alongside the Audi TT and the Audi R8.”
Henrik Wenders, Senior Vice President, Audi Brand, AUDI AG
“For me, progress means creating something new. Something that no one has ever done before in this form. Designing a fully electric vehicle is like this: the entire design process has to be thought through anew.”
Marc Lichte, Head of Design, AUDI AG
“The Audi RS e-tron GT is a milestone in the development of electrified high-performance models.”
Lucas di Grassi, Formula E driver and entrepreneur
“Electric mobility is the future. Of course the path to the goal is a long one. It’s great to see that Audi is taking this path with determination.”
Nico Rosberg, sustainability entrepreneur and Formula 1 world champion
energy ceo 在 tsukiyogatube Youtube 的最佳貼文
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energy ceo 在 Toro「ENERGY有火藥味」 棄團轉生CEO - 蘋果日報 的相關結果
Toro「ENERGY有火藥味」 棄團轉生CEO ... 【趙大智/台北報導】Toro(郭葦昀)曾是「舞蹈男團」ENERGY創始團員,39歲的他嘗過全盛時期甜頭,在掌聲裡迷失過 ... ... <看更多>
energy ceo 在 「Energy」Toro消失13年! 變身超帥CEO近況曝 的相關結果
台灣著名的男團「Energy」,於2002出道,當時堪稱「最殺的舞蹈男團」,幾首名曲《多愛我一天》、《某年某月某一天》、《放手》至今依然讓粉絲念念不忘, ... ... <看更多>
energy ceo 在 「Energy」Toro消失13年! 變身超帥CEO近況曝 - 奇摩新聞 的相關結果
台灣著名的男團「Energy」,於2002出道,當時堪稱「最殺的舞蹈男團」,幾首名曲《多愛我一天》、《某年某月某一天》、《放手》至今依然讓粉絲 ... ... <看更多>