各位亲爱的,Joyce 将会在
12/10 - 15/10 飞韩国Seoul,首尔。
包包,化妆品,保养品,知名品牌服饰等等…有什么要代购的欢迎pm~ 到时将会加你入群哦。
Hello everyone☺️
Joyce will fly to Korea Seoul on next week (12/10-15/10), if there are anything wanna purchase such as bag, cosmetics, skincare, branded clothes, please pm me and I will add u into the purchasing group ~ cheers~
Skincare/cosmetics example:
3CE, Missha, Laneige, the seam, cleo, Holika Holika, nightingale, Hera, Aritaum, 雪花秀Sulwahsoo,ver.22(Chosungah22 ), nature republic, Pony effect , April skin , Dr.jart,
Bag brand:
Play no more, MCM , Vincis, Ensoen, Le-jenuv, SAMO ONDOH, Rouge&Lounge
Reference link: