Lama saya tenung gambar ni. Macam macam boleh kita tafsirkan. Seorang wanita yang terluka, dan menjahit sendiri lukanya. Ramai yang begini kan. Sekeliling kita. Cuma kadang tu kita tak perasan.
Banyak punca. Pengabaian daripada orang terhampir, penderaan, kesakitan kesakitan yang datang, struggle mengurus hidup, peranan, komitmen dan sebagainya.
Tadi pun ada terbaca kisah surirumah yang mengadu susahnya urus anak dan rumahtangga. Serabut semua ada. Itu ini serba tak kena, ...
Continue ReadingI've been looking at this picture for a long time. How can we be comment. A wounded woman, and sewed her own wounds. Many are like this, right. Around us. Only sometimes we don't notice.
A lot of causes. Neglect from the people, abuse, pain pain that comes, struggle to manage life, role, commitment and so on.
Just now read the story of the housewife who is complaining so hard to take care of children and household. Frustrated all available. This is all wrong, not done with work. Until depressed.
Don't be be. Don't be a mother's situation like this. If there is no support, it can lead to long-lasting emotional pressure.
Mistakes can be like the woman in the picture just now. Pain, stress, hurt. Then sewing the wound itself. Because no one cares. Huhu.
I really understand, housewives are tired. There are more kids. I've been it. Child can't put, keep crying, doing business again. Life is chaos. Isn't it right if a housewife is just sitting in the house. There's no going out for a holiday or what. Wow.
I don't want to review the psychology chapter or anything because I'm not good at it. Just experience the experience, reading and sharing of friends. I want to share these 10 tips. How to be calm in taking care of the household.
1. Strengthen your soul
This soul is like a battery, he decides for us to move. If the battery is weak, you can't do anything. How to be strong? This is so important. Strengthen our relationship with Allah. Pray for early time prayer, read the Quran in the beginning of the day and dhikr. It gives us extraordinary energy. Biiznillah. If you don't take care of this, it's easy frustrated. This is basic, if you can wake up at night, all of that, my God, it's more powerful. Make it routine, one happiness.
2. Be strong
Exercise a moment early in the morning. Promise to get rid of sweat and body stretch. Can also be in the house. Many ways, just open Youtube search. We feel healthier and happy.
3. Be strong
Do what we like and feel great. I call therapy. Like me, early morning before starting work, I flush the flower trees and vegetables that are planted. Then train yourself every day to read any positive ingredients and say good things are fine.
4. Chapters of cooking and eating
Mom must eat first. Give energy to yourself. Bread to the easy and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate at the beginning of the day. For Energy.
And simple and simple family cooking only. As long as it's nutritious. Don't bother yourself to cook as much as you can. If you don't have time, you can buy and have a lot of food delivery services now. You can't eat from hunger, right?
5. Kitchen material management
Set one day for kitchen setting day. Preparing onions, chili peppers all enter the fridge. Washing protein is ready to pack the parts together. Vegetables only use ulam ulam. Fast and nutritious. There is a setting like this, can cook under half an hour.
6. Home management
Packing is really tired. So put the timing. Packing certain time only. Like me, morning and evening. Between the two hours, whatever happens. Close your eyes. This includes the management of clothes.
7. Child Management
Our children are not the same. Don't stress other people's children sleep well, our children need to sleep. Just relax and relax. When we do things number 1-6, we have time to focus on number 7 which is time for children. Play with him. When we give them quality time, children are easier to take care of. I always hold it, the child will grow, the phase of squirm is hard all that is not long.
8. Help
Learn to ask for a partner's help. Don't want to do it all. If you are able to take a helper who comes to clean the house daily, it is very nice. Or even buy gadget that makes it easier for kitchen work. An example of cuckoo pot, noxxa all that. Measles, setting, just wait to cook.
9. Mindset and rest
Hold this one thing. We don't have to be perfect. Happiness is much more important. Lower the expectation that is too high to be the tip top of all serbi. Yes, while the child is still small. Make time for rest. Leave a moment of housewife work that will never run out.
10. Enjoy and build experience
One's child is different from three, four, five, six and so on. Time will be make and make we take care of our feelings and roles. Just go through with awareness that this moment is experience.
The main key is management, mindset and apply to God who strengthens everything. Insyaallah, in this way we have time to manage the household where it is the source of continuous reward, there is time to rest, there is time to educate children, there is time to find knowledge, there is time to make a favorite hobby etc.
Mother and mother
Be calm yes
And be happy.
Different Fields are different from the grasshopper.
Different people look at each other.
Just sharing. Hopefully there will be benefits.
Credit: najibah mustaffaTranslated
example of energy therapy 在 曦和沐音身心靈療癒工作室 Sunny Harmonic Facebook 的精選貼文
A七缽自在放鬆與脈輪重整(同時使用對應7個脈輪的缽 快速調整釋放身心靈狀態,約1.5hr(含諮詢時間)
B愛自己缽上身療程(背面+全身無限大走缽+正面) 全身脈輪掃描與定點脈輪調整,約1.5hr(含諮詢時間)
過程中會搭配除障薰香 加強能量場淨化 上述療程尚包含療程前後的諮詢,將會針對檢測出的問題還有個案自己的體會給出解說和建議,如需要水晶寶貝協助返家後照護即可由此得知水晶的挑選
A多缽自在放鬆與脈輪重整同時使用對應7個脈輪的缽(可能不只7個) 快速調整釋放身心靈狀態:先對全身脈輪洗禮後,以對應全身七脈輪之缽同時進行調整,先以自在放鬆讓整體能量場平穩,促進血液循環,讓您完全放鬆沉浸在頌缽傳遞出來的震動與能量場中。接著,再以7缽針對身體的脈輪與能量場盡情快速釋放調整、修復與平衡。
B愛自己缽上身療程(背面+全身無限大走缽+正面) 全身脈輪掃描與定點脈輪調整:在此療程中將針對全身的脈輪洗禮,接著針對身體的脈輪定點個別處理,先處理親密關係如親人,原生家庭,另一半的愛的課題,進而進入接受和給予愛,願意讓所有的愛流動,可以放開心去愛與接受愛後,再回到自己自身,確認自己的自我,讓自己可以在愛與被愛時,同時保有自己,確認自己的自信自我。另外相較於A療程,缽會直接放上身體,振動的感受更為強烈,對於放鬆肌肉有更直接的感受,同時亦能調整您的能量並釋放、平衡並檢測問題。
施作時 如選擇單缽上身請勿吃太飽喔~~另外請著寬鬆衣物 盡量不要有扣子 拉鍊等,如果您自己有水晶寶貝可以一起帶來 讓她跟著你一起感受缽的震動 加強效果並充電喔~~~
能量交流2,400元 團友特價2,000元
建議短時間內(初次調整 約1-2周左右1次)連續將狀態調整完成 如同煮水要達到沸騰 必須持續加溫 如果間隔太久 溫度就會冷卻 如果自己沒有辦法利用好的狀態轉換完成 便相對可惜
(前後大約需要至少1.5小時喔 請預控時間~)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Singing bowls therapy course~~~~~~~
Chakras are the energy centers in human body, and they also the place glands gather. If the Chakras blocked, weak, damaged…, physical, mental, and spiritual parts will be influenced. Lots of problems the you can’t find the factors are mostly related to Chakras. This course will help u to relax and adjust and improve the status of your Chakras.
A:7singing bowls course: we will use 7singing bowls that each one pared to 1 Chakra to release and adjust your physical, mental, and spiritual status.
B: singing bowls on your body: we will put the singing bowls on your body, and you can feel the vibration more directly.
We will burn herbal incense to cleanse the energy field. After the course, we will give u descriptions and suggestions to your status. If you need, we will help you to choose proper crystals.
A:7singing bowls course: We will smooth and scan your Chakras, then use 7singing bowls that each one pared to 1 Chakra to release, adjust, and repair your physical, mental, and spiritual status. Enjoy the vibration and energy field from singing bowls.
B: singing bowls on your body: We will smooth and scan your Chakras then put the singing bowls on your body to release, adjust, and repair your Chakras each by each. You can feel the vibration more directly and get more feeling of relaxing your body and muscle.
Free trying course: if time is ok, we will give you some more experiences of singing bowls, for example: singing bowls muscle massage( back,leg…),moving singing bowls, singing bowl meditation, feet singing bowls…..
If you choose the B course, don’t eat too much before take the course. Please wear bigger and wide clothes without zippers and buttons. You can also take your won crystal to join the course. It will feel the vibration and energy then be clarified and empowered.
We are near MRT Fuzhong station, if you are interested in it please contact me.
Energy exchange: NT 2,400 For friends of Sunny Harmonic: NT 2,000
Course set(3 times): NT 5,200
If you just start your adjustment, we suggest you to take the course more intensively (about 1~2 weeks once) to make you to a better status. It’s pity that if you can’t take the better feeling to transfer yourself .For example, if you want to boil water you have to heat it continuously before it’s boiled or it will cool down.
The whole course including consultation need at least about 1.5 hrs, please spare your time.
example of energy therapy 在 Taste..iest 食情画意 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Biggest Nutrition and Food Myths Busted
“Anyone can benefit from a gluten-free diet: it can give you more energy and even treat autism.”
With more and more gluten-free products cropping up in supermarkets, it’s easy to think their benefits might stretch beyond the audience for whom they’re intended: people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which the body can’t digest gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley; it’s marked by damage to the small intestine that leads to deficiencies because nutrients can’t be absorbed. A blood test is used to diagnose celiac disease. Gluten intolerance, on the other hand, may be diagnosed when abdominal distress, and sometimes fatigue, regularly occurs after consuming gluten—and celiac disease has been ruled out. If you don’t have a medical reason for following a gluten-free diet, “there’s probably no benefit,” says Tricia Thompson, R.D., a Massachusetts-based dietitian and founder of
When people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance go gluten-free, “they do feel better and more energetic,” adds Thompson, “but that’s only because they were feeling so sick before.” Those without a medical need to avoid gluten shouldn’t expect such results, she adds.
(If you suspect you have trouble with gluten, don’t self-diagnose. It is much more difficult to get a definitive medical diagnosis of celiac disease if one stops eating gluten.)
When it comes to autism, however, the case isn’t so clear-cut. Many children with autism have gastrointestinal problems, and some parents report that their children’s autism symptoms improve when they follow a gluten-free diet that usually also eliminates casein, a protein found in milk. (The son of celebrity mom Jenny McCarthy is perhaps the most famous example.) But objective clinical studies haven’t shown that the diet works. Most recently, in May, University of Rochester researchers reported the results of a well-designed (double-blind, placebo-controlled), four-month study of 14 preschoolers with autism. They found that a strict gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet had no discernable effects on autistic behavior patterns, attention, sleep and other symptoms.
Indeed, a consensus report published last year in the journal Pediatrics noted that “available research data do not support the use of a casein-free diet, a gluten-free diet, or combined gluten-free, casein-free diet” for people with autism spectrum disorders. But that doesn’t rule out trying diet therapy, says Timothy Buie, M.D., a pediatric gastroenterologist at Harvard Mass General Hospital in Boston and lead author of the report. “At the minimum, these kids merit a nutrition consultation with a registered dietitian to determine if there’s an underlying problem.”