8.20pm 回答的问题
Good afternoon Chan Fong. Hoping you can guide me.
I am 33 years old and I have a son with my husband. He is one year old now. My husband have the long history of flirting with woman. He love women attention and care all these while. We been living separately due to work, I have my business in other state and he lives in KL alone, my son is taken care by my in laws. We have been trying to fix the issue of him flirting all these while. He is trying but sometimes when he met woman who is a little flirty, he would entertain them. Not blaming any woman, but my husband is the one I should be blaming. On and off we do argue, from small thing to big issue. Until recently caught him cheating with another woman, invited the woman to his place and claiming himself is single. That woman has his house keys and staying there for four months. That woman basically does his house chores from cleaning to washing his clothes. I only get to know he keep this woman in his place after she called me and tell me everything. Saw his text to her saying that he never felt been treated so well. He never appreciate it when I does it for him. Some of you may question why I did not realise it for the four months. Because we have another house for us to stay when I got back to KL. We fight very badly and his family got involved in it. They afraid he will hit me so they were there for me. I felt so betrayed. It's very hard period. I thought I went through. He also made promises to his families that he wouldn't be doing it again. I thought things were good until few months later I found he somehow flirt with this girl, it was a minor thing but due to my family and his bad history, trusting isn't so easy. We fought again. I talked about divorce but his family disagree and ask me to re-consider. My son is still young and I hope to raise him up in a complete family and also I'm worry of my in laws health. They are not young, they take care of my child, I'm very worry they couldnt take it. I'm not sure what am I suppose to do.
flirty text 在 HKU Dry Club Facebook 的最佳解答
#LoveStory #story27456
[lihkg 釣厹]
啱啱得閒我又玩埋一份,求其搵張相add 左一個男仔
本身都係用釣厹既心態去玩,但係佢完全冇講sex 既野,我放風佢都get 唔到
傾傾下好啱傾,有共同興趣,開始有d flirty,之後佢會主動報行蹤又好關心我,依家一日text 足十幾粒鐘
簡單d 講我沉左船,可以點收科...
From 薄扶林大學 (HKU)
;) 分享你嘅小秘密 ==>【 http://bit.ly/sharesomething 】
flirty text 在 Serrini Facebook 的最佳貼文
Don’t Text Him 大碟用我一貫playful性格包裝,judgy點的人很容易miss左裡面細心設計的編排和細膩song texts。
💎Don’t Text Him の第一章:浮躁島城的故事💎
Don't Text Him,Find Yourself FIRST. 溫柔的前言過後,迎來四首浮躁城市歌,依家由寫歌者長氣解釋一下。(日日update啊)。tag your fabulous friends and 保持隊形~"Hail Holy Gangsta Mama"🤓
(預購版for deep & shallow stalkers only, 其他人等公開發售/寄賣點喔)
2. 日没前
3. Drink'n Dance
4. 溝晒啲仔
5. 油尖旺金毛玲
🌲Rini這裡用不同角度和文風描述頹廢城市裏的小人物和小故事。《日没前》(にちぼつぜん)這個如此扮野的日系文青名字,其實係一兩年前突然一天想出來的歌名,只是一路沒有寫歌(我成日諗埋諗埋好多phrases同名又唔做哈哈)。一直很喜歡自己之前為一個網台寫的一段jingle,於是我就在這個大碟pump up the nerdiness講之變成一首型歌,描述歌者踱步在燥熱而沒有希望的城市。歌詞說著主角在末世前唱著不安與煩躁,也說著她很想當懲罰者(punisher)報復世界。
日没前,就是太陽尚在的時候,但是the end已經將近。在看不見將來的時候,我寫著:沒有藥能麻痺憂傷或讓人忘記絕望。很喜歡自己淡淡然唱著personal catastrophe「靜看山腳不知點算」,好Catcher in the Rye,看著山腳,一不小心就滾下去死掉喔。中間我講左一句“burnt-out ends of broken days”,來自T.S. Eliot詩作Prelude的一句 “The burnt-out ends of smoky days”:破碎日子,比煙矇矇更sad(之後chapter也有一首歌有T.S. Eliot reference)。我覺得這些奇怪獨白好能夠營造sultry sultry的感覺。個人很喜歡這個末段帶點神經質地唱:
漫步水面 所有置諸不理
儆惡懲奸 全部要死
聽歌的時候你可以幻想我握緊拳頭眼神瘋瘋地唱這一段,然後幻想自己是歌者Mad Max咁好型。既口語又唔口語,好煩;又要做美少女戰士,好煩(記得《同一種米養百樣人為什麼養出你這個賤人》一曲嗎?哈哈)除了幻想自己化身葉問同月野兔懲罰世人外,這首歌就是說,在末日將至、眾人瘋狂的時候,一無所有的我們不如就參加這個不歸的遊戲,以浮躁回應浮躁,串串貢做條搞屎棍。呵呵呵。
《日没前》說著面對world’s end歌者要做punisher,下一首歌《Drink’n Dance》歌者回應世界的方法是沉迷個人追求:這世代呀,眼淚再不值錢,明天不是我們的,來一起去喝個爛醉。亂舞和歡釂,魅惑眼前男子才是意義。我好喜歡jazzy小酒館的音樂setting,好似有個深色唇膏的妖豔女人出黎唱歌咁款(呵呵),然後唱的東西又好似話,其實佢又超醒知道自己做緊乜lor。一開始簡簡單單Gingsberg咁描述廢柴都市,的士司機咒罵、大街沙塵滾滾像個糟老頭、全部人去死吧!然後歌者就專注誘惑眼前安靜男子了(well,我看了那麼多奸奸的Dryden、Donne、Petrarch等等,又有Shakespeare那些成日說服人「接受我啦」的poems當然寫得出。Never trust a poet。)首歌d verse(應該)是in trochaic tetrameter的Dum da Dum da Dum da Dum ❤️❤️。
//Taxi drivers swearing slangs
The dusty street a vulgar man
Give me your cigarette and sweat
Damn this city and screw the rest
Breathe that jouissance on my hands
Them boring souls don’t understand
Tell me she’s your second best
Kiss me to your heart’s content//
《Drink’n Dance》一曲的MV很快發放,所有朋友仔都是很好的演員,放得開的人就是這樣fabulous(導演叫我們拍攝時候喝了很多酒)。錄下一首歌的時候監製又叫我喝了很多酒,因為我唱歌本身太cute聲。由引誘一個男子到重bass trap野《溝晒啲仔》,Serrini係咪發神經,靈感其實來自經常說這句話的男生朋友❤️,#識笑其實好好笑#SSKSHHS。而耐心聽的話裡面會找到不少金毛玲references:K房、成日搵衰仔仔、party gurlos, etc etc。彩蛋自己搵。一齊行路聽我唱「溝晒啲仔溝晒啲仔溝溝溝溝溝溝溝晒啲仔」on repeat係會笑出聲的。
//衰仔 常見
好仔 不常見
通街 善變
//油尖旺金毛玲 晚上就出現
樣子正經 也不似樣賤賤
もう一度 君に 会いたい吶//
西裝友輕輕一句完美KO金毛玲的flirty動作,「你不是我最愛,你就不能掂這塊面,我現在是在浪費時間而已」。有moral有原則的男子最attractive囉,金毛玲從此沉船,從普通flirty到真的掛念佢了。「人生若只如初見,何事秋風悲畫扇?」清代詩人納蘭性德的一句詩煽情夠了,竟也道盡今天金毛玲的心事。很多朋友覺得傷春悲秋的金毛玲就是自己,well,of course,抒發感情才是意義,帶入金毛玲角色感受一下小失落~crycry~很多煙、很多酒、很多neon lights、很多眼淚、很多苦笑,大概就是這個chapter要你感受的香港:everything is so rusty and dusty, everything is in flux.《浮躁島城的故事》根本值得expand成一本短篇小說合集。名字改得不錯不錯,#PatHead。
#日没前 #我想代替月亮懲罰你哋
#DrinkNDance #DamnThIsCity
#溝晒啲仔 #埋嚟批鬥埋嚟睇睇
#油尖旺金毛玲 #抒發感情才是意義