Cyberpunk 2077又delay,12月10號先有得玩
00:00 - #01 Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition
01:31 - #02 草泥馬足球 全明星
02:28 - #03 Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit Remastered
03:06 - #04 DiRT 5
03:46 - #05 Forza Horizon 4
04:26 - #06 Tetris Effect: Connected
05:02 - #07 Gears Tactics
05:44 - #08 Observer: System Redux
06:36 - #09 The Falconeer
07:07 - #10 人中之龍 7 光與闇的去向
08:07 - #11 刺客教條:維京紀元
09:30 - #12 Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
10:57 - #13 Watch Dogs Legion
12:08 - #14 Destiny 2: Beyond Light
12:46 - #15 Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory
13:29 - #16 Astro's Playroom
14:44 - #17 Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
16:03 - #18 Sackboy A Big Adventure
16:48 - #19 Destruction AllStars
17:18 - #20 Demon’s Souls
17:33 - #21 Just Dance 2021
18:09 - #22 天穗之咲稻姬
19:18 - #23 Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
20:54 - #24 Cyberpunk 2077
21:55 - #25 塊魂 Encore
22:47 - #26 薩爾達無雙 災厄啟示錄
24:48 - #27 VVV 戰機少女
25:25 - #28 太鼓之達人 咚咔!二合一大冒險
26:11 - #29 Zoids Wild:Infiniti Blast
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