Salam Ramadhan and Selamat Berpuasa to all our Muslim friends!
So... in real #kacaumama fashion, I put together a little toddler-friendly list of 12 fun things to do with your little one as you count down to Raya!
1. Teach your little one the heart of Ramadhan and put together a bag of shelf-stable supplies like Milo, sugar, rice, oil, etc for someone that might need it this Raya.
2. Wake up early one day and watch the sunrise while talking about what it means to fast from sun up to sun down.
3. Bake some Kuih Raya together and have a tea party with some friends. The admission? More cookies to exchange and sample!
4. Change some money into RM1 notes and stuff them together into Duit Raya packets. The best part? Spend the day hiding them around town for a fun little surprise #randomactsofkindness!
5. Invite a friend to experience Pasar Ramadhan together...bonus points if this is their first time. Don't forget your tiffin carriers!!
6. Learn to weave and fold a traditional Ketupat. (Ben's Independent Groceras a few sessions in store this month!)
7. Set up a movie night at home and stream Petronas ads.
8. Have a dance party to classic Hari Raya songs like "Balik Kampung" and "Selamat Hari Raya".
9. Unleash your creativity and make Hari Raya cards together. Take it up a notch and snail mail them!
10. Take teeny tiny to watch (and taste test!) traditional dishes being made like Lemang, Rendang, Dodol, Bubur Lambuk, Serunding, etc.
11. Visit the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia and check out their Children's Library too.
12. Gather your tribe and buka puasa together - teaching little ones to respect each other's cultures while remembering the power of community. <3
Want to follow our adventures this month or learn more toddler-friendly tips and tricks? Come join us on fb ( Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist) or on instagram (@rachealkwacz)!