心血管疾病患者或具有心血管疾病危險因子的病患在感染 COVID-19 後的嚴重程度較高,甚至是死亡,已廣為證實。
SARS-CoV-2 不僅會導致病毒性肺炎,對心血管系統也有重大影響。心血管或腦血管疾病患者和具有心血管危險因子的族群,如:男性、老年、糖尿病、高血壓和肥胖的病患,已被證實在感染 COVID-19 後發生併發症和死亡的機率會增加。此外,罹患COVID-19的人有相當大的比例可能會發生心臟損傷,而這也預示著院內死亡的風險增加。新冠肺炎造成心臟損傷的情況,除了血栓併發症,如:急性冠心症和靜脈栓塞,心肌炎亦是造成之後心衰竭的重要因素。此外,研究指出廣泛的心律不整會使 COVID-19 的病程複雜化,包括針對 COVID-19 和相關疾病的治療藥物其潛在的促成心律不整作用。由於醫療資源的重新分配,像是再灌注(reperfusion therapy)等的緊急治療可能會受到當地疫情嚴重程度所限制。此外,患者害怕在疫情期間就醫造成心血管緊急狀況的延遲出現逐漸受到關注。
基於上述理由,歐洲心臟病學會 (ESC) 召集了一群具有 COVID-19 照護經驗的專家和相關從業人員為疫情期間心血管照護等各方面提供相關指導文件。
眾所周知,感染 COVID-19 的心血管病患於院內預後不佳的風險更高,這也是為什麼必須有效保護他們避免與COVID-19無症狀或輕症感染者接觸的原因。根據研究建議,因急性心臟病而入院且排除病毒感染的患者,在檢查及住院的過程中應徹底避免與COVID-19病患接觸。門診慢性心臟病患者應盡可能留在家中,而心臟病患者的住院天數應控制在可接受的最短時間內,並強烈建議限制訪客進出。
在疫情期間應避免非緊急處置,以維持醫療量能並降低疾病傳播的風險。現況下,為有效降低 COVID-19 傳播的風險,使用遠程醫療有其必要性,特別是針對免疫力較低的族群,如:老年患者。另外,遠程醫療提供各方專家進行共同會診的機會,從而使患者待在家中即可獲得完善的處置。遠程復健(或稱居家復健)亦是出院患者的復健選擇之一。隨著對心衰竭和使用心律調節器患者的遠程醫療越來越標準化,未來將可成為病患列入考慮的醫療照護選擇。遠程醫療有助於控制病毒傳播,同時防止心血管疾病患者因誤診或誤治而導致其病程惡化。
■ 感染COVID-19和長期口服治療的中斷,都有可能對長期心血管疾病的病患造成病情的不穩定,所以在做任何治療的調整之前,應該要先尋求醫生的指示。
■ 用於次級預防動脈粥狀硬化的阿斯匹靈沒有消炎的效果,除非有特殊原因(例如: 持續出血的併發症或是進行手術),否則有心血管疾病的COVID-19病患,在治療期間不應該自行中斷阿斯匹靈的使用。
■ 有感染COVID-19風險的心血管疾病患者都有使用抑制腎素- 血管收縮素系統(Renin-Angiotensin System, RAS)的藥物,包括:血管張力素轉化酶抑制劑(Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, ACEI)類型的藥物。但是ACEI和血管張力素受體阻滯劑(Ang II type I receptor blockers)並不會阻止或是促進COVID-19病毒透過細胞表面受體蛋白ACE2 (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2, ACE2)進入到細胞內。所以綜合以上因素,病人不應未經醫生指示而隨意停止治療。
■ 當病人進行COVID-19的治療時,對於原本心血管疾病的治療可能需要做調整。
■ 與他人的互動方面:
☑維持身體活動以避免靜脈血栓栓塞(venous thromboembolism, VTE),同時也保持身體健康。
■ 健康的生活習慣:
維持健康的生活習慣,例如: 均衡飲食、戒菸、不要過度飲酒、每天有充足的睡眠、維持運動習慣。長時間在家隔離和身體上的限制,使得運動量減少,可能會導致靜脈血栓栓塞(VTE)或其他併發症的發生風險增加,所以建議在家中也要有基本簡單的運動,或是在戶外有足夠的空間維持社交距離時運動,也建議可以利用網路進行遠距的社交活動。
■ 醫療照護建議:
歐洲心臟醫學會 :
1. Driggin E, Madhavan MV, Bikdeli B, Chuich T, Laracy J, Biondi-Zoccai G, Brown TS, Der Nigoghossian C, Zidar DA, Haythe J, Brodie D, Beckman JA, Kirtane AJ, Stone GW, Krumholz HM, Parikh SA. Cardiovascular Considerations for Patients, Health Care Workers, and Health Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020;75(18):2352-2371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2020.03.031.
2. Wang D, Hu B, Hu C, Zhu F, Liu X, Zhang J, Wang B, Xiang H, Cheng Z, Xiong Y, Zhao Y, Li Y, Wang X, Peng Z. Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. JAMA 2020. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.1585
3. Lee IK, Wang CC, Lin MC, Kung CT, Lan KC, Lee CT. Effective strategies to prevent coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in hospital. J Hosp Infect 2020;105(1):102-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhin.2020.02.022
4. Hollander JE, Carr BG. Virtually Perfect? Telemedicine for Covid-19. N Engl J Med 2020;382(18):1679-1681. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMp2003539
5. Nacoti M, Ciocca A, Giupponi A, Brambillasca P, Lussana F, Pisano M, Goisis G, Bonacina D, Fazzi F, Naspro R, Longhi L, Cereda M, Montaguti C. At the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic and humanitarian crises in Italy: changing perspectives on preparation and mitigation. Catalyst non-issue content 2020;1(2). https://doi.org/10.1056/CAT.20.0080
6. Rombola G, Heidempergher M, Pedrini L, Farina M, Aucella F, Messa P, Brunori G. Practical indications for the prevention and management of SARS-CoV-2 in ambulatory dialysis patients: lessons from the first phase of the epidemics in Lombardy. J Nephrol 2020;33(2):193-196. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40620-020-00727-y.
7. Danser AHJ, Epstein M, Batlle D. Renin-Angiotensin System Blockers and the COVID-19 Pandemic: At Present There Is No Evidence to Abandon Renin-Angiotensin System Blockers. Hypertension 2020;75(6):1382-1385. https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.15082
8. de Simone G, ESC Council on Hypertension, On behalf of the Nucleus Members. Position Statement of the ESC Council on Hypertension on ACE-Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers. https://www.escardio.org/Councils/Council-on-Hypertension-(CHT)/News/position-statement-of-the-esc-council-on-hypertension-on-ace-inhibitors-and-ang (March 13, 2020; date last accessed).
9. Piepoli MF, Hoes AW, Agewall S, Albus C, Brotons C, Catapano AL, Cooney MT, Corra U, Cosyns B, Deaton C, Graham I, Hall MS, Hobbs FDR, Lochen ML, Lollgen H, Marques-Vidal P, Perk J, Prescott E, Redon J, Richter DJ, Sattar N, Smulders Y, Tiberi M, van der Worp HB, van Dis I, Verschuren WMM, Binno S, Group ESCSD. 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: The Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of 10 societies and by invited experts)Developed with the special contribution of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR). Eur Heart J 2016;37(29):2315-2381. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106
護理人護理魂-hi,I'm CC
「guideline guidance」的推薦目錄:
guideline guidance 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文
Parental Advisory Explicit Content
(n.) 家長指導標誌
而這個標誌在中國被俗稱為「髒標/髒版」,也就是我們平常聽歌的時候歌名的旁邊會有的一個小小的 “E”的標誌,代表Explicit。
相反地,有些歌曲為了能夠在電台播放,會以後製的方式將髒話等部分內容進行消音處理,也就是俗稱的「潔標/潔版」,我們就會在歌名的旁邊看到 “C”的標誌,代表Clean。
💽 欒哥+俐媽生活英文—電影分級篇:
👧🏻 G-rated/G rating movie 普遍級電影
(general audiences)
👨👩👧👦 PG-rated/PG rating movie 保護級電影
(parental guidance suggested)
🔞 R-rated/R rating movie 限制級電影
🆘 contaminate (v.) 汙染
⚠️ imitate (v.) 模仿
🎞 censor (v.) (電影/視、出版品)審查
❗️ caution (n.) 小心;謹慎
👨🏻 accompany (v.) 陪伴
👥 guardian (n.) 監護人
🚏 guideline (n.) 方針;指南
guideline guidance 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
@LIVES 2015 year in review 2
Ten things you should consider before you believe a clinical practice guideline
A CPG has to be reasonably current, and the definition of ‘reasonably current’ seems to change. Published in 2013 [1], the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines dealing with resuscitation algorithms, resuscitation fluids or transfusion in patients with sepsis did not consider a number of studies and meta-analyses published subsequently [2, 3]. These recommendations may need revision even before the next ‘full text’ is published––a 4-year hiatus between editions seems increasingly inadequate. Ongoing electronic updates, often referred to as living guidelines, are likely coming our way.
The clinical questions have to be specific enough to deliver practical and actionable answers. To this end, we suggest they follow the PICO format for Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome. The next three points deal with the choice of population, comparator, and outcome.
Specific questions have to take into account the ‘age of the evidence.’ Recommendations regarding the use of beta blockers at the time and following myocardial infarction may well need to rely on data emerging from randomized studies performed in the current reperfusion era with possibly little emphasis on older randomized studies as the number of new co-interventions used in both groups might have a modifying effect [4].
The interventions and comparator should be clinically relevant. A comparison of all colloids to all crystalloids in the setting of sepsis make little sense in light of the realization that not only all colloids—but also all crystalloids—are not created equal [5, 6].
The outcomes assessed in judging the benefits should be patient-important outcomes as opposed to convenient surrogate or substitute endpoints. Improvement in cardiac output, urine output, central venous pressure, and/or peak flows may suggest possible benefit. Unfortunately, apparently beneficial changes in surrogate outcomes have very often been associated with lack of benefit in patient-important outcomes and—not infrequently—in harm [7]. Diagnostic technologies may provide similarly misleading results: knowledge, or the impression of knowledge, does not always translate into patient benefit (most of us remember the widespread use of right heart catheters which likely had no benefit and possibly did more harm than good) [8, 9].
As undesirable effects are unavoidable, guidelines should clearly and comprehensively present both the desirable and undesirable consequences of the recommended courses of action in an easy-to-access and easy-to-understand format [10]. Those estimates should be based on systematic reviews and should be clearly linked to the recommendations which are using them as justification.
These estimates of effect may be more or less trustworthy. Guidelines should make the certainty of the evidence (also known as confidence in the estimates or quality of the evidence) explicit, clearly presenting the degree of confidence (from highly confident to poorly confident) associated with the evidence [11].
Guidelines should clearly distinguish between recommendations that apply to virtually all patients in all circumstances and those in which alternative courses of action are both reasonable and may—in specific circumstances—be preferable. The former, strong recommendations are usually based on at least moderate certainty of treatment effects AND a decisive balance in favor of beneficial effects of intervention. Guidelines typically offer weak recommendations when intervention effects are uncertain OR there is high certainty of the estimates, but the balance between desirable and undesirable outcomes is close. The judgments underlying decisions, especially controversial ones, should be explicitly acknowledged [12].
CPGs should provide an account of how the conflict of interest (COI) was addressed. Simple disclosure is unlikely to be sufficient. Active interventions to decrease the possibility of both financial and academic COIs are being increasingly recognized as needed [13, 14].
Lastly, authors of CPGs should make it clear that they do not wish to generate uniform practice for all patients and all clinicians, but rather provide background information and some wider judgments necessary to make decisions. The individual decisions should then account for individual patient’s values and preferences and idiosyncratic clinical specificities. Authors should stress the non-dogmatic character of the majority of recommendations, especially those based on low certainty of effects or those associated with a close balance between harms and benefits. However, even strong recommendations should leave room for patient-specific flexibility. After all, this is all about guidance not forced uniformity [15].