《玳瑚師父的私心》(English version below)
Do you have selfish motives? Please do not say NO too fast, nor NEVER. If you insist that you do not have selfish motives, and you do not quiet your mind to think about your life from birth till the present, your words, thoughts and action, or even what "selfish" really meant, you would have flouted the precept of false speech. The transgression of
this particular precept is very easy, so I would advise you to adhere to the precept. Perhaps you are not really unaware of the consequence of breaking this precept. I would now explain to to you in hope that you would quickly repent so as not to suffer the terrible fate. You can also share this information with others, and dedicate the merits of this act
to the repentance of your pass transgression of this precept, and not suffer the karmic retribution of Hell and ascend to a better realm.
According to what I know, these are some of the acts that transgressed the precept of abstinence from false speech: twisting the truths, slandering of another, gossip mongering, spreading falsehood, flowery language, etc. It also includes telling lies, sowing discords, speaking
vulgar words, criticizing others, etc. If you commit these acts to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, monks, or spiritual practitioners, the consequence would be much heavier. If you do not repent these sins in this life, you will be banished to the The Hell of Tongue Raking upon your death. The Hades Official will tie you up and pull your tongue to the floor before being slit by a sharp knife, and leave you screaming in blood till death. Immediately, you will be alive again and the whole process repeats. You and I know very well the terrible plight in this realm. This is the Hell of Tongue Raking.
Master Dai Hu admits that he has his own selfish agenda, much heavier than normal. I will let you know what is my selfish agenda in awhile, and you can compare yours and mine. Very quickly, I can think of a few individuals with very deep selfish agendas, so heavy that it burdened them and others, so heavy that it has already sowed the seeds of the 3 Evil Paths. More than 2 years ago, a business lady engaged me to analyze the Bazi and pen new names of her 2 daughters. I am aware of her wrong doings, and advised her directly not to continue down that path. I also generously imparted virtuous knowledge to her. Unfortunately, due to her heart filled with material cravings, I was like playing music to a cow. I could only tell her that I will stop helping her if she does not repent her ways.
In fact, as soon as your selfish agenda arises, your fortune starts to deplete. One with selfish agenda is never going to achieve union with the Heaven, and has no affinity to ascend Heaven and enjoy the heavenly fortunes. One lady who declared that her job is to rid the world of evil told me about her husband's ridiculous history. At first I disapproved her husband's behaviour, but I found out, from her Bazi, facial features as well as our conversations, that she was equally ridiculous. Therefore, I decided not to be in cahoots with her selfish agenda. Back to my own story, I have been staying alone for many years. The reason I choose to stay by myself is to dedicate my entire life to practice the Dharma. In the area of Chinese Metaphysics, I hold the same mindset so as to fulfill my vows to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, even to my ancestors, to propagate the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics, bringing benefits to both the mortal and the non-mortal worlds. This is my selfish agenda. Do you see the difference between my selfish agenda and the others'?
hades 投彈流 在 滅火器 Fire EX. Facebook 的最讚貼文
<街頭文化正在流行 X 刺青精緻藝術與潮流精品服飾創新結合>
FEARLESS 是一個無懼的文化性突破品牌,結合了音樂、服飾、街頭概念、影像概念、刺青藝術與設計整合;朝文化的完整性及多元性前進,希望藉由此活動促進文化上交流、推廣異業結盟、也期望在文化結合上投下顆震撼彈,並首創在台灣知名夜市街道內突破性的開創街頭文化派對,讓街頭文化、次文化更親近人群並且讓更多人了解、接觸與認識!!
主辦單位: FEARLESS street clothing 無懼國際有限公司 、 ENDLESS TATTOO 無盡紋身
協辦單位: Rockstar Energy Drink Taiwan (巨星能量提昇飲料)
贊助單位: ROCKSTAR 巨星能量飲料、ZEROF空前創意整合行銷、SPAN Studio影像工作室、Real Hearts
SKATOPIA服飾、知名網路部落格: 好笑刺青店、 刺青極限國際雜誌、 美麗紋 刺青紋身器材、勝力食堂
活動時間: 2013年6月8日 下午三點至晚上九點
活動地點: FEARLESS 服飾 台北市士林區大北路42號
特別嘉賓: 發片歌手 謝和弦、 最佳搖滾樂團 四分衛、創作音樂人 艾瑋倫、P!SCO樂團 DJ小春、知名部落客 好笑刺青店
、饒舌歌手 蛋頭/Peatle、知名龐克樂團滅火器、
人氣女刺青師 高菲、瑞典刺青師 Zilvinas Ya、DJ Terrence、
TGMF 于耀智(Yz)/楊賓(YB)/陳老師(Pony)/懶領階級(BCW)
(格外消費滿1000元即可再獲得抽獎券乙張 以此類推)
15:00 發放開幕禮、開幕T銷售
16:00 媒體聯訪、特別嘉賓進場、P!SCO DJ 小春
18:00 媒體聯訪 晚餐時段現場招待勝力食堂串燒
19:00 街頭刺青秀 瑞典刺青師 x 謝和弦、P!SCO DJ 小春
20:00 現場抽獎活動、DJ Terrence
21:00 活動結束
抽獎獎項 :
頭獎 : Nike Air Jordan 11 Retro 喬丹 11代 黑紅 (市值13000元)
二獎 : Nike Air Jordan 3 Retro 喬丹 3代 黑紅爆裂紋 女 (市值5000元)
三獎 : Rockstar 巨星能量飲料兩箱 + Rockstar X Fox 聯名帽 (市值3600)
特獎 :
1. Obey Field pack 黑 (市值2480元)
2. Obey Commuter Pack 藍/金 後背包 (市值2280元)
3. Obey Commuter Pack 紅/藍 後背包 (市值2280元)
4. Real Hearts 刺青師設計款帽夾 (市值2280元)
5. Real Hearts 鋁合金 Iphone 4/4s 經典手機殼 (市值1680元)
6. Real Hearts 經典真皮兩用式卡夾零錢包 (市值1680元)
7. Money&Money 文字薄帽夾外套 (市值1380元)
8. Money&Money 文字薄帽夾外套 (市值1380元)
9. Money&Money 文字薄帽夾外套 (市值1380元)
10. Silence Town Dreamer - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
11. Silence Town Kickass - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
12. Silence Town Logo - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
13. Silence Town Skyflag - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
14. Money&Money Logo - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
15. Money&Money 菱形圖字型 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
16. Money&Money 金徽章 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
17. Money&Money 三鯊魚 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
18. Money&Money 人頭圖 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
19. Money&Money 黑丹寧 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
20. Skatopia MESHCAP 網帽 (市值1080元)
21. Skatopia SPEC LUXURY 網帽 (市值980元)
22. Skatopia SPEC LUXURY 網帽 (市值980元)
23. Skatopia SPEC LUXURY 網帽 (市值980元)
24. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
25. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
26. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
27. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
28. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
29. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
30. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
31. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
32. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
33. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
34. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
35. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
36. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
37. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
hades 投彈流 在 FunkyLook Facebook 的最佳貼文
FEARLESS street clothing新店即將辦正式開幕街頭派對
免門票 免費提供酒.水.飲料.餐點
免費限量開幕禮 開幕限定T發售
抽獎獎項將進40獎 頭獎-AJ 11...
親愛的 6/8 3pm~9pm 不見不散了
<街頭文化正在流行 X 刺青精緻藝術與潮流精品服飾創新結合>
FEARLESS 是一個無懼的文化性突破品牌,結合了音樂、服飾、街頭概念、影像概念、刺青藝術與設計整合;朝文化的完整性及多元性前進,希望藉由此活動促進文化上交流、推廣異業結盟、也期望在文化結合上投下顆震撼彈,並首創在台灣知名夜市街道內突破性的開創街頭文化派對,讓街頭文化、次文化更親近人群並且讓更多人了解、接觸與認識!!
主辦單位: FEARLESS street clothing 無懼國際有限公司 、 ENDLESS TATTOO 無盡紋身
協辦單位: Rockstar Energy Drink Taiwan (巨星能量提昇飲料)
贊助單位: ROCKSTAR 巨星能量飲料、ZEROF空前創意整合行銷、SPAN Studio影像工作室、Real Hearts
SKATOPIA服飾、知名網路部落格: 好笑刺青店、 刺青極限國際雜誌、 美麗紋 刺青紋身器材、勝力食堂
活動時間: 2013年6月8日 下午三點至晚上九點
活動地點: FEARLESS 服飾 台北市士林區大北路42號
特別嘉賓: 發片歌手 謝和弦、 最佳搖滾樂團 四分衛、創作音樂人 艾瑋倫、P!SCO樂團 DJ小春、知名部落客 好笑刺青店
、饒舌歌手 蛋頭/Peatle、知名龐克樂團滅火器、
人氣女刺青師 高菲、瑞典刺青師 Zilvinas Ya、DJ Terrence、
TGMF 于耀智(Yz)/楊賓(YB)/陳老師(Pony)/懶領階級(BCW)
(格外消費滿1000元即可再獲得抽獎券乙張 以此類推)
15:00 發放開幕禮、開幕T銷售
16:00 媒體聯訪、特別嘉賓進場、P!SCO DJ 小春
18:00 媒體聯訪 晚餐時段現場招待勝力食堂串燒
19:00 街頭刺青秀 瑞典刺青師 x 謝和弦、P!SCO DJ 小春
20:00 現場抽獎活動、DJ Terrence
21:00 活動結束
抽獎獎項 :
頭獎 : Nike Air Jordan 11 Retro 喬丹 11代 黑紅 (市值13000元)
二獎 : Nike Air Jordan 3 Retro 喬丹 3代 黑紅爆裂紋 女 (市值5000元)
三獎 : Rockstar 巨星能量飲料兩箱 + Rockstar X Fox 聯名帽 (市值3600)
特獎 :
1. Obey Field pack 黑 (市值2480元)
2. Obey Commuter Pack 藍/金 後背包 (市值2280元)
3. Obey Commuter Pack 紅/藍 後背包 (市值2280元)
4. Real Hearts 刺青師設計款帽夾 (市值2280元)
5. Real Hearts 鋁合金 Iphone 4/4s 經典手機殼 (市值1680元)
6. Real Hearts 經典真皮兩用式卡夾零錢包 (市值1680元)
7. Money&Money 文字薄帽夾外套 (市值1380元)
8. Money&Money 文字薄帽夾外套 (市值1380元)
9. Money&Money 文字薄帽夾外套 (市值1380元)
10. Silence Town Dreamer - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
11. Silence Town Kickass - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
12. Silence Town Logo - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
13. Silence Town Skyflag - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1180元)
14. Money&Money Logo - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
15. Money&Money 菱形圖字型 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
16. Money&Money 金徽章 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
17. Money&Money 三鯊魚 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
18. Money&Money 人頭圖 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
19. Money&Money 黑丹寧 - Snapback 後扣帽 (市值1080元)
20. Skatopia MESHCAP 網帽 (市值1080元)
21. Skatopia SPEC LUXURY 網帽 (市值980元)
22. Skatopia SPEC LUXURY 網帽 (市值980元)
23. Skatopia SPEC LUXURY 網帽 (市值980元)
24. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
25. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
26. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
27. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
28. Skatopia Destroys T (市值980元)
29. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
30. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
31. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
32. Rockstar x Fox 聯名帽 (市值780元)
33. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
34. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
35. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
36. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)
37. Rockstar 限量帽 (市值780元)