【澳洲雪梨】1938年至今的好滋味:車輪上的哈利餐廳 好吃鹹派 Harry's Cafe de Wheels
Harry's Cafe de Wheels
雪梨好吃的餐館肯定不少,但這家 Harry's cafe de wheels吸引我的地方是它獨特的背景故事。這家店在1938年開張,二次世界大戰時在美軍靠岸不遠處開了第1家快餐車,因廣受歡迎而打響知名度,後來老闆被派去打戰,店家關閉直到1945年才重新開幕。截至今日已有許多家分店。最受歡迎的餡餅則維持最一開始的做法,讓我們透過手中熱乎乎的食物,穿過時光隧道,回到那曾經的1938年。
Sydney certainly has a lot of good restaurants, but this Harry's cafe de wheels truly attracts me that is its unique background story.
The story of 'Harry's Café de Wheels' goes back to the depression years of the late 1930's.
As of today Harry's cafe de wheels have many locations in Sydney. Harry’s Tiger remains the very beginning of practice, and let us through the warm food and retro back to the year 1938.
#Sydney #Harryscafedewheels #Vivid2015 #Sydneysbestpie