Why the COVID-19 vaccine will surely NOT be the Mark of the Beast
“He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads; and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17 WEB)
Some people have been spreading rumors around that the COVID-19 vaccine being developed is going to be the mark of the beast, so I wanted to post this. The vaccine is not the mark.
The mark will only be introduced by the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation after the Rapture, during the Tribulation.
A recipient of the mark will be disqualified from salvation and will surely burn in the lake of fire for eternity.
How do I know for sure that a COVID-19 vaccine cannot be the mark of the beast? Simple. A vaccine cannot be administered through the forehead.
Besides, the passage about the mark of the beast specifies that it must be received on either the right hand or the forehead. So anything that allows you to accept it on the left hand is not the mark.
Why will some people receive the mark on their forehead? It could be that they are handicapped and don’t have a right hand. Not everyone has a right hand, but everyone who is alive has a forehead for sure!
It will do you well to read carefully and pay attention to individual words in the Scriptures. Every word is there for a reason—not just to fill up space or make it sound profound.
Sometimes the truth is so obvious but we miss it because we skim through too hastily.
That being said, I’m not endorsing any vaccine. I encourage you to study the ingredients of the vaccine when it’s out.
I read some articles online about how the various Ebola vaccines in the past was actually harmful to those who received it, causing severe damage to their health, even harming children.
The Ebola epidemic broke out in 2013. Only in late 2019 was an official FDA-approved Ebola vaccine completed and fully workable, while those in the past were ‘almost there but not quite’.
Imagine how dangerous it is to receive an imperfect vaccine!
Whatever it is, no vaccine can be the mark of the beast, simply because it can’t be administered through the forehead. Please use godly wisdom and discernment before allowing any substances into your body which is God’s temple.
If it is an optional vaccine, you can choose to receive it, but do it after prayerful consideration and not rashly out of fear!
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how to skim read 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[英文學習] 到底該如何閱讀英文?
Extensive, intensive, or narrow reading? What is skimming and scanning?
English learners are often asked to read in diverse ways in the classroom. Some are asked to read orally and sound out each word. Others are told to read silently for comprehension. However, when reading silently, should learners skim for essential meanings or scan for key details? Or should they focus on linguistic features and practice reading strategies?
Oral Reading
Before we can address these questions and find a suitable reading approach, let’s examine what the different reading types are.
Oral reading involves the teacher or students reading aloud and helps students to develop prosody, improving their intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm. Silent reading consists of intensive, extensive, and narrow reading, amongst others.
Intensive Reading
Intensive reading refers to reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It is typically classroom-based, and students focus on features such as grammar and discourse markers. Students also identify key vocabulary, and text is read carefully and repeatedly with instructor input. The aim is to build language knowledge and understanding of literal meaning, implications, and rhetorical relationships. The materials used are usually shorter texts of 500 words or less at a time because it might be too difficult to focus on so many details with longer texts.
Narrow Reading
Narrow reading can be classified as a specific type of intensive reading. It is based on the concept of comprehensible input, in which students read materials slightly above their current linguistic abilities. In this way, students can easily focus on new language features with the aid of their teacher. When practicing narrow reading, teachers can find texts by the same author or the same topic. Thus, key vocabulary and grammatical structures repeat themselves, and students get many opportunities to see these features in slightly different contexts. It is a highly successful method because the comprehension of the text is enhanced due to learner familiarity with the author and subject matter.
Extensive Reading, Scanning & Skimming
On the other hand, extensive reading involves learners reading longer texts and even complete novels for enjoyment, and it aids learners in developing general reading skills. Extensive reading is usually done outside the classroom because teachers might feel it is not an effective use of class time, or are just uncomfortable with the extended silence.
Scanning and skimming are two skills commonly used in extensive reading. Readers can scan for key details or skim for essential meaning. Reading quickly with skimming and scanning can give readers a global or general understanding of the materials. This does not mean students cannot skim or scan when reading intensively, but typically, intensive reading focuses on learning and understanding linguistic features. Extensive reading is stressed in contemporary education policies, as learners are expected to be autonomous and read outside of class. At its core, extensive reading encourages language learners to read what they like!
How should you read?
Now that you have a glimpse of different reading approaches, have you decided which you will use? The "answer" is that you need each for a different situation! You can practice extensive reading when reading for pleasure, or intensive reading when analyzing paragraphs with your teachers and peers. As for narrow reading, you can find articles by the same author on the same topic and focus on language features. Some might even want to practice oral reading to improve prosody or repeated reading to increase fluency.
A trained teacher can provide you with approaches and strategies for each situation so you can practice them on your own. However, even when you know how to read, do you have the determination and perseverance to read or do so much? How do you select the right materials, and how do you acquire reading strategies?
Narrow Reading Course
If you need these reading and learning strategies and want to practice narrow reading, Alexander Wang’s course is the one for you. Alex expands the narrow reading approach into narrow learning, focusing on effective language learning by using materials from the same author, the same theme, but different media. His class also guides students in developing a growth mindset with an emphasis on grit, teaching learners how they can start and sustain their learning.
The class aims to help learners become their own teachers on their English learning journey!
Check out his class here:
限時折扣,最後倒數 >>> https://bit.ly/34DG64O
All proceeds from the referral of the class will be donated to charity. I will make an announcement when the funds are received and donated.
Gardner, D. (2008). Vocabulary recycling in children's authentic reading materials: A corpus-based investigation of narrow reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(1), 92-122.
Krashen, S. (2004). The case for narrow reading. Language Magazine 3(5):17-19.
MacLeod, M. (2013). Types of Reading. Retrieved April 14, 2020.
how to skim read 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
(English writing below)
祝 開卷有益。
Among the commonly known sutras, The Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Fundamental Vows is considered one of the easiest to understand.
In the sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha expounded on the various stories of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva when He was born in the human realm, and why He made the great aspiration lifetime after lifetime.
Through asking and answering, we learn from the sutra the causes and effects of being reborn in Hell, the methods of repentance, salvation of one's suffering kins and liberation from Six Realms. Lord Buddha also taught us the Dharma practices of Safe Travels, Memory Strengthening and Wish Fulfilling etc.
Having studied Buddhism for so many years, I have a deeper realisation every year I recite this sutra.
If after reading a sutra, the sutra remains the sutra, while you remains you, with no improvement or betterment, it's not because the sutra is useless. But because you have yet to put in your heart to delve deep into the sutra. You only read it at the surface and your eyes skim past it.
Perhaps the reader has yet to experience suffering and naturally is unable to develop renunciation, hence there is a tendency to read a sutra like a storybook, or even lose interest halfway.
The purpose of Dharma is to correct our minds. This Buddhist comic is brilliantly drawn, but if you indulge in the colourful pages and miss the authentic Dharma in the sutra, then you would have missed the boat of opportunities.
Thank you to the readers who took part in my book giving. If you do not receive the book within a week (10 working days for overseas recipients), that means the book had been fully given out at the time of your application.
Taking this photo was a little bit tough, because the comic books in hand totalled 6500 over pages, weighing about 9kg. Did not help that the husband was slow with the camera. 😄
In the list of sign-ups, there were names that I would not wish to send the book. There are people who never say a word of thank-you (and other issues), despite receiving 7-8 such Buddhist books from me. There are also people who are making use of Buddhism to fulfil their pursuits of vanity metrics, wealth and fame. An ungrateful person will never be sincere in treating other people well. The person who exploits the compassion of Buddhists has yet to feel remorse.
Given my character, I would think I might as well give the book to others, letting others have the affinity. But I remember how Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva took up the great responsibility Buddha bestowed upon Him, and did it so unhurriedly. So let's give one more chance.
Wishing you multitude of benefits upon opening this book.