剛完成了 #APrIGF2021 的互聯網基建討論,過去互聯網標榜的開放、互通這些成功要素,面對無限挑戰,未來如何發展和保障不變形,不走樣?與會者當然同意互聯網管治教育的重要,但討論更令我覺得互聯網面對的問題與整個世界、社會面對的,都一樣是資源和權力分配不公平、不民主,網絡世界針對大形科企,但各國政府透過法律的干擾何嘗不是最大、最根源性的問題?我想,從三方面尋找解決方案:討論及辯論更民主和授權(empower)所有用者的管治、利用開放科技解決科技製造了的問題(包括如何授權用戶選擇和決定權),和教育。教育和知識就是授權,問題是,這教育不能由政府們主導。
Just finished an insightful panel with Adrian Wan YingChu Chen Pavel Farhan #GeorgeMichaelson on open and interoperable Internet infrastructure, where we agreed on the importance on Internet governance education for all. The more we discuss, the more I believe the issues facing the Internet are identical to the problems in society -- and as technologists we must use technology to try to solve these problems first and foremost, and also build the open, democratic and participatory rules of engagement to empower the users -- not the governments and big corps of the world. The key remains how to EMPOWER everyone, not just those in high places.
My one-pager slide: https://www.slideshare.net/mok/why-open-and-interoperable-internet-infrastructure-is-key-to-the-internets-continued-success
#互聯網管治 #APrIGF #ISOC #互聯網基建 #APNIC #TechForGoodAsia #internetinfrastructure #InternetGovernance
同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅さわけん,也在其Youtube影片中提到,First impression that I had when I read this news is that I could not believe that they committed such an old-fashioned crime I mean buying votes is o...
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internet society 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的精選貼文
今年本院院區開放(Open House)四倍成長,從之前的1⃣天變成4⃣天!
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️全!線!上! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
#院區開放 #線上 #中研院
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, all Academia Sinica Open House activities will be hosted on the Internet, allowing people to take part from home. In addition, this year’s Open House will last for four days spanning two weekends: October 30-31 and November 6-7. Hundreds of events, including dozens of talks in the fields of mathematical sciences, life sciences, and human and social sciences will allow visitors to interact with researchers online. For our eagerly anticipated Keynote Speeches, six humanities and social sciences researchers from the recently published book Reflections on COVID-19 will provide different perspectives on how the pandemic has impacted human society. Videos of these Keynote Speeches will be made available on our website.
internet society 在 百工裡的人類學家 Facebook 的最讚貼文
上個世紀末,網際網路甫萌芽,彼時正是自由無垠的代名詞。但不過十數年,獨裁政體已導入新技術,建置網路審查系統與防火牆,奪回資訊掌控權,甚至發動跨國資訊戰。當台灣成為境外假訊息的投放目標,我們又該怎麼面對資訊攻擊?「研之有物」專訪中研院社會學研究所林宗弘研究員,他與廈門大學政治學系張鈞智副教授合作,運用 153 國資料,分析國家網路審查與公民社會能量的交互關係。
跨入千禧年之時,傳言中國將著手建置防火長城,全面管制網路資訊流通,時任美國總統的柯林頓(Bill Cliton)嘴角淺淺上揚地微笑說,「祝他們好運。那就像是要把果凍釘在牆上。」
大約 10 年過後,透過社群平台的迅速串連,從網路點燃的燎原怒火,果真在 2010 年底掀起北非、中東地區的「阿拉伯之春」(Arab Spring)革命浪潮!一時之間,網路儼然成為組織動員的新興反抗支點,藉由虛擬世界的合縱連橫,便得以撐起更好未來的想像,動手打造屬於人民的明天。
原先普遍樂觀的烏托邦期待,究竟是如何走向宛如老大哥夢魘般的非預期結果?林宗弘指出,2010 年前後為關鍵分水嶺。在此之前,網路的崛起確實帶來強烈衝擊,因此多數威權國家的網路覆蓋率遠低於民主國家,即是因政體感受到數位科技的威脅,從源頭限制人民使用。但是阿拉伯之春爆發後幾年,威權國家的網路覆蓋率卻迅速攀升,不僅超過全球平均值,最後更越過了民主國家。林宗弘研究發現,這項飛躍性成長並非偶然,而是當權者有意為之的反制性操作。
過去,政府的反制是限制人民上網、抑制網路擴散,但大約 2012 年以後,威權度較高的國家,包括中國、伊朗、埃及、土耳其、俄羅斯,以及近年的泰國和馬來西亞,已陸續建置了網路審查系統(internet censorship),形塑出強大的維穩防火牆,得以遮蔽並扭曲訊息。換言之,國家已重新奪回資訊掌控權。因此即便網路更普及,但實則被套上重重枷鎖,甚至轉而成為國家打壓監控的有力工具。
internet society 在 さわけん Youtube 的最佳貼文
First impression that I had when I read this news is that I could not believe that they committed such an old-fashioned crime I mean buying votes is old buying votes is such an old crime I mean these guys I mean this couple married couple they must be smart right these people must be smart and did they really think did they really think that they could get away with this I mean buying votes come on I mean someone's going to know I mean you have to pay somebody right so if this guy talks then you're screwed right I mean it might have worked it might have worked 50 years ago when there was no internet or social network but like modern society like today no no no no it's not going to work because it's so hard it's almost impossible to keep people quiet nowadays right so I was in a way disappointed I have 24 seconds I was kind of disappointed that you know smart people like these guys committed such an old-fashioned crime I guess they were desperate they must have been desperate to commit such an old-fashioned crime so you know what but you know right now they are only suspects you know you know that the crime has not been confirmed so let's just let's just wait I guess the trial will take a long time in a case like this it's going to take a while but let's just wait until the court decides the final decision the court makes a final decision.
英会話講師 / ビデオブロガー
ロサンゼルス13年在住 / ラスベガス2年在住
アメリカ人との結婚 / 離婚を経験する (T_T)
TOEICスコアは「L&R」「S&W」 ともに9割以上
英語発音テスト(EPT) 95点
中京テレビ PS三世 出演
名古屋テレビ UP! 出演
NHK 所さん!大変ですよ 取材協力

internet society 在 Vania Mak Youtube 的最讚貼文
YouTube was first launched in 2005, and now has become one of the most visited websites in the history of the internet.
Before 2012, YouTube paid content creators based on the number of views. Even though a 5-second video was deemed successful depending on the view count, which posed the problems of “clickbait” titles and thumbnails. Since 2012, YouTube started measuring “View Duration” and used that as the metric. For those videos being viewed longer, they were likely to be promoted in search engines and have more financial rewards to the content creators. This decision has changed how YouTube videos were recommended and rewarded.
YouTube’s recommendation algorithms connect the existing channels based on users’ watch histories, preferences and overlap. Harvard’s researchers claimed that the pre-selection factors remained unknown. With all of those suggested videos in the sidebar, people tend to click into unfamiliar topics due to curiosity. YouTube has long been criticized for spreading misinformation. Jonas Kaiser, the affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, described the recommendation progress as a “rabbit hole effect” in which leading viewers to more extreme contents.

internet society 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答
第一個單字是 archbishop、a-r-c-h-b-i-s-h-o-p、archbishop 大主教,例句是:The archbishop has strongly criticized Trump.
美國白宮很多人在和平抗議,他們不滿警察亂殺黑人。結果,川普竟然對他們用催淚瓦斯、橡膠子彈,叫他們「讓讓」,我要走到白宮對面的教堂,拍 照。
川普這樣做,惹得大主教森 77,大主教痛批川普,把教堂拿來作秀、拿來騙選票!補充一下什麼是大主教。天主教把整個世界分成一個一個教區,就像台灣被分成一個一個縣市,而每個教區的首長,就是大主教,就像是桃園市長、台南市長這樣。這個大主教就是 archbishop。
第二個單字是 liken A to B,liken 是 l-i-k-e-n、liken A to B 意思是:覺得 A 跟 B 很像,例句是:French people has likened the death of Adama Traoré to the killing of George Floyd in the US.
法國也有警察殺黑人。2016 年時,就有黑人被憲兵壓制,之後死亡。這次美國的抗議,掀起了法國人的傷痛跟共鳴,他們覺得,兩位黑人都是被公權力殺死,情況很相似。當你覺得 A 跟 B 很像,就可以說 liken A to B。
第三個單字是 Incognito、i-n-c-o-g-n-i-t-o、Incognito 無痕模式,例句是:Google continues to track your internet activity even when you’re in "Incognito" mode.
Google 瀏覽器有個無痕模式,在這個模式下,你搜尋了什麼糟糕的東西,都不會被存下來。欸聽起來不錯耶,可以偷看一下謎片?登登登登,代誌無這簡單!在無痕模式下,你的相關數據還是會被 Google 寄出去!寄給你造訪的網站、你老闆、你學校、或是網路公司。現在就有一件法律事務所,要告上法院,說 Google 的無痕模式騙很大。無痕模式就是 incognito。
https://www.businessinsider.com/google-sued-for-tracking-users-in-incognito-mode-2020-6 https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/facebook-zuckerberg-disgust-trump-post-george-floyd
第四個單字是 ravage、r-a-v-a-g-e、ravage 蹂躪,例句是:Coronavirus-ravaged Mumbai braces for its first-ever cyclone.
印度的孟買正在努力防疫,結果熱帶氣旋跑來亂!已經有 10 萬人緊急撤離,其中包括武漢肺炎的病人啊。也就是說,病患無法好好隔離耶,真擔心病毒會傳染得更快啊... 孟買被武漢病毒蹂躪,這個蹂躪就是 ravage。
最後一個單字是 caremonger、c-a-r-e-m-o-n-g-e-r、caremonger 關懷互助的人,例句是:Caremongers India has helped connect volunteers with the people who most need their help.
印度有個臉書社群,叫做 Caremongers India,意思是「關懷互助的印度人」,這個社群很大愛喔!封城會帶來很多問題嘛,比如說老人家很難取得食物跟藥品,而這個臉書社群就彼此互助、解決問題。這些關懷互助的人,就是 caremonger,而這種散播關懷、散播愛的善良舉動,就是 caremongering。
簡單複習:archbishop 大主教、liken A to B 覺得 A 跟 B 很像、Incognito 無痕模式、ravage 蹂躪、caremonger 關懷互助的人。
恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!希望你可以訂閱我們的 podcast,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️

internet society 在 Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK), Hong Kong. 3963 likes · 3 talking about this. 推廣開放、不受限制和有益使用互聯網;捍衛表達及言論自由、保障個人私隱和 ... ... <看更多>
internet society 在 Internet Society - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Imagine a world where everyone can access and develop a connected, borderless, permission-less, limitless Internet that creates opportunity and progress for ... ... <看更多>