蘇格蘭民族主義領袖Nicola Sturgeon表示,蘇格蘭還沒有準備好放棄大流行限制。如果英格蘭的冠狀病毒病例激增,這種立場可能會增加對蘇格蘭獨立的支持。
新加坡是亞洲、歐洲和美洲的幾個國家,一直在鼓勵人們恢復日常生活節奏,過渡到一種新的流行病常態。現在,它面臨著如何處理重新開審可能帶來的不斷上升的案件量的艱難選擇。在卡拉OK休息室和一個漁港最近爆發疫情後,新加坡週四重新實施了幾周前剛剛取消的限制措施。在8月18日之前,禁止在餐館就餐和兩人以上的聚會,該市最著名的企業之一Marina Bay Sands casino也被關閉了兩周,以進行大消毒,並阻止冠毒集群蔓延。
俄克拉荷馬州的一場婚禮導致 15 名接種疫苗的客人感染了冠狀病毒。喧鬧的七月四日慶祝活動將病毒從麻州普羅溫斯敦傳播到全國數十個地方,有的是完全接種疫苗的民眾也被感染。拜登政府首席流行病顧問佛奇博士在新聞發布會上說,不應將突破性感染的報告視為疫苗不起作用,他說,這絕不意味著你打的是無效的疫苗,因為疫苗的成功基於預防疾病,接種疫苗的人可能會感染,絕大多數無症狀或輕微。但這令許多接種疫苗的美國人感到驚訝,他們通常認為自己完全免受病毒感染。突破性感染增加了尚未解決的可能性,即接種疫苗的人可能會將病毒傳播給他人。
紐約州北部的Camp Pontiac的爆發感染,一開始是在女生宿舍,護士在替參加者檢測後發現一名陽性確診者。很快就會有更多人出現:截至週四上午,該營地的 550 名露營者中有31人的冠狀病毒檢測呈陽性,
#疾控中心主任警告說,美國在這場大流行中“沒有走出困境” 美國疾病控制和預防中心主任週四警告說,美國在這場大流行上“還沒有走出困境”,並且再次處於“關鍵時刻”,因為這種高度傳染性的Delta變種正在肆虐未接種疫苗的社區。
流亡中的白俄羅斯反對派領導人Svetlana Tikhanovskaya正努力爭取西方領導人的支持,試圖建立一個反對盧卡申科的政治聯盟雖然她聲稱盧卡申科的獨裁統治已經“奄奄一息”,但現在她面臨的挑戰是如何保持在國內的影響力。西方領導人的支持可能會有所幫助,但也僅限於此。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member ✔︎ 體驗志祺七七文章版:https://blog.simpleinfo.cc/shasha77 ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛 ✔...
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#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#KobeBryant #Kobe #BlackMamba #一次搞懂NBA賽事
永遠的黑曼巴 Kobe Bryant 🏀
Even if you’re not a basketball fan, you’d have to be living under a rock not to know who Kobe Bryant is. Michael Jordan may be the GOAT, but Kobe, also known by the nickname Black Mamba, is almost as famous.
Born in Philadephia, Kobe spent a lot of his childhood in Italy, where his father, Joe Bryant, played professional basketball after retiring from the NBA. Returning to the U.S. fluent in Italian—and basketball—at the age of 13, Kobe played so well in high school that he was drafted into the NBA straight out of high school.
柯比出生於費城,父親喬布萊恩從 NBA 退休之後就一直在義大利打職籃,所以他童年時期幾乎都待在義大利。13 歲時,柯比帶著一口流利的義大利語跟籃球技術返回美國。由於他在高中籃球打得非常好,在高中就直接被選入 NBA。
Kobe joined the Los Angeles Lakers as a shooting guard in 1996, and would stay with the team for his entire 20-season career. And what a career it was! During that time, he led the Lakers to five NBA championships, played in 18 All-Star games, was a 15-time member of the All-NBA Team, a 12-time member of the All-Defensive Team, 2008 NBA MVP, and two-time NBA Finals MVP winner. He even won two gold medals as a member of the U.S. national team in the 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics.
柯比在 1996 年加入洛杉磯湖人隊,擔任得分後衛,整個 20 年職業生涯皆效力於湖人隊。真是了不起!這段期間他帶領湖人隊拿下 5 次 NBA 總冠軍,入選 18 場全明星賽,15 次 NBA 最佳陣容,12 次最佳防守陣容,2008 年 NBA MVP,2 次 NBA 總決賽 MVP 得主。他甚至分別在 2008 年與 2012 年的夏季奧運中,以美國國家代表隊的成員贏得兩次奧運金牌。
After a series of injuries, Kobe decided to retire from the NBA in 2016 at the age of 36. But Kobe didn’t just spend his retirement playing golf. He kept busy writing books, making films and teaching his daughter Gianna, also a talented basketball player, to follow in his footsteps. And then, on January 26, 2020, tragedy struck. The helicopter that Kobe and Gianna were flying in—along with six family friends—crashed on the way to a basketball game, killing everyone on board. Kobe was 41-years-old, and his daughter just 13.
經歷一連串的職業傷害後,柯比決定在 36 歲,也就是 2016 年,從 NBA退役。不過,柯比退役之後不是只打高爾夫球而已。他忙著出書、拍片,並教育跟他同樣是天才球員的女兒吉安娜跟上他的腳步。接著在 2020 年 1 月 26 日,悲劇發生。柯比、吉安娜,連同 6 位家人朋友,搭乘前往籃球比賽的直升機墜毀,無人生還。當時柯比 41 歲,他的女兒年僅 13 歲。
1. live under a rock「與世隔絕」
2. GOAT「史上最偉大球員」:為Greatest of All Time的縮寫。
3. Black Mamba「黑曼巴」:是分布在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的一種大型毒蛇,而柯比之所以有「黑曼巴」的綽號,是因為他投籃與灌籃迅速,有如黑曼巴蛇爬行一樣迅速。
4. NBA「美國男子職籃」:為National Basketball Association的縮寫。
5. draft sb. into「徵召,招募」
6. shooting guard「得分後衛」:得分後衛的主要任務就是盡可能投籃得分,一般擔任此位置的球員在體型體能的要求較嚴格,需要有速度跟爆發力。
7. NBA Championship「NBA總冠軍」
8. All-Star Game「NBA全明星賽」:是美國職籃協會舉辦的年度球星表演賽,每年約於2月舉行,由觀眾與教練選出全聯盟的東西區明星球員出戰,是NBA明星週末(NBA All-Star Weekend)的壓軸比賽。
9. All-NBA Team「NBA最佳陣容」:是美國職籃協會每年頒獎的榮譽之一,用來表彰當季聯盟表現最好的籃球員。
10. All-Defensive Team「NBA最佳防守陣容」:用來表彰當季聯盟防守表現最好的球員。
11. MVP「最有價值球員」:為Most Valuable Player縮寫。
12. NBA Final「NBA總決賽」:為爭奪NBA最高榮譽「NBA總冠軍」的賽事,也是NBA 季後賽(NBA playoffs)的最後一輪比賽,於每年6月初舉行。
13. follow in one’s footsteps「仿效某人,步上某人腳步」
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00:00 前導
02:00 我阿公都比你強!
02:53 想拿金牌……
03:57 最佳斜槓獎
05:00 宅宅之光!
06:08 可愛動物區
07:16 政治歸政治?
08:20 白羅斯選手逃亡
08:54 剪短髮被出征
09:39 一個金牌不夠,你不會要兩個嗎?
10:31 被迫退休的希臘選手
11:12 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→俄泳將摘金創25年紀錄 想戴「貓貓口罩」領獎被打槍:想哭:https://bit.ly/3lBZv0F
→雙雙奪金!希臘跳遠選手出場學魯夫開二檔 荷蘭風帆好手髮型致敬《降世神通》:https://bit.ly/2TYmTd8
→另類觀眾來應援?東京奧運會給蟑螂「5秒特寫」 網友超迷惑:https://bit.ly/3AlSo0g
→62歲澳洲阿伯馬術奪牌「還不是最老」 想戰到2032年奧運:https://bit.ly/3rXydTz
→Japan Post to honor Tokyo Olympics medalists with golden mailboxes:https://bit.ly/3yvTzKd
→奧運獎金比一比 台灣算多嗎?:https://bit.ly/3AgX4oj
→各國奧運選手奪牌後 可獲得多少獎金?:https://bit.ly/3fAWpGn
→South Korean golfers have added medal motive at the Olympics: military exemption:https://wapo.st/3lCbrzq
→A Goldman Sachs Analyst by Day, He Helped Pitch Israeli Baseball Into the Olympics:https://on.wsj.com/3s3iMJE
→【前進東奧】從沒人看好到奧運金牌 最強「數學博士」業餘自行車手!:https://bit.ly/2VFmeO8
Sailing-'Last Airbender' Badloe in control for final RS:X gold:https://reut.rs/37FE9HD
→【東京奧運】曾被拒戴「貓嘴」口罩上台 俄羅斯貓奴泳手再奪金終償願:https://bit.ly/2Vw2FIB
→Italy celebrates ‘most beautiful day’ after double Olympic gold:https://bit.ly/3AlSKnC
→Explained: Can the Gold medal be shared at the Olympics?:https://bit.ly/37xjiWx
→舉重/希臘選手「窮得忍痛退役」 賽後揭自費全職無以維生:https://bit.ly/3jrDD5k

italy at the olympics 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳貼文
From Ig: NBA History
Allen Iverson emphatically answered Dirk
But the German star still has a lot of questions after the U.S.
Olympic team needed Iverson's midcourt buzzer-beater to edge
Germany 80-77 in an exhibition game Wednesday -- a day after the
Americans' stunning 95-78 loss to Italy.
"If they sent Kevin Garnett and Kobe and everyone else no one
in the world would have a chance. But I don't know like this,"
Nowitzki said. "I'll be very curious to see how they'll do in
Nowitzki scored 32 points, capped by a 3-pointer over two
defenders that tied it at 77 with 3.2 seconds left. But Iverson
countered with his second 3-pointer in the final 1{ minutes,
prompting Tim Duncan to raise a finger to the sky as if to say,
"We're No. 1!" while other team members piled atop Iverson.
"That was great. It felt good because it was the first time in
my life I hit a buzzer-beater like that," Iverson said. "That's
what basketball is all about."
U.S. coach Larry Brown tried to put a positive spin on another
embarrassing game.
"We made a lot of improvements over the game last night, but we
have a long ways to go," Brown said, adding of his recipe for gold
in Athens: "We're going to have pound the ball into Tim Duncan and
knock down some outside shots."
But the shaky first two games of the European trip has people
wondering if this team is going to be the first to lose in the
Olympics since NBA players became eligible for the 1992 Barcelona
Duncan led the Americans with 19 points, Carmelo Anthony added
16 and Iverson finished with 15.
Nowitzki pulled Germany -- a team that failed to qualify for the
Athens Games -- to 75-74 with two free throws with 35 seconds left.
Anthony's two free throws made it 77-74, setting up the final
long-distance drama in front of 18,000 spectators roaring for the
Germans and especially the popular Nowitzki.
"You can write the negative or you can write the positive,"
Iverson said. "But it was good to win a game like this. The crowd
was really into it. We have to get used to it in Athens. Everybody
will be rooting against us."
The U.S. team plays its first game in Athens against Puerto Rico
on Aug. 15 as it tries to win its fifth straight gold medal since
NBA players were allowed to compete at the Olympics. The Americans'
next exhibition game is against Serbia-Montenegro.

italy at the olympics 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
My favorite players of all time
Gia nluigi Buffon(Juventus),Iker Casillas(Real Madrid),Petr Cech(Chelsea),Edwin van der Sar(Manchester United),Fabio Cannavaro (Real Madrid), Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United), Paolo Maldini (AC Milan), Alessandro Nesta (AC Milan), Carles Puyol (Barcelona), John Terry (Chelsea)
GNORE TAGS at the moment, who do you think will take top spot
0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 -10 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 8-0 9-0 10-0 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1 1-2 2-2 3-2 4-2 5-2 6-2 7-2 8-2 9-2 10-2 1-3 2-3 3-3 4-3 5-3 6-3 7-3 8-3 9-3 10-3 1-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 9-4 10-4 Cesc Fabregas (Arsenal)Ronaldinho(AC Milan)Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)Lionel Messi(Barcelona)
(Barcelona), Thierry Henry (Barcelona), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Inter Milan), Wayne Rooney (Machester United), Carlos Tevez (Manchester United), Fernando Torres (Liverpool), Ruud van Nistelrooy (Real Madrid), David Villa (Valencia).
Athelic de Bilbao Atletico de Madrid Betis Racing Sporting de Gijon Mallorca Recreativo de Huelva Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus), Iker Casillas (Real Madrid), Petr Cech (Chelsea), Edwin van der Sar (Manchester United) Fabio Cannavaro (Real Madrid), Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United), Paolo Maldini (AC Milan), Alessandro Nesta (AC Milan), Carles Puyol (Barcelona), John Terry (Chelsea)SIDE WING BACKS Philip Lahm (Bayern Munich), Roberto Carlos (Fenerbache), Gianluca Zambrotta (Barcelona), Javier Zanetti (Inter Milan). DEFENSIVE CENTRE ATTACKING MIDFIELDERS Cesc Fabragas (Arsenal), Steven Gerrard (Liverpool), Juninho Pernambucano (Lyon), Kaka (AC Milan), Frank Lampard (Chelsea), Andrea Pirlo (AC Milan), Juan Roman Riquelme (Boca Juniors), Ronaldinho (Barcelona), Paul Scholes (Manchester United), Wesley Sneijder (Real Madrid), Francesco Totti (AS Roma), Rafael van der Vaart (Hamburger SV).SIDE MIDFIELDERS WINGERS David Beckham (LA Galaxy), Ryan Giggs (Manchester United), Alexander Hleb (Arsenal), Joaquin (Valencia), Frank Ribery (Bayern Munich), Robinho (Real Madrid), Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United), Simao Sabrosa (Atletico Madrid).FULL SECOND STRIKERS Emmanuel Adebayor (Arsenal), Samuel Eto'o (Barcelona), Thierry Henry (Barcelona), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Inter Milan), Wayne Rooney (Machester United), Carlos Tevez (Manchester United), Fernando Torres (Liverpool), Ruud van Nistelrooy (Real Madrid), David Villa (Valencia) more tags Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Wales. Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers, Birmingham City, Bolton, Chelsea, Derby County, Everton, Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Middlesbrough, Newcastle United, Portsmouth, Reading, Sunderland, Tottenham Hotspur, West Ham United, Wigan Athletic. Ronaldinho Gaucho nike R10 T90 Total manchester united, sporting lisbon, portugal, english, skills, goals, rabona hocus pocus, trickbox trick backheel flip around the world sent off rooney, world cup, CR7, great awesome strange amazing goal, shot, strike, screamer, joga bonito, champions league, carling cup league cup, fa cup, skillz, freekick, free kick, bluster, penalty, live bbc motd, skysports, setanta sports, itv sport, nike vapor mercurial, rooney, Cristiano ronaldo, tevez, giggs, scholes, alex ferguson, pfa player of the year, pfa young player of the year, Arsenal, chelsea liverpool bolton, aston villa, birmingham, derby, newcastle, portsmouth reading, tottenham spurs, sporting, rome as roma, ac milan, barcelona, fulham, Middlesbrough, everton, wigan, sunderland, west ham, manchester city, blackburn, rome roma as milan barcelona,champions league, premier league ronaldinho, messi, nani, henry, bojan, adebayor, fabregas, torres, flamini, clichy, evra, vidic, ferdinand, brown, neville, carrick, anderson, scholes, giggs,Arsenal, chelsea liverpool bolton, aston villa, birmingham, derby, newcastle, portsmouth reading, tottenham spurs, sporting, rome as roma, ac milan, barcelona, fulham, Middlesbrough, everton, wigan, sunderland, west ham, manchester city, blackburn, rome, ac milan, barcelona.ronaldinho, messi, nani, henry, bojan, adebayor, fabregas, torres, flamini, clichy, evra, vidic, ferdinand, brown, neville, carrick, anderson, scholes, giggs download link original version (HQ) Download_ mobile version confederation cup 2009 spain vs. south africa spain - south africa iraq vs. new zealand iraq - new zealand brazil - italy usa - egypt spain 5-0 new zealand egypt 1-0 italy brazil 3-0 usa semifinals barcelona 2-0 manchester united stoke city red bulls lions south africa rugby golf presentation presentazzionecricket tiger woods new official music roy keane toi spain new zealand confederations cup 2009