✅➡️印尼跟美國買「2個中隊的F-16V」 戰機產業鏈讓台灣發大財
✅什麼叫「台灣發大財」?什麼叫國防工業帶動台灣經濟?台美合作研發F-16V戰機就是一最好例子!也是那些反軍購酸民不敢正視的事實:台灣不只與美國合作開發APG-83 SABR先進主動相位雷達,更可從各國舊機升級與新機(Block 70 / 72)訂單不斷獲得大筆權利金分紅匯回台灣或折抵軍購!
✅蔡英文總統此前表示:採購F-16 Block70戰機將提升空軍戰力、提升整體國防,依「台灣關係法」讓台灣有足夠自我防衛能力確保台海和平!社會大眾在親中媒體大帶風向之下普遍以為採購戰機「台灣買貴了」「台灣被坑了」?實際上台灣才是與美國一起雙贏的國家!許多民眾根本不知道F-16V戰機升級所使用APG-83 SABR先進主動相位陣列雷達,就是由台灣投資與美合作開發(更獲美軍用於改良F-16 / F/A-18 / B-52 / B-1B)台灣擁有該雷達部份智財權。
✅摘錄:『不少民眾對於國軍向美國軍購F-16V的投資是否划算感到質疑,但是現在印尼想跟美國購買2個中隊的F-16V,由於台灣是美國之外F-16V的唯一研發國,印尼跟美國的軍購,卻能夠讓台灣獲得研發回饋金。根據印尼媒體《雅加達環球報》(Jakarta globe)報導,印尼空軍首席元帥蘇迪斯納(Yuyu Sutisna)宣布,從明年開始向美國軍購2個中隊的F-16戰鬥機,「我們的目標是最新的72批次毒蛇戰機」。』
✅而且美國也不會像法國故意搞一堆藉口刁難,都照合約走,希望民眾能對台灣多一點信心!根據新聞報導:目前已有多國向美採購F-16V規格新機或升級,首筆權利金分紅今年可望匯入我國政府專戶,台美工業合作回饋更可望在台建立維修中心。漢翔自行升級空軍144架F-16更使台灣之名走向世界,反觀軍盲酸民與親中媒體卻只會嫌F-16「老舊」?嫌軍購花很多營養午餐錢? ... 這才叫短視。
➡️升級F-16V在歐洲有極大銷售潛力 台灣等著收權利金!
➡️增購F-16V聯隊決策 國軍廿年來首度「擴軍」!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過36萬的網紅OOC,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Planet OOC - Planet OutOfControl Facebook: Website: Download Link:
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International Conference on Strengthening Human Capital Development for Islamic Finance Professional Qualification
I had the privilage to speak at this important event together with other leading training providers in Indonesia on 17 September. Everyone was great and inspirational.
It was half a day event organised by CIMA and supported by National Islamic Finance Committee (better known as KNKS that is Komite Nasional Keuwangan Syariah). As much as I have shared my global perspective, I have also learnt a lot from from the insights from my fellow esteemed Indonesian colleagues.
For record purposes, Amanie has been working with CIMA global in London since 2007 to develop 4 modules on Islamic finance leading to Certified Islamic Finance which was rolled out in 2009/2010. The modules include Islamic commercial law, Islamic banking and takaful, Islamic capital markets and Accounting for Islamic financial instititions. We have also developed one module of advanced diploma in product structuring in Islamic finance. We have received a good traction from many students and working adults accross the globe since then.
I took the opportunity while having the dinner with CIMA in Jakarta upon my arrival in Jakarya to discuss on a new design of Islamic finance module which is trendy, funtional and relevant to all stakeholders which will be embedded with creativity and curiosity mind navigation, leadership and decisioning skill set and having a close relationship with AI and smart technology. Both the dinner meeting and conference event were exciting and unlocking.
CIMA also took the opportunity to launch officially CIMA Islamic Finance in Jakarta. CIMA Islamic Finance is ideal to those who strive to be equaipped with the global perspective of Islamic finance bandwidth. Upskilling is always rewarding for indivoduals and the nation building.
"The first thing to upgrade Islamic finance is to upgrade ourselves on all fronts".
MDB....from Abu Dhabi
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【 7 月 29 日 國際新聞重要訊息 】
[#美國]川普、共和黨各唱各調 4大戲本週攻占華府
相距僅2英里的白宮與國會這週卻宛如相隔千里,各唱各的調。共和黨議員奮力廢除歐巴馬健保改革法,白宮卻爆內鬥。外加川普推文禁跨性別者從軍和槓上司法部長,華府光一週就上演四大戲。美聯社報導,美國總統與自家議員對優先事項的歧異如此大相當罕見,這週接近尾聲時,共和黨議員企圖兌現在健保改革上對選民的7年承諾,但川普卻似乎事不關己,只發表幾則推文。眾議院共和黨黨團昨天召開閉門會議時,就有至少一名議員對白宮內鬥帶來的衝擊有所抱怨。南卡羅來納州共和黨議員桑福德(Mark Sanford)會後就表示:「白宮情勢愈來愈詭異。讓我們突破法案困境、帶來成果,但白宮內部鬥爭卻成了阻礙。」(聯合新聞網:
[#印尼]印尼每年流入250噸毒品 最大來源中國
印尼毒品問題嚴重,國家緝毒局長布迪說,印尼地理特性容易讓毒販藉海路從各處登陸,目前72個國際販毒集團在印尼活動,印尼一年流入約250公噸毒品,其中最大來源是中國。「雅加達環球報」(Jakarta Globe)報導,布迪(Budi Waseso)近日受訪表示,印尼已成為毒販的據點,毒販很容易從海路滲透進入印尼,因為印尼有許多小港口、非官方登陸點和眾多島嶼。印尼總統佐科威(Joko Widodo)日前下令,要執法人員射殺毒販,以處理印尼面對的毒品危機。佐科威表示,執法人員態度要堅決,尤其當面對進入印尼且拒捕的外國毒販時,要射殺他們。不過,布迪指出,印尼並沒有要效法菲律賓總統杜特蒂(Rodrigo Duterte)發動造成許多人死亡的掃毒戰爭。他說,印尼有自己的法律,不會效法菲律賓的做法。(聯合新聞網:
[#英國]倫敦東部爆騷亂 民眾抗議警方暴力執法
[#朝鮮]北韓又搗彈 再落日本經濟海域
南韓聯合參謀本部和美國國防部發言人戴維斯(Jeff Davis)證實,北韓於南韓時間廿八日晚間十一時四十一分(台灣時間同日晚間十時四十一分)再度試射彈道飛彈,發射地點可能為北部慈江道舞坪里,飛彈約飛行四十五分鐘後落入日本專屬經濟海域(EEZ),實際損傷情況仍待查證,美方正針對飛彈類型等資訊進行確認。南韓總統文在寅和日本首相安倍晉三隨後分別召開緊急國安會議。日本官房長官菅義偉稱無法容忍平壤的舉動,並稱此舉已違反聯合國決議。(自由時報:
[#斯里蘭卡]中國租借港口99年 斯里蘭卡人轟:淪殖民地軍港
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Planet OOC - Planet OutOfControl
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來自雅加達的17 歲青年將他年輕的生命用Future House來詮釋。從小在美國長大(北卡、加州)的他,參加過阿卡貝拉合唱團、也擔任過鋼琴師,因此從他的音樂當中可以聽到各種元素的融合。時常搬來搬去的他也因此取名為ROAM。
這首歌曲融合了Future House以及Progressive House,甚至還可以依稀聽到一些Tropical的元素。ROAM希望這首歌可以將聽眾帶到「另外一個地方」,忘記一切的叨擾。
17 year old young talent from Jakarta, Indonesia infuses musical elements garnered in the four years spent in North Carolina and California into a masterpiece. The name is ROAM , to represent his young life wandering around the globe, as he gains more inspiration.
What I love most about this track is the mixture of future house and
progressive house; while the drop is future house, you can hear sounds of progressive house in the verses. With the tropical plucks at the start of the verses to build an ambience, the track is aimed to take
the listeners to "another place" ad the track advances to the future
house drop.
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If you're a musician of any genre, please contact with your song/demo/remix ,etc. and your masterpiece will be in queue on our channel!
If you'd like to submit a picture or moving background, you can send it here with OOC giving you full credit:
Copyright Infringements please contact and we will respond and cooperate immediately.
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