Sejak PRU lepas, Tun mahathir di angkat menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang ke 7. Kali ni corak pimpinan Tun berubah 360°. Bukan seperti Tun dulu kerana Tun hari ini dilihat begitu lemah, pendiam dan lembik. Itu rata-rata yang mula melihat sosok tubuh ini hari ini. Bertali arus di tibai pihak pembangkang, katanya Tun baruah DAP. Tun ni jadi badut je.
Segala propaganda di momokkan. Cuba dikucar kacirkan dari dalam barisan Kerajaan sedia ada. Tapi Tun tetaplah Tun.
Dalam diam, musuhnya hancur berkecai. Orang terlupa banyak perkara tentang Tun Mahathir sehingga mula sambil lewa memandang Diamnya Tun Mahathir. Sedang musuh meremehkan Tun Mahathir, mula cuba menekan Tun Mahathir, mereka terlepas pandang. Tun Mahathir sedang kusyuk menulis, merangka sesuatu yang besar.
Harimau kertas dipanggilnya? Alamak.
Apa yang mustahil bila disebutkan tentang Tun Mahathir?
Sejarah Mahathir dalam politik sendiri sepatutnya kau dah perlu ambik tahu, tua-tua dia. Licik dia tu level power. Di saat kau tengah berfoya, dia tengah leka mentelaah buku-buku Perang. Di saat kau sedang mentertawakan dia, Dia fokus menghuraikan di atas kertas segala kelemahan-kelemahan kau. Di saat kau mula rasa kau dah boleh makan dia, masa tu lah Senjata Besar dia dah siap. Endingnya apa?
Bersujudlah musuh-musuh swing 360°. Nak lawan pasti mati, nak sujud tercalar maruah. Akhirnya pilih spin pendirian dan create pandangan-pandangan yang meneutralkan hubungan antara mereka dan Tun Mahathir. Dalam tempoh beberapa tahun merasa menang besar, endingnya keliru, tak sangka dan terjerat.
Gila punya game Tun Mahathir. Game Tun nampak gila pun sebenarnya sebab team lawan terleka je. Terbiasa dengan perangai mudah selesa. Nampak sedang menguasai, padahal sebenarnya sedang dikuasai. Tup tup terjerat. Nahh, menyembah.
Kalau kau perasan, game Tun Mahathir bemula seawal dia di angkat semula menjadi Perdana Menteri. Dari dulu sewaktu bersama UMNO lagi, mana-mana meeting Tun akan tekankan betapa bahayanya DAP yang berkepalakan Lim Kit Siang. Betapa rasisnya Lim Kit Siang. Tiba-tiba Tun boleh bersama DAP? Realitinya semudah tu kah boleh berkawan? No no. Cerita dia sebenarnya, permainan baru bermula.
Dalam terpaksa, nak taknak inilah perjuangan. Kalau tak ambil keputusan gila tubuhkan PPBM dan bekerjasama dengan Pakatan, mungkin waktu tu kalau kalah, semuanya habis musnah. Dah lama UMNO terkubur sebaik tumbang PRU lepas kalau PPBM tak diwujudkan dan Tun jadi perdana menteri. Takda lagi siapa yang boleh pertahankan. Game ni pihak pembangkang jarang nak bercerita. Ramai tak berani nak akui yang Tun sebenarnya dah selamatkan diorang dari awal game bila UMNO tumbang. Ramai tak berani nak cakap pada masyarakat, yang Tun Mahathir nekad keluar dari UMNO dulu sebenarnya kerana Tun Mahathir nampak, melayu akan dibelasah cukup-cukup bila hilang kuasa.
Situ bermulanya susunan demi susunan. Macam mana Tun susun kabinet. Tiba-tiba diwujudkan Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi, di binakan pengaruh kepada orang kanan Anwar Ibrahim, dia hantar pula orang bersyair pada pimpinan-pimpinan UMNO dan PAS. Waktu gerak kerja ni berjalan, pembangkang buat apa? Ghairah cuba meneka dan merasa jaguh bila dapat teka permainan Tun? Untuk apa? Buang masa!
Kau tak akan dapat jangka!
Orang buat kerja, kau sibuk nak bagi pandangan itu dan ini untuk orang nampak kau pandai. Last sekali kepandaian kau dimakan oleh orang yang buat kerja.
Apa je gerakan yang Logik dari Tun Mahathir? Banyak yang tak masuk dek akal.
UMNO buat pertama kali dalam Sejarah di tumbangkan pun satu perkara yang sangat tak masuk dek akal. Kalau cerita dekat moyang-moyang kita dulu yang hari ni UMNO dah berjaya ditumbangkan, diorang gelak je. Tak masuk akal. Tapi Tun berjaya buat. Lagi angpa mau pandang kecik orang tua ni? Parti keramat orang Melayu yang tak pernah kalah sejak Merdeka. Di tumbangkan oleh sosok tua yang geng lawan kata dah nyanyuk. Hina betul. Tapi kesudahannya yang Hina tu siapa? Pastinya yang kalah lawan orang nyanyuk. Kena faham satu perkara. Dalam perlawanan bola sepak sekalipun, untuk menang dan dapat mata, kau kena menang. Apa cara kau menang, itu cerita lain. Waimah kau gol pakai tangan sekalipun, kalau menang, menang lah jawabnya. Kau yang akan julang PIALA!
Ibarat Liverpool lawan Manchester United. Keputusan akhir, Liverpool menang 3-2. Kau sebagai penyokong Liverpool peduli ke bila penyokong Manchester united asyik ulang yang team kau menang nasib? Sebab penalti je? Lepas tu depa cakap pulak team depa nasib tak baik sebab bola banyak kena tiang? Eh peduli apa. Sembang boleh lah.
Banyak musuh di bunuh mati, tapi ramai masih tak belajar lagi. Tak ulangkaji. Balik-balik nak sedapkan hati, cerita keburukan orang tua ni berbanding kebaikan orang tua ni. Selama ni dia senyum, game LAST ni kau boleh nampak muka dia dah tak senyum. Ketat semacam. Macam tahan berak pun ada. Siapa mati dulu kita tak tau, kita cuma boleh pura-pura happy, pura-pura menganjing sambil simpan dalam-dalam apa game seterusnya bakal jadi. Ini bukan cerita siapa teka betul, ini cerita siapa kena kitai dulu dan mati terus.
DAP nampak gaya dah mula kenal erti sopan santun. Jalan depan pun dah tunduk, nak angkat dada risau esok kena tanam. Dah mula tahu, baki legasi Bangsa Melayu Kurang ajar masih belum mati. Meniti usia, sambil mencorak sejarah baru yang terakhir. Jauh lebih kurang ajar daripada DAP itu sendiri. Kurang Ajar lawan Bapak Kurang Ajar.
Sekarang ni mana suara Tun Mahathir khadam DAP? Kalau game last ni berjaya, HERO yang belum pernah dikalahkan oleh DAP dalam sejarah Malaysia ni bukan UMNO. Tapi Tun Mahathir Mohamad. Nak kata Tun Mahathir minta talian hayat? Bukan minta talian hayat, ceritanya Tun dah cengkam telur seko-seko dari awal lagi untuk follow perancangannya. Kalau berani, tolak lah talian hayat tu. Kalau betul Tun terhegeh. Aku bagi contoh, kau bergaduh dengan sorang member kau yang dah khianat kau gila-gila. Dia tinggalkan kau. Esok member kau tu datang jumpa kau ajak join dia. Kau join tak? Mustahil. Melainkan member kau tu keluarkan satu bukti perangai buruk kau, yang boleh buat imej kau tercalar teruk dan kau dibuang oleh keluarga kau sendiri. Situ baru kau akan fikir untuk akur join dia. Kan? Ni basic punya logik. Kena ada benda yang menggetarkan jantung kau untuk kau boleh terima untuk join.
Lenyap segala prasangka jahat dan zalim yang dah di doktrin dalam minda masyarakat oleh puak yang melebihi nafsu dari akal kepada satu-satunya Fighter Tua berusia 94tahun bangsa melayu ini. Yang mendesak dari kem PKR hari ni, tersepit lain macam dah. Agaknya dah kena penampar dengan Anwar sorang-sorang sebab taktik tu mengeruhkan lagi keadaan. Melenyapkan cita-cita.
Ibarat sekarang ni kita boleh bayangkan Tun Mahathir dengan sinis bercakap macam ni kepada puak-puak yang tengah konfiden nak makan dia.
"Masa aku berjaya bina KLCC, korang baru belajar mengaji. Bila dah khatam, kau cuba nak ajar aku pasal ABC? "
Satu persatu mati berdiri.
Aku yang menulis,
Tuan Amir Danau
P/s : Bayangkan, keputusan membina parti baru dihina secukup-cukupnya. Digelakkan habis-habisan oleh gergasi-gergasi. Segala tuduhan dilemparkan, dikaitkan dengan pelbagai gelaran khianat pada bangsa. Tau-tau game dah hampir sampai ke penghujungnya. Ternganga. Siapa sebenarnya yang khianat pada bangsa melayu? Dan siapa sebenarnya Hero yang sedang menyelamatkan nasib orang melayu? Game last ni bakal menjawab semua soalan. Apapun, selamat mula buku baru wahai pemimpin melayu.
Sumber : Tuan Amir Danau
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【一支小雨傘】One Little Umbrella
(English writing below)
我能夠無顧慮地站在大眾前,因為背後一直有他......幫忙做家務。 😄
In the many thunderstorms of my life, he is always with by my side with an open umbrella.
Before we got married, whenever I was thrashed by my Mum, he would always be on the other end of the line, barely awake, listening to my sobs, at midnight hours.
I used to have bad gastric bouts, so he would pack lots of chocolates, instant oats, antacids into a small pouch and tell me to bring it overseas.
Till today, he is still taking charge of my meals. With him around, I have regular meals.
I do not like to peel prawns for once, my fingers got cut by a prawn shell. So all these years, he would peel for me voluntarily.
Once I asked him, if he minded me being an air stewardess. He replied, that he was looking forward to marrying me so that he would get a free air ticket to watch his Liverpool team play.
Later on, I asked him if he minded me being a Feng Shui practitioner. He said no. He thought that it was interesting and with me combining it with Dharma, it was a meaningful job to bring hope to people.
The reason why I can stand in front of everyone without any worry is because of him.... helping out with the chores at home 😁
When that Youtube video of mine: https://youtu.be/lPH26j2XQGw, became the subject of a “heated” discussion in some men's forums, the first person I thought of was him.
I sent him screenshots of the discussion thread. He was at work yet he called me immediately.
His first words were “Are you OK?”
I asked him if he disliked the subject I spoke about in the video and attracted these troubles?
He said he did not mind because I was benefiting others, and did not behave flirtatiously in the video. He also knew there was no hanky panky between my male clients and I.
I asked him if his family got to see this video and disliked these unwanted attention, would he stop me?
He said no, and that he would explain to his family that he was aware of what I did and gave his full blessings to my work. He asked me to have no fear.
Before marriage, he told me he would not stop me from pursuing my dreams. After marriage, his words still hold true.
Till now, when I am troubled, he would still make the effort to hear me out, despite being in a drowsy state.
My whole life has been unconventional, bordering on the eccentric, unlike the lifestyle of most Singaporean ladies. I often think I am an oddball, doing things that most people would scoff at.
Yet since the beginning till now, he did not once back down, but showered me with understanding and consideration.
I ask him if being married to me was tough for him.
He said no. When I’m not in a foul temper, things are beautiful. I am like a monkey who never grows up, but this is also the uniqueness of our marriage. He said he was glad that we didn't have children. Otherwise, with so many monkeys in the home, I would be that Monkey King doing crazy things with all the little monkeys and he would be that frantic papa trying to pull everything together for a sane household.
He told me there is no need for me to compare our marriage with others'. He married me because I was different.
Well, I guess this kind of marriage can probably go a long way.
Cubby, Happy 14th Anniversary!
liverpool no 19 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 的最佳貼文
Open Letter To Anas Zubedy - A Counter-Letter to Dr. Zakir Naik
Dear Dr Zakir,
I have to apologize for the outburst of my fellow countryman Anas Zubedy who, in his latest blog posting, has asked you to leave Malaysia. I am here to write to convince you otherwise: that not only should you not leave, but to lengthen your duration of stay, diversify your place of ceramahs, return more often and intensify your fervour in the kind of dakwah that you do: a most non-vindictive, non-antagonistic, scholarly and, unfortunately (the one that became the central raison d’etre of some people’s hatred towards you), full of indisputable truths in them. And I too will give you my reasonings.
Now I doubt though that this letter will be read by you, or even reach you, as compared to Anas’ who probably have his minions try send HIS letter to you. If as such, let’s just regard my letter as a rhetorical one---that it could/should be read by others other than you.
I apologize for Anas because you might think that his words represent the whole country in its entirety or are some kind of epitome of the general Malaysian psyche. Nothing could be further than the truth. You see, we Malaysian Muslims are a motley crew of different characters and idiosyncrasies, right from the most pious and God-conscious to the most despicably and spiritually turpitude. And you know what?
Everyone has access to the internet. Everyone can write their thoughts about Islam. Everyone can claim to be a voice of the religion and, if one is equipped with some kind of babyface- ness and some applauds from some islamophobes or liberal muslims, who knows---one might even get to be popular and well-read.
Anas does not belong to the former category. At least you can realize that much by now just via reading. And I am not saying he is spiritually corrupt either, being well-mannered and having pleasant demeanour. But you can well sense his ... lack of knowledge.
His lack of Islamic Spirit, of a Mujahid, of one who cares least if the religion is going to get some beatings or not. His concern is not that. Rather, his concern is more towards what his readers would think of him, the majority of which are made up of non-muslims and liberal islam.
For how are you expected to write if you are writing for those who would like to listen more about Islam not as one which the prophet SAW has brought, but as one which could be modified to fit in the whims and fancies of the general non-muslim populace.
He does not understand Aqidah, as you can well see his stand on Syiah. He does not conform to the idea of Islam being “ya’lu wa laa yu’la alaihi”, as promulgated by the prophet SAW. To him, all religions are the saaaaaaame. All have equal merits, and Islam is just one of the many numerators pegged on the denominator of goodness.
Contrary to his insistence of being an avid Quran reader (he even has some study group making tafsirs of Quranic verses. I am not joking!), he doesn’t understand the Qur’anic spirit. Or, at most, glance off the many diverse Qur’anic verses on faith and life in general and only pick ones which he thinks would be fodder enough for his general blog readers. I shudder to think of the kind of misinformation, of selective facts and of a general depravity of truths that his non- muslim readers have been exposed to all this while.
Now why is there a phenomenon such as Anas Zubedy? One word:
Born Again.
(OK that’s two)
You see, a 60’s, 70’s Malaysian Islam (of which Anas’ childhood was immersed in) is not the Malaysian Islam that we see now. Those were the years of Mokhtar Dahari, of Malaysian women not donning tudung, of “Guinness Stout Baik Untuk Anda” advertisements still embellishing the local malay-held Utusan newspapers.
In general, a widespread era of neo-jahiliyyah. Then in the 80’s-90s (Anas’ formative university years) there was an explosion of kesedaran, and students coming back from al-Azhar and Madinah University began to convey to their parent folks that hey! We’ve been having it wrong all these times.
There is no Bomoh Jampi. Mandi Safar is wrong. Donning the tudung is wajib. And prayers is a must, not something optional. There was an almost overnight transformation due to being exposed to the truer Islam as opposed to the malay-flavoured Islam prevailing then.
But some things steadfastly refuse to be swept along in the winds of change. City folks preoccupied with chasing the hedonistic dreams and life, and youthful folks (university ones, the kind that Anas was surrounded with) just on the verge of being exposed to newly-found breaking of religious shackles ignored this change.
Theirs was the era of Bakat TV. Of the discotheque. We don’t need no freakin’ Islam to tell us what we can do and what we can’t.
But the winds are stronger. Come the new millennium, people like Anas look around them and find that they have been left behind. Far, far behind. They feel a need to catch up, to be shoulder-to- shoulder with those who carve out a name championing a most noble cause. But what to do?
They don’t have any Islamic trainings. Some have left religion way, way back before. In universities and colleges, while the other students enjoin one another in their usrahs or khurujs or ceramahs, they were busy with dating, with Abba and Bee Gees, with discos. So apart from their primary school years of learning the Juz-‘Amma from their grandfathers or the local ustazs, they really have NOTHING by way of Islamic advancements to be put onto their spiritual resumes.
Beginning from the 2000’s, we see a proliferation of people who you SENSE come from a more liberal society and upbringing but writing about Islam. Suddenly overnight we have these Born-Again writers flooding the internet firstly to show that they THEMSELVES are also champions of Islam and secondly that hey! Read me! I have come with the kind of Islam that is both modern, progressive, accommodative which even the non-muslims love.
Seriously, don’t we wish that we have THESE kinds of people to face Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab during the prophet’s time (SAW)?
But commensurate with Anas’ path towards full righteousness is his being influenced by Quranist ideologies. He is surrounded by people like Syed Akbar Ali, Malaysia’s most vocal proponent of no-hadith, qur’an-only beliefs.
A lack of basic fiqh, fused with a rejection of the prophet’s hadith and general taqwa, and you have a most explosive case of Islamic Misinformation you can ever perceive with two brains.
So there you have it, Dr Zakir. Don’t take too much heart, now that you know certain histories and backgrounds. Onwards to the allegations that Anas have got on you.
Seriously, I don’t even feel a need to comment on this. It is self-explanatory, self-revealing. According to that other Anas, Anas bin Malik (RA), the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: " I wish that I could meet my brothers." The Sahaabah (RAA) asked: "Aren't we your brothers?" He replied: "You are my Companions, but my brothers are those who will believe in me without having seen me."
What can you say, Dr Zakir, some people regard their relationships to the multitude of non-muslims as his family much more than you and me ever are?
As for Anas, yes please be comforted by your “family” here. As for me, my brothers and family are ...err... quite different from yours. Before anyone can point a finger saying that I am against Muhibbah of the races, I am not.
I have a multiracial neighbor that I play games with, drink coffee with and argue with on whether Q could obliterate the Borgs in one fell swoop. But family? Brothers? I only follow the conjunction of the Qur’an: “Verily the believers are brothers.” (al Hujurat-10)
Now I am scratching my head on this one. Is this a statistical study or what? A scientific poll? Which authority has the audacity to conclude something like this, and if so under what premises? And let me pose a counter questioning to Anas: Name one Islamic Dakwah personality which, if brought to Malaysia, would, in your mind, have a POSITIVE impact on the non-muslims towards Islam?
Hello... None, OK? Positive impact means what. That they nod their heads in appreciations? That they show they like it by purchasing Islamic paraphernalia?
Anas said that your presence is getting non-muslims further away from Islam. This is where Anas’ confusion reaches its peak. He equates people disliking Islam as a sign of failure.
If so, Anas lacks the knowledge of Seerah big, big time. He lacks the understanding, not to mention the spirit of Islamic Dakwah big, big time. (By the way how much does Anas know about dakwah, apart from him being able to SPELL it? Has he ever been in khuruj?)
When the prophet preached Islam in Mecca to Umaiyyah bin Khalaf, Walid bin Mughirah, Utbah bin Rabi’ah and others, what kind of response is Anas expecting to be produced by them. The same as his non-muslim and liberal muslim readers accord him now, with applauds and compliments?
Is Dakwah to be done the result of which should be praises and accolades rather than a general feeling of discomfort onto the ears of those whom the dakwah is given?
Have you, Dr Zakir, started to feel a sense of ... inadequacy in the understanding of the Islamic spirit prevailing on this person now?
Actually Anas, they do. What you PERCEIVE as a non-level playing field as far as dakwah is concerned in Malaysia, is actually a phenomenon best described in one of the talk events of Dr Zakir Naik where after expounding the inconsistencies of some biblical texts, one christian questioner stood up and asked,
“Dr. Zakir. Why do you insult us christians? What have you got against the bible that you are saying that their passages are wrong? Why do you say that the bible is not from God?”
And Dr Zakir answers (Anas pay attention carefully). “If I tell you that 2 X 2 is 5, what do you have to say to that?” And the man answered “That you are wrong.”
To which Dr Zakir replied, “are you insulting me? I say 2 x 2 is 5 and you say I am wrong?” The man said. “I am not insulting you. I am just saying you are wrong”.
“Like wise”, said Dr Zakir. “Neither have I insulted the bible nor have I disrespected it.
What I am saying is it is just wrong. And here is why I have said so .... (proceeds to read and analyse the conflicting verses). Now how can God be the author of some conflicting facts? And if you have scientific, logical, mathematical and factual proofs that you can provide that disproves my thesis, then by all means produce it. If it is sensible enough, I am more ready to declare that I am mistaken in this.”
Anas, if it is not Zakir Naik who could highlight to the masses things like these, then who would. You? Would you like to take his place? No. Notwithstanding, with the kind of “with charity towards all, malice towards none and love for all ...” mentality permeating in you, never in a million years would you be so factual.
You would sooner hide verses such as “Innad-Deen indallah al-Islam” rather than tell your non muslim listeners what Allah says.
Then what would you say in from of Allah on the day of judgement if asked, “O Anas, on earth you played with your friends. Joked with them, socialize with them. But never once did you attract them to Islam.
Even if you think you did, it wasn’t via the way of the prophet. Never once were they attracted to the Quran because never once did you point out that whatever they read other than the Quran was wrong and not from me”.
Now I might sound I am in some level of bigotry here but upon closer scrutiny, I am not. The christians or people from other denominations have equal rights to say that “Actually you muslims are wrong according to our dogma. According to our beliefs, you all will enter hellfire.” And I am okay with that. And get this:
SO IS OUR ENTIRE GOVERNMENT, MUSLIM POPULACE AND ISLAM IN GENERAL. We do not mind you to think that WE are the unsuccessful ones in the hereafter, just like we think YOU are. But will that harm perpaduan?
Not at all. After all this, we still go to our friends’ daughter’s weddings, sit and sip Stevia-laced coffee in any kopitiam, and fight with one another whether Man U is better than Liverpool or imbibe uniappam in any banana-leaf restaurant.
What is preventing us from having our Mokhtar Dahari-Soh Chin Aun-Santokh Singh moments are NOT religion. Definitely NOT Islam. They are politics, and we have diverse ways to view THAT one. Speaking of which ...
Sorry Dr Zakir. Not much comment in here, apart from giving my two-cents view from a religious standpoint. I am neither a politician nor like politics that much, but I do NOT conform to the plan of making our top-most potential people to take over the premiership who have come from a background of homo-sexuality.
Any persons, entities and politicians who conform to this should not be agreed upon. Period. That’s my entire political thoughts wrapped in 2 sentences. Clever, Sensible and Far-looking is what I is.
Lastly Dr Zakir, do not take things too hard, as I said. Perchance if you could be visiting (on your way) to a small dilapidated coffee stall by the roadside in Keramat, maybe you can stop by and I can interest you with some home-made cheese pisang goreng and the best lemang this side of the hemisphere? No?
Your brother
J Rizal
ps: check for adherence to Anas’ rules for Anonymous writers:-
4. Your presence is slowing down Malaysia’s political revitalization
1. No profanity---Checked
2. Seditious – nope.
3. Don’t play God --- Na’uzubillah.
4. Sweeping statements – Like, “You cause family disputes” kind of sweeping statements?
5. Facts as opposed to opinions – Whaaaat? I thought I should be asking you that, especially
with that “Your presence here is causing negative impact” thing
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No photo description available. ESPN FC, profile picture · ESPN FC · Liverpool FC have lost 14 players to injuries or positive COVID-19 tests. ... <看更多>
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Number 19 : The Liverpool 2019/20 Season Documentary | Episode 1: A Flying StartWATCH THE FULL SERIES: ... ... <看更多>