APEC Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem Conference
10:10-10:30 Keynote Speech I Co-Creating a Digital Future in the Manufacturing, Energy and City Infrastructure Sectors
專題演講I 攜手為製造、能源與城市 共創數位化未來
Mr. Erdal Elver, President & CEO, Siemens Ltd., Taiwan
總裁暨執行長 / 臺灣西門子
10:30-10:50 Keynote Speech II Collaborative Power of Integrating Business with Smart Innovation, Cross-Sector Talents, and IoT
專題演講II 智慧創新X跨域人才X物聯網: 共創就是力量
Mr. Chaney Ho, Co-founder & Executive Board Director, Advantech
何春盛 共同創辦人暨執行董事 / 研華科技
11:00-12:00 Panel Discussion Vision & Trends of Cross-Sector Collaboration: A Demand Driven Global Innovation Landscape
專題與談 跨域產業合作應用發展趨勢與商機: 從消費者需求看產業轉型契機
Dr. Yau-Jr Liu, Vice President, Taipei University of Marine Technology
呂曜志 副校長 / 台北海洋科技大學
Mr. Arnaud Peninon, CEO& Co-Founder, UnikBird
Mr. Carter Ho, Managing Director & Co-Founder, UnaBiz Network
何承翰 臺灣區總經理 / 優納比網絡(股)公司
Mr. Edgar Chiu, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, SparkLabs Taipei
邱彥錡 共同創辦人 / SparkLabs Taipei
Mr. Louis Ho, Head of Business Development, Public Sector, Amazon Web Services Taiwan.
何盧穎 總監 / 台灣亞馬遜網路服務有限公司
Mr. Jeffrey Chen, Director of Product Marketing, Kneron (Taiwan)
陳宇春 產品行銷協理 / 耐能智慧(股)公司