We are going to Canada!!!
08/27(六) 20:00 加拿大多倫多湖濱藝文中心
09/04(日) 20:00 加拿大溫哥華 Vancouver Playhouse
宇宙人 00001 跟我回地球 巡演場次
■9/18(日) 杭州 Loopy Live
■9/21(三) 廈門 Real Live
■9/22(四) 深圳 B10 現場
■9/25(日) 廣州 樂府
■購票-秀動網: http://goo.gl/h4JUz7
10/08-10/10 大阪 FM802 MINAMI WHEEL(ミナミホイール)[OFFICIAL]] 音樂祭,宇宙人演出時間:10月9日
Cosmos People were nominated earlier this year with the 27th Golden Melody Award for Best Musical Group for their unique fusion of Funk, Jazz, Disco, and other genres. Their audience just can’t get enough of their swingin’ melodies, caught up in their singular “Cosmos-style”. With ten years in music, a 100 hour Himalayan climb, and countless hours to master their craft, Cosmos People pave the Path to Peace with their performances.
To reserve your seats, please visit http://www.taiwanfest.ca/reservation/
索票請上 http://www.taiwanfest.ca/reservation/
宇宙人 相信音樂國際股份有限公司 彎的音樂 Wonder Music Harbourfront Centre 宇宙人 小玉 Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company #宇宙人 #溫哥華 #多倫多 #喜馬拉雅山 #喜馬拉雅 #CosmosPeople #WonderMusic #Funk #TaiwanFunk #2016TAIWANfest #TAIWANfest #YYZ #YVR #MusicConcert #Himalayas #HFC #Playhouse #DTVan #Downtown