材料:紅蘿蔔1根、新鮮淮山1根、海參1-2條、冰鮮螺頭1塊 、枸杞子15克、蜜棗2枚
1. 所有材料洗淨,海參浸發後切段與螺頭汆水;紅蘿蔔、新鮮淮山去皮切段備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,除海參外放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後30分鐘加入海參,然後下鹽調味即可。
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Sea cucumber soup has anti-aging properties
Sea cucumber might not look attractive but ladies, let’s not judge the sea cucumber by its cover, as it is in fact good for the skin! From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, the sea cucumber is warm in nature, can nourish the kidney and the yin, as well as the blood and the essence, regulate menstruation as well as nourish the fetus, and has anti-aging properties.
It is suitable for individuals with qi and blood deficiency, those with the lack of yang in the kidney, and men with impotence and nocturnal emission problems. Nutrition wise, sea cucumber is high in protein, and low in fats as well as cholesterol. It contains the mucopolysaccharide and holothurin, which can relieve fatigue, have anti-aging properties and lowers the risk of the development of tumors.
Sea cucumber can be fried, steamed and stewed; it can even be used in soup. If you wish to enjoy an additional flavor in the soup, add some sea cucumber in the beginning, and the sea cucumber would dissolve completely; but if you wish to eat the sea cucumber, remember to put the ingredient into the soup just 15 – 30 minutes before serving.
Tip on the ingredients:
Fresh and dried Chinese Yam share similar properties. Chinese Yam is mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, replenish the lungs and induce salivation, and can also nourish the kidney. Individuals experiencing flu and with constipation problems should not consume excessively.
Sea cucumber and conch soup with Chinese yam
Effects: Moistens lungs and nourishes yin. (To be cont in comment column)
mucopolysaccharide 在 DR. SIMON MSH Facebook 的最讚貼文
Vitamin C vs Aloe Vera during this Pandemic & Flu seasons.
Vitamin C is good for body, no doubt in it. It has many physiological functions such as taking part in collagen synthesis, wound healing, mucous membrane, iron absorption etc. And, we also know it as an Anti-Oxidant.
RDA of Vitamin C is 60 mg. Now question is does Vitamin C offer Anti-Oxidant properties at this dose?
Answer is NO.
According to the famous Doctor in Nutritional Medicine Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D (link below), the optimal dose of vitamin C is approximately 1200 to 2000 mg daily for it to work as Anti-Oxidant, which means eating of 18 oranges, or 17 kiwifruit, or 160 apples or taking a lot of Vitamin C tablets, which doctors don't recommend for long term. And, it is impossible to eat that much of fruits & vegetables daily.
So, if you are taking conventional 500 -1000 mg Vit C tablet daily, most likely it is not giving you Anti-Oxidant effect.
But, No Worries, you have Aloe Vera if you know how to consume it and you will be surprised to know its benefit.
Aloe Vera is considered as a miracle plant in Chinese & Indian traditional medicine and is being used for thousands of years.
Aloe Vera contains 200 + active ingredients, which help in various physiological functions such as cleanse & healing our guts, boost metabolism, boost immune system, maintain integrity of skin & mucous membrane, hydration etc.
Aloe Vera has a special ingredient which is called mucopolysaccharide and it has the ability to bind with pathogens and several chemical factors. We call it Adaptogen. Please google to learn more about Adaptogen. You will be mesmerized.
Several medical research have shown effectiveness of Aloe Vera against strong viruses like HIV, H1N1, Herpes etc.
So if you combine Vitamin C and Aloe Vera, it will boost your both Innate & Adaptive immune system, which we need the most during this pandemic.
Note: Not all Aloe Vera are the same. Same goes to your garden fresh Aloe Vera. Because, recent medical research shows that Aloe Vera contains an ingredient name Aloin which is toxic to your gut and must be removed from the Aloe gel before consuming. Only a few commercial brand has Aloe Vera products without Aloin. Please PM me to know the name of those brands as I don't want to endorse any brand in the social media.
Thank you.
* Dr. Ray Strand: https://www.raystrand.com/cellular-nutrition.asp
mucopolysaccharide 在 王明勇的健康三好生活 Facebook 的精選貼文
大瘀青不處理 當心色素沉澱 刮痧拔罐應注意 先冰敷再擦藥 天氣熱,許多女性穿著清涼,但如果出現不小心碰撞的瘀青痕跡,或露出刮痧、拔罐醜陋瘀青,那就頓失美感,長庚美容醫學中心副主任黃耀立醫師昨(15)日表示,瘀青除了不美觀外,若面積太大,不處理可能會造成色素沉澱,讓肌膚變暗沉,建議先冰敷減緩瘀青傷害,然後再擦抗凝血成份的瘀青藥,可使瘀青較快散去。 黃耀立醫師表示,瘀青是由於碰撞造成微血管破裂所致,以五大族群最易有瘀青,包括老年人、運動族、洗腎等針劑注射患者、醫美療程患者、刮痧拔罐者,老年人因皮膚變薄,輕輕碰撞便容易有瘀青;運動則因碰撞機率高,所以易瘀青;洗腎與醫美療程患者是因施打針劑或手術,所以易瘀青腫脹;刮痧拔罐則是以外力造成瘀青。一般來說,多數人對瘀青大多不會處理,若是瘀青範圍小,影響不大,如果範圍大,瘀青太久才散去,就可能有色素沉澱問題。 【先了解】★拔罐要注意 近來氣溫相當高,許多人因此求助中醫診所刮痧、拔罐消暑,但往往會留下大面積的瘀青,如果沒有適當處理,可能需2周時間,瘀青才會逐漸散去,若是經常如此,可能會有色素沉澱的問題,影響美觀。 ★水煮蛋無用 老一輩認為以水煮蛋在瘀青處滾動,能讓瘀青早點消失,事實並沒有治療效果。另也有人會放血,但瘀青造成的內出血早已凝結,放血反製造另一個傷口。 【這樣做】★按摩或擦藥 瘀青冰敷3天後才可按摩,千萬不要瘀青出現時立刻按摩,以免使微血管破裂得更嚴重,另外,若想使瘀青快速散去,避免造成色素沉澱,可在冰敷後擦抗凝血成分Mucopolysaccharide polysulfate的瘀青藥,約1周就能使瘀青散去。 ★冰敷緩傷害 若有瘀青,3天內先以冰敷處理,藉此減緩傷害程度與腫脹,每次冰敷10~15分鐘,一天3餐飯後冰敷即可。 長庚美容醫學中心副主任 黃耀立醫師 【醫生說】 進行臉部的醫美療程時,若有瘀青更容易影響美觀,可在醫師指示下使用瘀青藥,更快恢復美貌。