【 Oregon & Washington Blueberries Oatmeal Muffins 】👩🏻🍳👩🏻🍳
Grab A Boost of Blue! Blueberries are naturally sweet, tart, and nutritious - making them a beloved superfood. The highly versatile blueberries can be enjoyed as it is - a snack or incorporated into various recipes. 💙💙
Here’s my Oregon & Washington Blueberries Oatmeal Muffins recipe inspired by Georgen. ✨✨
200g Rolled Oats
200g Oregon & Washington Blueberries
50g Honey
½ tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Baking Powder
¼ tsp Salt
2pcs Eggs
1 Banana
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
80ml Olive Oil
1. Place the rolled oats in a food processor and blend until they form a fine flour, stopping and stirring occasionally.
2.Add baking soda, baking powder and salt to the oat flour and then mix well.Mash the banana with a fork in a big mixing bowl.
3. Add the eggs to the mashed banana, followed by olive oil, honey and vanilla essence. Stir until all the wet ingredients are well combined.
4. Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredient bowl, and slowly stir until combined. Scoop the batter and distribute evenly into all the muffin liners.
5. Place a few Oregon & Washington blueberries and sprinkle some rolled oats on top to garnish. Bake in a preheated oven at 190°C for 20 minutes.
6. Test the doneness with a toothpick, when it's fully baked, there won't be any wet batter on it. Enjoy! 💯💯
More info at https://www.sunshinekelly.com/2021/08/recipe-oregon-washington-blueberries-oatmeal-muffins.html
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅鄧卓殷 Amber Tang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#BerriesOatmealCups #Christmas #鄧卓殷 整左記得同我分享你地嘅製成品呀! #AmbeRecipe Share with me your food by hashtag #AmbeRecipe 簡單易整 健康低卡 ✅全素 Healthy Berries Oatmea...
「oat muffin recipe」的推薦目錄:
oat muffin recipe 在 食物鏈 Facebook 的精選貼文
#Dinkel_Sauerteigbrot_mit_Milch_Kochstück ( TangZhong methode)
最後有點碎碎念... 圖片另外附上昨天吃的鮮蝦餛飩. 等下次我醒麵久一點應該會這裡多提點一下我的經驗.
現在台灣的大家也都開始家裡蹲. 一起揉麵擀麵消氣!
這幾天在玩牛奶湯種. 一般來說, 酸種麵糰如果放入糊化的湯種效果會很不錯. 因為糊化的麵粉容易讓酵母菌分解. 但是, 如果放的是牛奶. 那又會如何?
其實湯種要不要用在酸種麵糰上見仁見智. 因為酸種麵包本身就是一個長時間發酵的麵糰. 長時間發酵的麵糰會比較不容易乾掉. 而且也因為偏酸性比較不容易發霉.
而牛奶是個偏鹼的食材. 牛奶縱使煮到超過100度也不會有甚麼XX糖變OO 醣的反應. 所以在我們糊化麵糰只需要65度的狀況下. 它應該還是個偏鹼的湯種.
1. Emmermehl 1300 65%g水量硬種22%
2. 斯佩爾特全穀粉30%
3. 斯佩爾特低礦物粉 70% ( Dinkelmehl 630)
4. 鹽 2%
5. 湯種 30% ( 斯佩爾特低礦物粉 1: 水 5)
6. 水 45%
整個麵糰其實偏硬. 我本來想加多一點水. 但想想可以做一點比較.
發酵上我並沒做甚麼翻摺. 整個發酵我也是放得跟一般酸種麵糰時間差不多. 最主要是想看它的影響. 事實是. 我覺得基發好像可以再久一點. 但也來不及了. 做足了中間休息30分鐘. 整形厚放室溫40分鐘才放冷藏3度. 這是12小時候準備烘焙的狀況.
整體來說. 以這種密緻孔洞應該會比較酸一點點. 但一點都不會. 有微微的奶香. 跟斯佩爾特的麵香蠻搭的. 果然用牛奶中和這樣的麵糰會不錯. 不過也許如果我拉長基發時間就不會有這種結果?
那天老爺吃大概4片. 他晚上喝紅酒時有抱怨麵包太好吃. 所以吃太多了!
因為最近滿腦子想減重. 而且老爺也是!
所以這是我買到的兩個高蛋白小麵包及Dinkel 斯佩爾特滿福堡的資訊.
最貴的這個是兩層包裝非常不環保的高級一點的高蛋白小麵包. 營養成分中的蛋白質混合粉是由麵筋, 奶蛋白, 雞蛋蛋白這三種蛋白粉組成.但因為要有吃起來像麵包的感覺.... 所以用了很多的黃豆粉及大麥纖維. 並且利用最近有提到的芥子粉增加纖維及吸水量. 但主要的纖維來源是來自Zichorie (菊苣) 甜味劑使用的是Xylit 木醣醇. 固形用的是 關華膠.
如果以上述食材都混合後其實不太香. 所以它有加奶油調整味道. 但整體來說. 如果它去掉麵筋的使用. 會是一個無麩質的高蛋白麵包.....
玩麵粉: 全素食高纖維高蛋白質低碳水化合物德式多種子麵包無蛋無奶食譜. 亞麻仁籽, 奇亞子, 黃豆, 葵花子使用作法 No egg Hi Fiber protein low carb bread No Baking Soda . Saaten Eiweissbrot mit Hefe ohne Ei Vegan
因為不用加黃豆粉. 整個麵包的口感也很好. 目前市售的麵包為了要加一些保濕又防發霉的添加物. 調整下就得用一些黃豆粉讓它有麵包的口感. 但如果加得太多黃豆會真的會很重....
基本上. 我兒子是完全嚥不下去的! 因為聞起來就有黃豆味. 這是上面那個麵包給我的味覺感受. 但實際上的口感是好的. 不過應該不會回購.
下面這款就是我上面連結的高蛋白麵包比較相似的味道及口感. 它的豆類是用粗磨的豌豆( 這裡比較常種植這種豆子. 黃豆反倒是進口) 因為不是磨成粉. 所以沒有甚麼豆腥味 . 這種滿福堡. 通常都是可以免烤箱的, 我2015年寫過這麼一篇文:
Whole wheat English muffin no-knead stove top bread recipe, Kein - Knet Dinkelvollkorn Toastbrötchen Rezept ( Backen in der Pfanne auf dem Herd) 免揉全麥英式滿福堡食譜 免烤箱. 新手入門款! 冷藏壓力發酵實作. 相原一吉
最後要介紹這款我看到覺得很好奇也拿回一包. 但不是因為高蛋白而買的斯佩爾特滿福堡.
必須先承認我就是在超市會需要帶老人眼鏡的那個大嬸. 因為我知道以烙餅方式完成的很空洞的滿福堡正常的樣子. 你可以看到我連結2015年的配方上因為用的是中筋粉又是全麥粉. 所以麵包撐得沒有很高. 那是因為麵筋架構沒有很厲害的原因. 但是上面那個高蛋白又是怎麼回事? 因為縱使你有麵筋當骨架也需要有碳水幫忙當水泥鞏固. 雖然一時可以撐高高. 但是等熱氣散掉了就會消風. 而我個人認為斯佩爾特要做滿福堡是比較困難的. 在工業製程上尤其如此. 你可以看到我之前的饅頭文.
玩麵粉: 不會皺的平底鍋貼饅頭做法. ,浮起法, 浮水法,簡易麵糰發酵判定. 基礎黑糖, 牛奶, 白饅頭食譜自己寫.如何加黃豆粉. 作法訣竅眉角小撇步通通告訴你.附影片 新手一次就成功! easy Chinese steamed bun Mantou saucepan bread recipe
裡面有個用斯佩爾特做出來的饅頭. 其實很密緻. 也比較容易乾. 我不會說這種滿福堡用斯佩爾特粉做不出來. 但要想方法做是真的( 我覺得用上面的冷藏壓力方式可以做得出來) 你看~ 它硬是比高蛋白的硬挺!
它有加一般小麥粉及小麥麵筋.... 所以當你看到讓你覺得" 比較健康" 的斯佩爾特產品時. 可以順便看看它的營養成分. 因為斯佩爾特粉牽扯到使用酵母發酵這件事是比一般小麥還要難做一點的. 但就像很多德國人早餐吃的裸麥小麵包一樣. 裸麥的含量超及少! 因為很多裸麥做不出蓬鬆的小麵包.
我在德國的麵包食譜網站上很久都沒更新了. 一直以來就只放兩個麵包食譜. 一個就是高蛋白麵包. 另一個就是很多以麵包當主食的德國人需要的無麩質麵包
無麩質蕎麥苔麩粉 燕麥粉 紅小米 玉米粉長時間發酵大麵包 VEGAN easy Gluten free Buckwheat Teff Red millets oat rice corn long fermenting bread recipe Gluten Frei Rezept für glutenfreies Brot mit langer Teigführung http://foodchainunme.blogspot.com/2018/12/vegan-easy-gluten-free-buckwheat-teff.html
最近這個無麩質麵包裡有人說他是麩質過敏者. 但是他很想做我的自學老師 Lutz 的這個以杜蘭小麥為主的 Pane di Grano Duro 他問我可以不可以幫他修改成無麩質!!!
其實我並沒有回答他. 因為我看了這個問題以後有點生氣😅😅😅
杜蘭小麥的口感就是義大利麵的口感. 那就是在小麥中的麵筋一樣的東西. 你覺得我有辦法把這樣的一個麵包不使用杜蘭小麥做出來嗎?
說實在, 我試了很多的無麩質穀類粉. 每一種粉都有它特別的氣味. 杜蘭小麥粉的氣味是比叫奶油感覺但比較淡而無味的. Lutz 是將一個杜蘭小麥粉60% 一般中筋粉 40% 當主粉 利用poolish來增加保濕度及混合均勻度及增香. 以水量70% 鹽量2% 油量3% 的麵團拆解開來做的.
你覺得.... 要怎麼改成相同口感的無麩質呢?
深深認為. 在麵包的世界中如果存在幻想沒有很不好. 例如, 我想做一個大孔洞的Panettone . 那是可以經過多次實驗來完成的. 但如果要有杜蘭小麥口感卻無麩質. 我想最容易的是加多一點的黃豆粉. 不過.... 你也看到我上面說的了. 那個豆味非常重. 挑嘴例如我兒子是連碰都不會想碰的!
每次只要有一個奇怪的問題常會讓我深深地陷入沉思.... 我想我等一下應該會問他想用甚麼粉來做?
oat muffin recipe 在 Mama's Infinity Love Facebook 的最讚貼文
How mama introduce full cream cow’s milk along with breastfeeding to Joreen?
Mama used to serve full cream cow’s milk during Joreen's snack time as her healthier snacking choice! She loves it when it is served together with her favorite snacks eg cereal, fruits, cheese, homemade pancake, homemade muffin.. The milk was served in her straw cup as she does not take milk bottle. She drinks really well! This does not affect Joreen's breastfeeding at all. No nipple confusion!
Sometimes mama even added full cream cow’s milk into her food! Joreen super loves it!
Sharing my humble recipe on
Mini Creamy Bake Spaghetti ❤️
1. Cook spaghetti in the boiling water. Drain.
2. Pan fried pre marinated chicken with unsalted butter till golden brown. (Chicken marinated with sesame oil, garlic powder, minced onion, thyme, mix herbs for 10 min)
3. Pan fried salmon & break them into smaller pieces (marinated with lemon.)
4. Saute white mushrooms with butter. Add in chopped brocoli. Cook till slightly soft.
5. In a large bowl, whisk full cream cow’s milk together and 1 egg
6. Add in Bega shredded cheese, @liloikanbilis powder , mix herbs, minced onion & garlic powder, cooked spaghetti, sautéed mixture and combine well.
7. Spray olive oil on the oven proof dish. Pour mixture in. Top with shredded cheese.
8. Preheat oven & bake for 15-20 minutes, 250o. Bake until the sauce is thick and the cheese is melted
9. Sprinkle mix herbs & serve.
Hope my sharing of the recipe helps you in cooking with milks.
~Yay~ healthy baby, happy mummy!
Various ways of incorporating full cream cow’s milk into the food
> Scramble egg with milk and cheese
> Fritata (egg, milk, purple cabbage, carrot, corn, pork, Macaroni, cheese)
> Kiwi banana chia seed milk smoothie
> Overnight oat (added fresh milk, chia seed & honey) with raspberry & cheese topping
❤️❤️ Check out the comment for Joreen's blw video at #2y
@hpbsg @theasianparent
#sgkids #sgmummy #hpbsg #healthpromotionboard #theasianparent #tapfluencer #earlychildhoodnutrition #healthhub #healthyfood #raisingkidsright #joreentanjiyoon
oat muffin recipe 在 鄧卓殷 Amber Tang Youtube 的最佳解答
#BerriesOatmealCups #Christmas #鄧卓殷
整左記得同我分享你地嘅製成品呀! #AmbeRecipe
Share with me your food by hashtag #AmbeRecipe
簡單易整 健康低卡 ✅全素
Healthy Berries Oatmeal Cups
燕麥 280 mL (1/2 即食+ 1/2 原片)
雞蛋1隻/亞麻籽粉 1tbsp + 植物奶3 tbsp
香蕉1隻 (全熟)
牛奶/植物奶 100mL
泡打粉 1 tsp
椰子糖 3 tsp (可調整)
香草精油 1 tsp
**180C 25-30 分鐘
Recipe (4-5 portion):
Oats 280 mL (1/2 instant+ 1/2 rolled oat)
egg 1 medium/ flaxmeal 1tbsp + plant-based milk3 tbsp
banana 1 medium (ripe)
milk/ plant-based milk 100mL
baking powder 1 tsp
coconut sugar 3 tsp (adjustable)
vanilla extract 1 tsp
**180C 25-30 minutes
Please subscribe for more videos!
IG : amber.tcy
FB : 鄧卓殷 Amber Tang
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oat muffin recipe 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最佳貼文
SUBSCRIBE for new videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial This beautiful Edible Chocolate terrarium is great as a gift or even as a Birthday Cake! Oh, did I say it's healthy and extremely easy to make too?
Every bite is a mixture of crunch, moist and richness of chocolate.
This recipe is vegan friendly, gluten-free and dairy-free. Share your pictures and tag me @JoannaSohOfficial #JSohRecipes
Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN).
Stay Connected & Follow us!
Joanna Soh:
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1st Layer - EDIBLE SAND
Use either graham crackers, wholewheat or digestive biscuits. Simple place the biscuits into a ziplock bag and crush it using a rolling pin or pastel until you get a sand like texture.
2nd layer - MOIST SOIL
3-ingredient Chocolate Mousse (serves 2)
1) 1 packet (300g) Silken Tofu
2) ¼ cup unsweetened Cocoa Powder
3) 2 - 3 tbsps. Maple Syrup or Honey
Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Pour into a bowl and chill in the fridge for 1 – 2 hours or until slightly firm.
3rd layer - DIRT
Chia Chocolate Muffins (makes 6)
1) ¾ cup Oat Flour
2) ¼ cup unsweetened Cocoa Powder
3) 2 tbsps. Nut Butter
4) 1 part of Chia Mixture: 1 tbsp. Chia Seeds + 3 tbsps. Water
5) ½ cup any Milk
6) 2 tbsps. Maple Syrup or Honey
7) 1 tbsp. Coconut Oil
8) ¼ tsp. Baking Soda
1) Pre-heat oven to 180°C / 350°F
2) In a large bowl, mix in all the dry ingredients, oat flour, cacao powder and baking soda.
3) In another bowl, mix in all the wet ingredients, milk, chia mixture, coconut oil, maple syrup, and nut butter. Stir until well combined.
4) To make the batter, pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture. Stir until you have a thick and consistent batter.
5) Scoop the batter evenly into 6 muffin tins. Bake for about 15 minutes, until the muffins are cooked through.
6) Allow them to cool down to room temperature and just use your hands to break up the chocolate muffins in chunky crumbles.
4th layer - TOPPINGS
1) Crushed Pistachios
2) Chocolate Covered Nuts and Raisins
3) Edible Chocolate Stones
4) Edible Flowers
1) Take about ¼ to 1/3 cup of the crushed biscuits to make the "sand" layer. Spread it out evenly.
2) Next it’s the moist soil. Scoop the chocolate mousse and gently layer it on top of the sand.
3) Let’s put some “dirt” on, which will be the chocolate muffin crumble. Use about 1 - 2 muffins.
4) Now that you have all three layers, let’s decorate it! Sprinkle some crushed pistachio to mimic the “grass”. Then arrange the edible rocks and also chocolate covered nuts and raisins. And for the final touch, place your flowers right in the middle.
And there you have it, a healthy edible chocolate terrarium you can make and gift your family and friends. It’s simple, it’s stunning, it’s healthier and hey, YOU made it!
Here are more recipes to guide you through your fitness journey: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyP8pbBMxcshOHu4RTkZser4rdnR0bdXp
oat muffin recipe 在 Jessica Wong Youtube 的精選貼文
希望各位愛吃甜食的朋友會喜歡這個食譜, 用較健康食材弄出同樣美味的紙杯蛋糕?
We all have those days that we crave for something sweet, hope you guys like this relatively healthy recipe for all berries and chocolate lover out there!
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Use "HKJESSICAW100" and get $100hkd off when u spend $300 or more.
This is not a sponsored video and big thanks to Honestbee.hk for providing me with this promo code for my viewers!
Please give this vid a thumbs up n subscribe for more videos!♡
⏀Previous Video
⌲ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpRX34JL-js
⏀Ingredients 材料
Buckwheat Flour 1cup 蕎麥面粉 1杯
Oat 1/2 Cup 麥片1/2杯
Baking Soda 1/2 tsp 泡打粉1/2茶匙
Cocoa Powder 1tbsp 巧克力粉1湯匙
Coconut Oil 1/3 cup 椰子油1/3杯
Unsweetened Soy Milk 2/3 cup 無糖豆奶2/3杯
Maple Syrup 1tbsp 楓糖漿1湯匙
Dark Chocolate 黑巧克力
Blueberries 藍莓
Banana 香蕉
Egg 雞蛋
⌲Email | jessicawongwt@gmail.com
⌲Instagram | jessicawong_wt
⌲Facebook page | www.facebook.com/ItsJessicaW
⌲Snapchat | jessicawong_wt
⌲Sunglasses brand - Rayban
⌲Editing software - iMovie, Final Cut Pro X
⌲Camera - Canon 700D(main), Canon G9x(vlog), Ricoh WG4(sports)
This is not a sponsored video.
◎All opinions are 100% HONEST and MINE