* 歐洲女王曾經是梅克爾的眾多稱號之一。但現在,這位強大的德國總理,本月選舉後,將遠離政治,永遠離開她女王的標籤。
梅克爾是現任歐盟領導人中任職時間最長的領袖。她參加了大約 100 次歐盟峰會,經常被描述為“房間裡唯一的成年人”。
在她的家鄉,她仍受到批評——她掌舵德國的 16 年裡,她是一名 遲疑著Krisenmanagerin,或危機經理,經常等到最後一刻才採取行動;一個務實主義者,沒有遠見卓識——包括她在歐洲舞台上的記錄。
以 2015 年歐元區危機為例。
希臘總理瓦魯法基斯 (Yanis Varoufakis) 引用了她強加於希臘的重大緊縮措施,批評她。
在雅典,2015 年反德和反歐盟的不滿情緒蔓延街頭。抗議者揮舞著梅克爾的標語牌,留著希特勒的小鬍子,有些人焚燒歐盟旗幟。
在難民危機期間和 Covid 大流行開始時,這樣的分裂危機再次出現——南歐人感到被遺棄,他們總是首當其沖地面對這些緊急情況,而且孤立無援。
與之前的處理歐元危機慢吞吞不同,Covid-19 危機對像德國這樣的富裕國家,承擔了較貧窮的歐盟國家的疫苗需求及經濟債務。
法國經濟部長Bruno Le Maire是歐盟 Covid 復甦基金的主要設計師,該基金由德國梅克爾夫人和法國總統馬克洪Emmanuel Macron) 共同向歐盟領導人提議。
因此,危機經理梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 挽起袖子,採取了戲劇性、務實的行動。
2015 年夏末,梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 向超過 100 萬難民和尋求庇護者開放德國邊境時,她登上了全世界的頭版——有人稱讚,有人嘲笑。
回到家鄉,一些人自豪地吹噓自己國家的 Willkommenkultur,他們歡迎他人的文化,以梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 為標誌。
其他人被這些難民的到來激怒,湧向極右翼 AfD,促使其成為自第二次世界大戰結束以來第一個在德國聯邦議會中贏得席位的極右翼政黨。
歐盟在 2012 年獲得了諾貝爾和平獎。然而,僅僅三年後,其成員國就開始相互封鎖邊境,以阻止難民進入,其中許多人是為了逃離曾經是英法分割殖民的敘利亞戰爭。
這位德國領導人的行動幫助恢復了歐盟作為歐盟創始原則第 2 條規定,人權捍衛者的聲譽。
羅德斯先生說,到 2016 年底,歐巴馬先生開始相信梅克爾和柏林現在必將成為“自由民主秩序的重心”。
另一方面,你可能會問,為什麼梅克爾沒有向歐盟領導人施壓,讓他們在 2015 年移民危機之前做好更好的準備?
先是人道主義,之後又是務實主義,梅克爾總理後來因在代表歐盟與土耳其獨裁總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)達成有爭議的協議中發揮的關鍵作用而受到國際特赦組織和難民組織的抨擊。
還有更多“是的,但是”的例子,當談到梅克爾(Angela Merkel)時,所謂的歐盟捍衛人權的堡壘,已經是她的名字。
是的,今年夏天,她和其他 16 位歐盟領導人簽署了一封聯名信,以捍衛 LGBTQ+ 社區,當時就成員國匈牙利的一項新法律引發了激烈的爭議。
匈牙利自封為“非自由派”的總理維克托·奧爾班直到最近還是梅克爾總理在布魯塞爾的中右翼 EPP 小組的成員,保證了它在歐洲議會中的更多席位和影響力。疏遠他是有問題的,她再次沒有採取果斷行動。
西班牙前外交部長兼世界銀行集團前副行長安娜·帕拉西奧(Ana Palacio)最近指責德國有效地領導了她所說的歐洲控制其非自由成員的“非戰略”。她說,如果德國想採取行動維護歐盟保護人權和法治的創始原則,它就會發生。
帕拉西奧女士還抨擊了歐盟的外交政策,將缺乏方向和“可疑決定”歸咎於梅克爾(Angela Merkel)的大門:從歐盟與土耳其的交易到與中國的全面投資協議。該協議於去年 12 月在德國擔任歐盟 6 個月輪值主席國結束時簽署,令當時即將上任的華盛頓拜登政府感到震驚。
安格拉·梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 經常受到抨擊,因為她似乎允許德國的貿易利益決定其國家的外交政策,從而對歐盟產生影響。
通過在俄羅斯和德國之間建造北溪 2 管道以確保更便宜的能源,她被指責削弱了歐盟的政治團結和戰略一致性,並讓普丁不感到他必須面對強大的歐盟影響力。
她的另一面,她一直是對烏克蘭制裁俄羅斯的熱情倡導者。 2020 年 8 月,當著名的俄羅斯反對派政治家阿列克謝·納瓦爾尼 (Alexei Navalny) 被毒死時,這位德國領導人讓他飛往柏林的一家醫院,在那裡她採取了非常不尋常的步驟,突然拜訪了他。
這篇文章的目的並不是要求梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 面對歐盟的所有弊病。
相比之下,安格拉·梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 的歐洲王冠就不那麼好了。危機時期的關鍵歐盟人物?她只是讓幫派團結在一起的膠水?
法國的埃馬紐埃爾·馬克洪 (Emmanuel Macron) 渴望獲得這個頭銜。
幫助為所謂的歐洲法德發動機注入活力 - 並幫助德國納稅人的錢投資,使他的 21 世紀歐盟願景成為現實。
這在德國並不是最流行的想法,因為安吉拉·梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 非常清楚。
多年來,她一再的反擊和無休止的拖延戰術,直到 Covid 復甦基金,導致她被悄悄地稱為 Nein 總理。
埃馬紐埃爾·馬克洪(Emmanuel Macron)看到了歐盟議席頭上的默克爾形狀的洞,並希望填補它。
For her part, Angela Merkel insists the EU will impose further sanctions on Moscow if it abuses the pipeline.
She has been a passionate advocate of sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. And when prominent Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny was poisoned in August 2020, the German leader had him flown to a Berlin hospital, where she took the highly unusual step of paying him a surprise visit.
A mixed legacy once again.
The aim of this article is not, of course, to lay all EU ills at Angela Merkel's door.
But when it comes to EU legacies, it's worth taking a look, as German journalists have been doing, at her late political mentor, former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
In Brussels, he is viewed as a founding father of the modern-day European Union. He supported the idea of the euro, against majority public opinion in Germany at the time. His reasons were political, rather than economic. Helmut Kohl believed a common currency would prevent further wars between European neighbours.
Kohl also pushed for German reunification, to the cost of taxpayers in western Germany. In so doing, he brought Eastern and Central Europe that much closer to the EU, even if membership was still a far-off prospect.
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅EDEN KAI,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hey guys! Here's a Coldplay - Viva La Vida cover I arranged and played on the ukulele. Hope you enjoy it! Please let me know how you like it in the co...
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once prominent 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳解答
#Opinion by Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯|"From Beijing’s actions this week it looks as though 2021 will be even darker still. But those of us who still enjoy the light of freedom must continue to do everything possible to hold those responsible for causing this darkness to account, keep a light for those who struggle – in prison, in exile, in silence – and work for the day when Hong Kong’s lights – of freedom, human rights, the rule of law, democracy – blaze brightly once again: however long that takes."
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once prominent 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
#支持泰國抗爭[The world please stands with #Thailand]
1. To stamp out pursuers for #Thailanddemocracy, a sweeping emergency decree was just announced, under which #Thai government banned mass gatherings, imposed media meltdown and can mobilize troops to crack down dissents.
2. At least 27 activists, including prominent figures Anon Nampa, Prasit Karutarote, Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak Paritchi, Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul & Nutchanon Pairoj, were arrested. Police can intercept citizens’ communications, impose travel bans on Thais & deport foreigners.
3. Under the decree, media meltdown was imposed, banning media nationwide from publishing news or info (include online) that are regarded by the regime as “inciting fear among the public”. International media like BBC World and CNN covering #ม็อบ14ตุลา in Thailand were blocked.
4. Once their voices are silenced, It becomes imperative for us to continue speaking out for them. To prevent #FreedomOfSpeech from being stolen from this country of creativity, #Hongkongers and the world need to #StandWithThailand and spread their words.
╞#存亡號召 #絕處逢生
once prominent 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的最佳解答
Hey guys! Here's a Coldplay - Viva La Vida cover I arranged and played on the ukulele. Hope you enjoy it! Please let me know how you like it in the comments below, and what other songs you'd like me to cover. Thanks so much for your support!!! ~ Eden Kai (Thank you Adam, Nick, and Brandon from the BentPixels team helping me out!)
CONTACT(連絡): imagine@edenkai.com
MERCH(グッズはこちらから) : http://edenkai.store
CAMEO (For personal video shoutouts ビデオメッセージをご希望の方はこちらまで)https://www.cameo.com/edenkai
Let's Connect!(SNSやってますー!):
WEBSITE(WEBサイト): https://edenkai.com/
INSTAGRAM(インスタ): https://instagram.com/edenkai_official
TWITTER(ツイッター): https://twitter.com/edenkaiofficial
FACEBOOK(フェイスブック): https://www.facebook.com/EdenKaiOfficial
Viva La Vida (lyrics) by Coldplay:
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Very few young talents offer the wide array of diverse skills as those possessed by Eden Kai (aka Yusuke Aizawa). An actor appearing on one of Japan’s most popular reality television shows, Terrace House - Aloha State, Yusuke was beloved by the millions of viewers watching the show as it was broadcast on Fuji Television in Japan, as well as via online service, Netflix streaming the show in nearly 200 countries. Eden’s time on the show allowed him to display his skills as a ukulele and guitar virtuoso, composer, singer-songwriter, and vocalist. His musical talents and role on Terrace House helped him to secure a spot performing at the upcoming Fuji Rock Festival, which is the largest outdoor music event in Japan. Eden also made history at the age of 16 when he became the first instrumentalist to ever win Grand Champion at the popular Brown Bags to Stardom talent competition in Hawaii.
Signed to one of Japan’s most prominent media conglomerates, JVC Kenwood Victor Entertainment, Eden is preparing for the widespread release of his first major album, Music for You. The album is scheduled to be released on June 21st. It follows two previous CDs released independently; Touch the Sky in 2015 and Feel the Earth in 2016. Touch the Sky received a finalist nomination for Instrumental Album of the Year at the Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards and the 2016 Hawaii Music Awards. Both Touch the Sky and Feel the Earth, as well as the singles featured on them, are available for purchase through his website, www.EdenKai.com, as well as on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, and Bandcamp.
Eden is steadfast in his belief that music can have a healing effect on the world. He has used his music and status as one of Japan’s biggest rising stars to help many organizations and causes. Proceeds from past songs and performances have been donated to benefit children from disaster-stricken countries, to purchase educational materials for a school in Bangladesh, and to support a health center in Haiti. He has also been active in supporting causes benefitting the victims of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, the recent Kumamoto earthquake, Easter Seals, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
once prominent 在 Venus Angelic Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
Subscribble ♥ http://bit.ly/1tZ3Khi
No matter how much you sleep, exercise,
or drink an entire lake full of water everyday...
You just can’t get rid of those dark eye panda eyes that make you look grumpy people think you hate everyone in the entire universe! Even if it’s true, you don’t need panda eyes to tell them that.
Sometimes, panda eyes are not our fault! You are simply the victim of GENETICS!
In this video I will give you different solutions to tackle your case of panda eye. All of them are affordable and can be done at home, and even trying out just one of these tricks will make your dark circles less prominent.
Let’s start!
CHARCOAL for loose, discolored skin
Exchange your regular face wash with a CHARCOAL SOAP! I recommend to use a soft brush to lather and give your skin a more thorough cleansing. After washing my face with charcoal soap my skin looks a lot more bright and firm. But WHY CHARCOAL? Due to it’s numerous pores created during the process of carbonization, charcoal actually has high absorptive powers You too have pores, which work like a gateway for chemicals and toxins, and components in charcoal soap do a great job at storing those toxins away, leaving your under eye bags looking fresh.
Whitening product – Thin, discolored skin
Because of the naming you might think that the purpose of whitening products is actually to make your skin white like snow. But behold, it’s not the skin colour that we wan’t to change but the skin’s discoloration! For the most part, redness, that is.
First I use a a daily toner to kill off dead skin cells followed by a serum for moisture and nourishment.
Don’t you think the dark circles have already improved a big deal?
Next is
SOLUTION #3 DIY home remedy
You’ll need hot water
Instant Coffee
Baking Powder
Baking Sheets
And of course a bowl! First add 2 tablespoons instant coffee, 1 sachet baking powder, 3 tablespoons of hot water, after thoroughly mixing add 1 teaspoon of honey.
The ingredients are to brighten skin and increase bloodflow! Not recommended if you have super sensitive skin.
On the baking sheet, draw 1 circle, and draw a partition to make it look like a yin & yang orb.
Cut along the partition and now you have two sheets that neatly fit on your eye bags.
Dunk them into the mixture, wait for 5 minutes, take out and apply on eyebags immediately.
Leave them on for a good 30 minutes. After taking them off your under eyebags should feel warm and have vanished a great deal.
Exactly! The affordable classic you can get at pretty much every drug store over the world. You just need to apply a thick layer of the ointment under your eyes and wait a good 30 to 45 minutes before wiping off what hasn’t been absorbed. I feel like it always makes my skin super smooth and much brighter then before!
Note that if you’re the type of face to have deep set eyes, thin tear through an protruding eyebrow ridges like m, then this is as far as we can go with home remedies.
That’s why with SOLUTION 5 I’ll show you how to fix the remaining darkness with some makeup tricks!
For blue/purple eyes cover with pink concealer. Correct excess pink and red spots with a cool mint green, and excess green again with pink. Basically you’re using two contrasting colours to neutralize and adapt to your own skin tone.
Once that is done apply one thin layer of concealer, followed by a second thick layer of concealer, which instead of blending you let sitting for around 6 minutes. During this time the concealer will thicken so only blend the edges. This method conceals your dark circles even more than if you just went straight on to blending. Finish off with loose powder.
If your face now looks plain apply natural lip balm, which you can also use as cheek colour and a tad bit on the outer corners of your eye to make your face look like it actually has good blood circulation!
As for mascara, it can actually help you if you only apply it on the top lashes .
once prominent 在 Cy Leo Youtube 的最佳解答
A live recording on the tune Schindler's List by John William with the one of the most promising classical pianist in Hong Kong Kajeng Wong.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
卓彥為近年國際口琴界及唱作音樂界的新星。他自2006年起已累積了共十七項國際口琴賽事的冠軍寶座,包括 2013年在德國世界口琴節中奪得,半音階獨奏指定曲目組別的「世界冠軍」。何卓彥六歲起曾跟隨李尚澄先生、日本大師和谷泰扶先生、挪威大師Sigmund Groven、及意大利大師Willi Burger習琴,以古典音樂為基楚。
另外,他近年更有幸躋身於國際賽事的評審團,成為最年輕的國際評委。何卓彥演奏的靈活性極高,活躍於古典音樂、爵士音樂、流行音樂等界別,踏上香港最大型音樂節 — 香港藝術節2010及Clockenflap 2015的主舞台演出。早在十六歲,卓彥便經常遠赴亞洲、歐洲、北美洲的超過四十個城市演出,其精湛琴技均大受好評。他現亦為Honher Music 的國際代言人之一。
Leo is one of the most promising harmonica players and singer-song writers internationally. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the World Championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy respectively, during his exploration on classical music.
Since the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. His performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, jazz, R&B, to rock music. The talent has sparkled off both local and international recognition. He was invited to perform in the two most renowned international festivals in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Art Festival 2010 & on the main stage of Clockenflap 2015. Meanwhile, he has performed in more than 40 cities within Asia, Europe and North America, receiving high acclaim on his virtuosic technique and unique musical interpretation. He is currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
那些年的KJ曾在記錄片《KJ音樂人生》出現。 今天的KJ是一名小鋼琴家,小老師,小藝術總監,小藝評,小專攔作家和小人類。師從羅乃新,郭嘉特和埃米爾.拿奧莫夫老師。他亦曾跟隨楊寶智、馬忠為及何紅英學習小提琴。在印地安那大學雅各斯音學院畢業回港發展音樂事業,專注練習,教學,演出。試驗兩年後開始舉辦《本地薑音樂節》,展開新的一頁。
Once documented in the film “KJ Music and Life”, KJ is now a pianist, a music teacher, an artistic director, an art critic, a columnist and a person. Studied the piano with Nancy Loo, Gabriel Kwok and Emile Naoumoff, he also learned the violin with Yang BaoZhi, Michael Ma and Ho HungYing. Graduated from Indiana University, he primarily focuses on practicing, teaching and performing. After two years of various experiments, KJ now leads the Music Lab Festival, turning a new chapter for himself and local musicians.
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
Leo is a twenty-two-year-old emerging chromatic harmonica virtuosic player and singer-song writer. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy espectively, during his exploration on classical music. However, his performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, folk, pop, and jazz to rock music.
In 2010, Leo was invited as a guest performer in the Hong Kong Art Festival with the King’s Harmonica Quintet. As the lead player in the Veloz Harmonica Quartet, he has also been invited to perform in Macau, Singapore, Prague, Munich, Ljubljana and Bratislava since 2011. In February 2014, they appeared in the TV programme “Amazing Chinese” broadcast on CCTV 1, which attracted up to 100 million audiences and received critical acclaim. As a soloist, Leo was often invited to perform and offer master classes at various international festivals and concert held in Norway, Germany, Bahamas and Korea.
Only at the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. He is also currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
Recently in 2014, Leo has participated in a jazz tour in Poland collaborating with the prominent 3-0-3 Tango Fusion Band from Argentina. They were selected as one of the 12 finalists at the Cotai Blues & Jazz Festival in Macau. He was also invited to the main stage at the largest music festival, Clockenflap 2015 in Hong Kong as a guest musician with Yoyo Sham & Jing Wong. Meanwhile, he is actively collaborating with numerous local pop and jazz musician including Lowell Lo, Sandy Lam, Eugene Pao, Ted Lo and Yoyo Sham etc.
once prominent 在 WOOD TV8 - A once-prominent West Michigan chili cookoff is... 的推薦與評價
A once-prominent West Michigan chili cookoff is returning this year but under a new name and a new location. ... <看更多>