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Want to learn more about Professional Postnatal Care Tranning ?
Pre-Registration Now !! 28 Days Academy
上课日期 :12/03/2021 - 18/03/2021
Class Time : 12/03/2021 - 18/03/2021
7-Day Online Professional Postnatal Care Tranning
- 产后护理师的职业道德及职业要求 (Professional ethics and Job Requirements )
- 感染管制规程 & 危机管理 (Infection Control Protocol & Crisis Management)
- 新生儿护理 (Newborn Care)
- 产后护理中心开业及营业须知 (Postnatal Care Centre Management & Operation)
- 产妇生理及病理基本知识 (Postnatal Physiology & Pathology Care)
- 儿科医学常识 (Paediatric Knowledge)
- 产妇期中医调理 (TCM Puerperium Health Knowledge)
- 坐月期的健康饮食原则 (Postpartum Diet & Nutrition)
- 催乳知识及母乳喂养指导 (Knowledge & Guidance on Breastfeeding)
- 产后犹豫处理 (Postpartum Depression & Treatment)
- 品牌打造 (Branding)
- 利用28 Days 平台接陪月及开拓电子商务 (Job Opportunities & e-Commerce)
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postpartum depression treatment 在 李木生醫師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
妊娠癢疹在臨床上有許多可能的鑑別診斷 如 多形性癢疹,異位性癢疹,搔癢性毛囊炎,肝內膽汁鬱滯性疹或妊娠水泡疹 (“類天疱瘡疹“)
雖然大部分與妊娠有關的癢疹對母體及胎兒無影響,但是也有少部分癢疹有潛在的母胎風險,及下一胎孕期復發的可能。如上述分類中的妊娠水泡疹 (“類天疱瘡疹“),它屬於一種罕見的自體免疫性疾病,長全身性水泡,可能生下低體重新生兒,早產或新生兒疱疹性皮膚炎。應及早給皮膚科醫師檢查與治療。還有肝內膽汁鬱滯性疹: 孕婦膽汁酸過高,肝功能異常,血中維他命K濃度低(容易產後大出血),有可能發生早產或胎兒缺氧,羊水胎便染色,甚至死產或造成新生兒呼吸窘迫症候群。有這樣疑慮的時候會做更多的檢查並可能需要住院觀察與肝膽內科會診。
Itchy rash is one of the most common complaints that I see at prenatal clinics. Some women’s itchiness persists despite multiple treatments and doctors’ opinions. Whilst chronic scratching may lead to skin thickening or recurrent infections, itchiness can severely affect the quality of life of mothers by causing insomnia, tiredness and even depression.
Itchy rash of pregnancy most commonly occurs during second to third trimesters, then improves postpartum. It affects about 10% of the pregnant women.
The differential diagnosis of these itchy rashes is broad, including but not limited to polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (its long acronym is “PUPPP” but I won’t bore you with this), atopic eczema, prurigo of pregnancy, cholestatic pruritis and pemphigoid gestationis. Other diagnoses like contact dermatitis or scabies are not uncommon during pregnancy but I consider them as diagnoses not specific to pregnancies.
The ones that i see the most are polymorphic eruption of pregnancy, it is characterised by raised rash of multiple shapes (polymorphic) especially over the striaes on the tummy. In about half of the mothers with first baby the rash will extend to the chest and the back, however, the face and the belly button are often spared. Also it does not affect hands or feet. Treatment is usually topical.
Although most itchy rashes of pregnancy are not serious, some (although rare) can be quite serious that requires close monitoring and consultation with dermatologists or internal medicine physicians. For example, “pemphigoid gestationis” is a rare autoimmune skin disease during pregnancy that causes bullous eruption all over the body. This is due to formation of antibodies against mother’s skin, and sometimes these antibodies can cross the placenta and affect the babies. Another serious skin condition is cholestatic pruritis, it is due to build up of bile salts in the body from abnormal liver function, which can sometimes lead to a myriad of systemic and fetal complications if not treated.
Remember to tell your obstetrician and gynaecologists about your itchiness. We are here to listen to all of your concerns and worries.
postpartum depression treatment 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳解答
Salam kak... maaf ganggu... berguguran air mata saya masa tengah msg ni... biarlah semua pandang saya dalam lrt ni. =(
Akak tahu saya jenis yang bertolak ansur kan... tapi kali ni saya tak mampu sangat kak =( Selama bulan puasa ni saya terkejar kejar seorang diri.. balik kerja.. hantar & ambil anak.... masak untuk berbuka puasa... masih menyusu walaupun kandungan dah 7 bulan.
Semalam saya terlalu terasa dengan suami bila saya tengah berebut nak masak anak menangis, saya mi...
Continue ReadingGreetings sis... sorry to disturb... my tears fall in the middle of the message... let everyone look at me in this LRT. =(
I know I'm the type of tolerance right... but this time I can't afford it too much sis =(during this fasting month I'm chasing myself.. back from work.. Sending & taking kids.... cooking for breaking fast ... still breastfeeding even though the content has been 7 months.
Yesterday I felt too much with my husband when I was fighting to cook my child crying, I asked my husband to take care of his child because he wanted to put in the fish, and then my husband raised his voice... he said....
" other women don't have a lot of fuss like you... for a while asking for help... don't know how to take care of your children.. Take care of the child.. He wants you not to want me...."
My caught at that time... while eating my child while drinking water while I was crying, my husband was in the hall playing with his phone.
I was really in tears at that time but I tried to be strong & remember in my heart. When I was eating during my tears, my tears came out non stop because I was sad that my husband said that, I miss my husband..... he saw me crying but he didn't say anything & didn't even convince me.
I packed the kitchen & went straight to the sejadah... Maghrib & isyak prayer... because too sad & stressed... when aqib whine asked to support me to hit his arms until he fell =(aqib cried... his head was swollen =(yes My God.... my child..... =(
I used to tell the sister that I was complaining about when I was the first child.... I'm afraid that the same thing will be back this time. Doctor said that if I'm a little stressed I can act out of control... without myself realizing it. =(
I wanted to message you yesterday, but I'm afraid that I'm busy. I fell asleep right there until I woke up at 5.10 minutes this morning... it's late... I quickly went to the kitchen to make milk for my husband & serve sambal fish with rice yesterday, didn't have time to heat up the rice because I didn't get it..
When the husband eats he says if you know how to heat up the rice next time wake up early... why so lazy!... Mom I always wake up to finish the dishes early & it as messy as you are.. Once again my husband made me too Sad sis. I can't afford to eat... feel like being be because I'm sad... I drink milk & drink and continue to finish my husband & child's work clothes......
Usually I go out early because I want to send my child first & just walk to the lrt station. My legs melted this morning.... everyone looked at me... I know my condition is not organized....
So true sis.... when other people say anything.. We are okay again... but when the husband says something that gives us down... we will be very weak.. Crying & innocent children will become victims Without ourselves wanting to do that.
I miss aqib... pity mama's child =(
I've been talking to June. June previously through postpartum depression (complaining) during the first child's confinement due to breaking abstinence & husband is not concerned.
& now June is doing the treatment to restore the mindnya.
Find out..... this complaining is a silent killer that no one is aware of the sudden changes.
Even the mother in confinement who is complaining will never realize what she's doing.
For husbands... please manage household matters together if you love your wife.
Sometimes when you hear one by one's story.... you only want love & care from your husband.
For June... don't worry dear... strengthen your heart... Allah is there... tyme pregnant even though easily touched... but June must be strong for the child in the content... pity the baby will be more sad because his mommy is sad .
Smile a little =) hugs *
To the mommy who read this & give the words of spirit for June.. Thank you so much =) June needs us....
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