【Politically Incorrect Products Sold in Hong Kong】
There are so so many politically incorrect, racist, or right-wing local products sold in Hong Kong, which are making me boil with liberal anger.
1, 黑鬼油 - 為什麼 Single Out 非洲族裔?
Hak Gueo Oil - literally meaning "Black Devil Oil", for curing rheumatism.
2, 印度神油 - 不必多言。
Indian Magical Oil - A product that is believed to help erection once applied to a Chinese male's genital organ. The Indian Man is associated with the myth of sexual prowess.
3, 子母奶 - 在同性戀婚姻平權時代,為何「母」一定是女人?
The Baby and the Mother Milk - which clearly denies the right of a gay male mother.
4, 盲公餅 - 香港平機會還容許此餅公開發售,是社工失職,還是平機會的職員才是盲公(或盲婆)?
Mang Kung Cake - meaning The Blind Old Man Cake. The outrageous name has long escaped the blind staff of the Equal Opportunities Commission as well as so many social workers who prefer turning a blind eye to this delicious cake too.
5, 單眼佬涼茶 - 許多粵語長片的彌敦道街景都出現過這副招牌。我飲過,好好味,單眼佬,👁,我撐你!👏
The One-Eyed-Guy Herb Tea - An eye-winking tea indeed. A must for a western tourist.
6, 藍妹啤酒 - 點解不是紅弟啤?
The Blue Girl Beer - A politically incorrect name even allowed in a Germany ruled by a formerly red girl called Mrs Merkel. I am surprised.
7, 老人牌麥片 - 早應改名為「長者牌」了。
Quaker Oats - translated as the "Old Man Brand" in Hong Kong since the days of Queen Victoria. An anachronism still loved by so many babies and kids.
PS: 我喜歡政治不正確。有的蓄意政治不正確的文字笑話,貼出一次,故意再刪除,自然引起更多人散播。不信?It is still somewhere on this channel。以上這個,再次娛樂大眾,或亦不例外。