在上週四時甚至達到 -4.25% 。
一般來說,如果一個機構 A 想向另一個機構B 借現金的話,
機構 A 可以拿美國 10 年期公債做為抵押品去向機構 B 借取現金。
假設此時的回購隔夜利率是 1% 的話,
那麼借款的機構 A 在隔日買回國債的同時,就必須再多加上 1% 的利息。
那如果機構 A 沒按期還款,目前還會面臨 3% 的罰款。
另外如果市場出現流動性危機 (例如:2020 年 3 月),這裡的利率可能就會由 1% 上升至 8% 才借的到錢。
但如果隔夜回購利率變為 -4.25% 會發生什麼事呢?
此時代表機構 A 將美國 10 年公債抵押給機構 B 借取現金後,
變成機構 B 還要多付利息給機構 A 。
【那為什麼又會有這麼多人要放空美國 10 年期公債?】
當時因為疫情的關係,美聯儲放寬了對大型銀行補充槓桿率 (SLR) 的規範,而如今這項決定快要到期了 (3 月底)。
而在 SLR 的計算方法當中,「準備金比例大幅上升」這件事,是會連帶影響到銀行其他資產所能持有的比重的。
因此在豁免期到期後,大型銀行可能為了符合 SLR 的規定,而被迫拋售國債或其他資產。
更多關於 SLR 的資訊:https://rayskyinvest.org.in/SLR相關資訊
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repurchase rate 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【Alphabet Inc. (GOOG) on Q1 2020 Earnings Call notes】
Apr. 28, 2020 11:46 PM ET
Company Participants
Jim Friedland - Director of Investor Relations
Sundar Pichai - Chief Executive Officer
Ruth Porat - Chief Financial Officer
Conference Call Participants
Eric Sheridan - UBS
Doug Anmuth - JPMorgan
Heather Bellini - Goldman Sachs
Michael Nathanson - MoffettNathanson
Brian Nowak - Morgan Stanley
Brent Thill - Jefferies
Dan Salmon - BMO Capital Markets
Justin Post - Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Kevin Rippey - Evercore ISI
Mark Mahaney - RBC Capital Markets
1. 針對Covid-19,Google高度配合美國CDC或WHO,並將Youtube上不符合官方的內容快速移除。
2. 提供與Google往來的中小企業$8億美元緊急貸款、金援或信用擔保。
3. Google上有關Covid-19的搜尋量是美國超級杯賽時的4倍。
4. Google Play下載量增加30%。
5. 三月底時全世界有超過1億學生或教師使用Google Classroom,是月初時的兩倍。
6. Google Meet使用者增加3百萬人,相較於1月成長30倍。(所以一月時只有十幾萬人?)
7. 廣告業務在一、二月表現強勁,但三月之後顯著萎縮。
8. CEO認為Google廣告業務在2008年就證明有兩大優勢,他相信靠這兩大優勢Google可以平安度過此疫情:
a. Google廣告上線與下線非常有彈性且快速。
b. Google業務多元化。
9. 還有一個重點是CEO認為Google在此次疫情表現會比上次2008年金融危機好:相較於12年前,Google現在承包美國政府許多業務,例如紐約州的失業補助申請系統就是Google提供、聯邦政府的緊急健康公衛伺服系統也是Google提供。這部份業務在此次疫情都有顯著成長。
10. G suit這產品目前有600萬付費用戶,就連Netflix都是。
11. Android系統上每月使用Google Play的活要用戶高達25億。
12. Google會降低徵才速率。
13. 研發自動駕駛的Waymo增資$22.5億美元。
1. Q1 Revenue $41.2B (12% YoY)| Revenue related costs $19B (19% YoY)| Other Costs $11.5B (26% YoY)
mainly due to data center operation, depreciation, and content acquisition
2. Operating expenses $14.2B, mainly due to R&D and sales&marketing
3. Stock-based compensation costs $3.2B
4. Headcount was up 4149 comparing to the Q4. Google will slow the hiring pace in Q2 and Q3.
5. Google Cloud(including G suit and enterprise services) -- operating income $8B (-4% YoY)| operating margin 19%
6. loss of $220M driven by looses in equity securities
7. Effective tax rate is 11.9%| Net income was $6.8M
8. CapEx $6B | Operating cash flow was $11.5B| Free cash flow was $5.4B| Repurchase share plan costed $8.5B | Cash pile up to $117B
9. Google Search & other Ads -- Revenue $24.5B (9% YoY)| It was strong in the first two months but significantly declined in March.
10. Youtube Ad -- revenue $4B (33% YoY)| However, the Brand Advertising hugely declined in March.
11. Network Ad -- Revenue $5.2B (4% YoY)
12. Google Cloud -- Revenue $2.8B (52% YoY) (相較Amazon的AWS同期營收是$10B,Microsoft Intelligent Cloud $12.3B,Google小很多)
13. Other Revenue, mainly driven by Youtube non-ad revenue, $4.4B (23% YoY)
14. Total Traffic Acquisition costs $7.5B (9% YoY)
15. Fiber and Verily Revenue $135M | Operating loss $1.1B (果然是兩個賠錢貨)
16. CFO 這句話明白闡釋Google很清楚自身的上頭成本狀況:「much of our operating expense is not directly related to the change in revenue」(有關企業的上頭成本與租值的觀念我解釋過,就不重複)
repurchase rate 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳解答
【Fed宣布成立臨時FIMA Repo Facility】
根據美東時間3/31最新的Fed新聞稿,Fed宣布成立臨時FIMA Repo Facility(a temporary repurchase agreement facility for foreign and international monetary authorities)。其目的是要對美國家庭與企業維持足夠的信用供給(supply of credit to U.S. households and businesses)。
果然,這個FIMA Repo Facility的成立目的可從Fed提供的Q&A中看到:
「The facility reduces the need for central banks to sell their Treasury securities outright and into illiquid markets, which will help to avoid disruptions to the Treasury market and upward pressure on yields. By allowing central banks to use their securities to raise dollars quickly and efficiently, the facility will also support local markets in U.S. dollars and bolster broader market confidence. Stabilizing foreign dollar markets, in turn, will support foreign economic conditions and thereby benefit the U.S. economy through many channels, including confidence and trade.」
「The FIMA repo facility would allow foreign central banks to temporarily raise dollars by selling U.S. Treasuries to the Federal Reserve's System Open Market Account and agreeing to buy them back at the maturity of the repurchase agreement. The term of the agreement will be overnight, but can be rolled over as needed. The transaction would be conducted at an interest rate of 25 basis points over the rate on IOER (Interest on Excess Reserves), which generally exceeds private repo rates when the Treasury market is functioning well, so the facility would primarily be used only in unusual circumstances such as those prevailing at present.」