[191561] 2961. Alycia Bella: Muse (2021)★★
[191562] 2962. The KLF: Solid State Logik 1 (2021)★★★
[191563] 2963. Spelling - Under the Sun (2019)★★__Catalina Xavlena
[191564] 2964. Quilt: Plaza (2016)★★
[191565] 2965. Quilt: Held in Splendor (2014)★★
[191566] 2966. Peter Bjorn and John - Objects of My Affection (2007)★★★🆁
[191567] 2967. Shadow Band - Endless Night (2017)★★
[191568] 2968. Simian Mobile Disco - Cruel Intentions (2009)★★
[191569] 2969. Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler / I Believe (2007)★★★
[191570] 2970. Robert Lester Folsom - Ginger (1976)★★★
[191571] 2971. Tamaryn - Heavenly Bodies (2012)★★__Grant Singer
[191572] 2972. Tamaryn - I'm Gone (2012)★★★
[191573] 2973. Tamaryn - The Garden (2012)★★
[191574] 2974. Tamaryn - Cranekiss (2015)★★
[191575] 2975. Tamaryn - Hands All Over Me (2015)★★
[191576] 2976. Tamaryn - Last (2015)★★
[191577] 2977. Tamaryn - Softcore (2015)★★
[191578] 2978. Tamaryn - Sugarfix (2016)★★__Tamaryn
[191579] 2979. The Fresh & Onlys - Animal of One (2014)★★__Mehdi Alavi
[191580] 2980. The Fresh & Onlys - Presence of Mind (2012)★★__Dawn Carol Garcia
[191581] 2981. The Cribs - Men's Needs (2007)★★
[191582] 2982. The Cribs - Mirror Kissers (2005)★★
[191583] 2983. The Holydrug Couple - Baby, I'm Going Away (2015)★★
[191584] 2984. The Holydrug Couple - Light or Night (2015)★★
[191585] 2985. The Men - Electric (2013)★★★
[191586] 2986. The Miracles Club - Church Song (2010)★★
[191587] 2987. The Vacant Lots - Cadillac (2011)★★
[191588] 2988. Torn Hawk - Because of M.A.S.K. (2014)★★
[191589] 2989. Torn Hawk - There Was a Time (2014)★★__Luke Wyatt
[191590] 2990. Travis Bretzer - Hurts So Bad (2013)★★__Kevin Patrick Kearney
[191591] 2991. Travis Bretzer - Lonely Heart (2015)★★__Grant Singer
[191592] 2992. Travis Bretzer - Promises (2014)★★__Grant Singer
[191593] 2993. Trouble - Snake Eyes (2017)★★
[191594] 2994. Weyes Blood - Bad Magic (2014)★★★__Joey Frank
[191595] 2995. Weyes Blood - Some Winters (2014)★★★__Winston Holmes Case
[191596] 2996. Weyes Blood - Hang On (2014)★★★
[191597] 2997. Weyes Blood - In the Beginning (2015)★★★🆁
[191598] 2998. Weyes Blood - Cardamom (2015)★★★🆁
[191599] 2999. Weyes Blood - Be Free (2016)★★★🆁
[191600] 3000. Weyes Blood - Diary (2016)★★★🆁
[191601] 3001. 啾啾鞋:神人歷經五年數萬次嘗試,終於完成了傳說中不可能的捷徑!《瑪利歐賽車Wii》 (2021)★★✚
[191602] 3002. Cassandra Jenkins - Hard Drive (2021)★★★__Josh Goleman
[191603] 3003. Vanishing Twin - You Are Not An Island (2019)★★★__Noriko Okaku
[191604] 3004. Julia Jacklin - Don't Let The Kids Win (2016)★★★__Julia Jacklin, Nick McKinlay
[191605] 3005. Julia Jacklin - Hay Plain (2016)★★★
[191606] 3006. Julia Jacklin - Leadlight (2016)★★★__Julia Jacklin
[191607] 3007. Julia Jacklin - Pool Party (2016)★★★
[191608] 3008. Marshmello - FinD Me (2016)★
[191609] 3009. Virginia Wing - A Complex Outline (2015)★★
[191610] 3010. Virginia Wing - Marnie (2014)★★
[191611] 3011. Vietnam - Mama Loi, Papa Loi (2013)★★
[191612] 3012. Islet - Ringerz (2010)★★
[191613] 3013. Adele - Chasing Pavements (2008)★★
[191614] 3014. Alshawn Martin & Waka Flocka Flame - Active (2019)★★
[191615] 3015. Dope Body - Obey (2015)★★★🆁__Andrew Laumann
[191616] 3016. Orchestra of Spheres - 2,000,000 Years (2013)★★
[191617] 3017. Destruction Unit - Evil Man (2013)★★
[191618] 3018. Her Space Holiday - My Girlfriend's Boyfriend (2003)★★
[191619] 3019. Her Space Holiday - Japanese Gum (2003)★★
[191620] 3020. David Gold - American Express (1974)★★★
[191621] 3021. 綺麗:桃太郎電鐵到底在玩什麼?帶你看看遊戲的玩法跟八卦吧! (2021)★★
[191622] 3022. 阿揚:薩爾達無雙 災厄啟示錄5大買或不買的理由 (2020)★
[191623] 3023. 希治閣:【Konami再生!】PT、Metal Gear、惡魔城復活有望! (2020)★★
[191624] 3024. 希治閣:《Cyberpunk 2077》中國玩家搬龍門 遊戲開發全球退錢! (2020)★★
[191625] 3025. 希治閣:為何《Cyberpunk 2077》如此多Bug,Fans們依然瞓身支持? (2020)★★
[191626] 3026. Uniform - The Killing of America (2017)★★★
[191627] 3027. Moon Duo - Ich Werde Sehen (2013)★★__Jovan Arsenic
[191628] 3028. Spectral Park - L'appel Du Vide (2013)★★
[191629] 3029. The Chills - When the Poor Can Reach the Moon (2015)★★
[191630] 3030. The Chills - Rolling Moon (1982)★★★
robert frank the american 在 《海琪的天空》 陳海琪 Facebook 的精選貼文
Stephen Shore《Uncommon Places(不尋常的地方)》
攝影師 Stephen Shore 於 1982 年所發表的經典攝影集《Uncommon Places(不尋常的地方)》,其當代的色彩表現方式至今已影響了超過一世代的攝影師。他使用大畫幅相機所捕捉的美國在地景觀儼然已成為傳統攝影與當代攝影之間重要的轉捩點。過去,只有廣告與時尚攝影才會使用全彩底片,在藝術領域裡,黑白底片仍然主導著攝影地位,而他創新且大膽地將彩色攝影應用於藝術表現,使他成為彩色攝影代表性的先驅之一。
繼《Uncommon Places》之後,2004 年美國出版社 Aperture 與英國出版社 Thames & Hudson 合作出版《Uncommon Places: The Complete Works(不尋常的地方:全集)》,在封面與整體設計上有所變化,收錄的照片也做了調整。2014 年,再度重新印製並增加二十幅尚未發表的作品,將更多當年的經典作品展現給世人。
如同帶有現實主義的美國攝影大師 Robert Frank 與 Walker Evans,Stephen Shore 透過鏡頭與公路持續探索著美國本土瞬息萬變的前景。他的照片總是沉著客觀地描述主題,保有著黑白攝影不可或缺的精準構圖與光線,再加上難以捉摸的色彩構成。其捕捉寂靜無人的停車場、旅社臥房的一角,或是大街旁的小商店,將一切日常可見的尋常景色,轉化為不凡的意境。透過豐富且完美的色彩連結著現實世界與平面圖像,成為極富特色的卓越作品,更讓人們一窺約莫半世紀前的美國社會。
本書額外收錄了由著名評論家、策展人 Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen 撰寫的一篇文章,以及攝影師與小說家 Lynne Tillman 的對談,研究了他的攝影方法,並探討上世紀六〇年代末和七〇年代初流行與概念藝術的變遷。而伴隨文字的附圖,則是刊載了 Stephen Shore 早期的作品〈American Surfaces〉與〈Amarillo: Tall in Texas〉。
來自紐約的攝影師 Stephen Shore 出生於 1947 年,他是將彩色攝影應用在藝術領域的先鋒。於十七歲時認識了安迪·沃荷,並負責記錄與「工廠」相關的人事物。在廿四歲時,成為繼攝影大師 Alfred Stieglitz 之後第二位在紐約大都會藝術博物館舉辦個展的攝影師。
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robert frank the american 在 Jeremy C. Photography Facebook 的最佳貼文
May you rest in peace, Mr. Frank 🙏🏼
Born in Switzerland, Mr. Frank went to New York at the age of 23 as an artistic refugee from what he considered to be the small-minded values of his own country. He was best known for his groundbreaking book, “The Americans,” a masterwork of black and white photographs drawn from his cross-country road trips in the mid-1950s and published in 1959.
“The Americans” challenged the presiding midcentury formula for photojournalism, defined by sharp, well-lighted, classically composed pictures, whether of the battlefront, the homespun American heartland or movie stars at leisure. Mr. Frank’s photographs — of lone individuals, teenage couples, groups at funerals and odd spoors of cultural life — were cinematic, immediate, off-kilter and grainy, like early television transmissions of the period.