#半熟倫敦 #EP17 #影中城
#聯合副刊專欄 #LondonInFilms
倫敦是電影取景的愛好地,許多人對她的想像也是從電影而來,為找尋電影裡的倫敦,我規劃一條路線拜訪那些令人印象深刻的電影拍攝地。從西倫敦出發,首先在諾丁丘的波特貝羅市集(Portobello Market)附近,就是同名電影《新娘百分百》(Notting Hill, 1999)中美國大明星茱莉亞羅勃茲(Julia Roberts)與倫敦書店老闆休葛蘭(Hugh Grant)第一次邂逅的書局。如今依然營業,店內充滿許多電影場景和台詞,二十年沒什麼變,似乎轉個彎就能遇見那個站在男孩面前,請求他愛她的平凡女孩。
往北走一些,麥達維爾地鐵站(Maida Vale)看似不顯眼,走進站裡便會知道這是另部愛情經典《真愛每一天》(About Time, 2013)裡,男女主角常搭的地鐵站,事實上西區一帶都是該片取景處,也包含女主角位於諾丁丘的家。
離開西倫敦後往市區前進,除了《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady, 1964)中奧黛麗赫本(Audrey Hepburn)在柯芬園賣花的倩影猶在;就在倫敦國王學院對面,那是《王冠》第四季(The Crown S4, 2020)中黛安娜和卡蜜拉正面交鋒的餐廳;而沿著學校旁的街道,則會走入描述英國考古學家巴索爾·布朗(Basil Brown)的電影《古寶》(The Dig, 2021)中,女主角凱莉·墨里根(Carey Mulligan)拜訪倫敦時途經的小巷。
接著沿泰晤士河往東走到南岸的波羅市場(Borough Market),《BJ單身日記》(Bridget Jones's Diary, 2001)女主角芮妮齊薇格(Renée Zellweger)的公寓就在此,繼續往東則會到達我很喜歡的格林威治(Greenwich)。位於東南郊區,格林威治與市區塵囂彷彿兩個世界,或許因為天文台認識它,但值得影迷拜訪的絕對是舊皇家海軍學院(Old Royal Naval College)。學校建於十九世紀,巴洛克式建築遠眺壯觀,近看充滿細節,也因此是大銀幕寵兒,包含《悲慘世界》(Les Misérables, 2012)裡法國大革命的巴黎街頭、《黑暗騎士:黎明昇起》(The Dark Knight Rises, 2012)中的義大利佛羅倫斯咖啡廳,或最新的《庫伊拉》(Cruella, 2021)等無數電影都在此打造場景,就連拜訪當天也有劇組正在拍攝,取景已成日常。
#MediumWellLondon #25JULY2021
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倫敦筍盤:Royal Eden Docks E16 The Wellspring入場費 £ 46.5萬
銀紙唔值錢,磚頭有價,但筍盤難求。我CBRE個老友Victor介紹咗個位於倫敦東面樓盤Royal Eden Docks E16 The Wellspring俾我。講樓無謂長篇大論,地點好、低水、但有潛力、入費為噃五球港紙左右,仲要話曬喺倫敦喎!怪不得樓盤一、二期已全數售罄。自住或投資都得,如果閣下認為夠筍,記住聯絡CBRE團隊,佢哋會提供一對一諮詢服務。
Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/2QAc3YJ
電話: +852 2820 6553
電郵: [email protected]
#CBRE #oversearesidential #ukresidential #ukproperty #ukpropertyinvestment #胡孟青 #投資 #海外投資 #The Wellspring @Royal Eden Docks #筍盤
2020 世邦魏理仕有限公司 (地產代理牌照號碼 C-004065) (商業登記號碼 0125045)。此廣告之物業資料並無驗證,僅提供世邦魏理仕之客戶參考。客戶應特別留意,市場上就非住宅物業的樓面面積的任何描述均沒有統一或普遍採納的定義。煩請閣下及閣下之法律顧問與專業人士親自測量及查證物業資料的真確性。世邦魏理仕恕不負責因使用或依賴此資料而引致的任何損失、損害、成本或開支。廣告資料均由我們認為可信之資料來源提供,但對資料的完整及準確性並無驗證,恕不作出保證、擔保或表示絕對無誤,並不負上任何責任。購買境外未建成物業是複雜及有風險的。在作出購買決定前,閣下應仔細閱讀所有相關的資料及文件。如有疑問,請在作出購買決定前尋求獨立專業意見。本公司之營業員純粹就香港以外地方的物業進行地產代理工作,除非另有訂明,營業員並無處理位於香港任何物業的牌照。租期:200 年租賃期由1999年4月9日。發展許可證編號:18/01257/FUL 由London Borough of Newham批出。物業編號:RED_AD_03。*售價為付印日資料。電腦模擬圖片僅供參考 ^交通時間為大約時間,僅供參考,資料來源 Google Maps , www.tfl.gov.uk 及 Crossrail.co.uk。廣告發佈日期:2021 年5月17日至23日
royal borough 在 Follow Me To Eat La - Malaysian Food Blog Facebook 的最讚貼文
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Greenwich is one of the most historically rich areas of London and you can arrive by riverboat or it is just 8 minutes from London Bridge by train. Greenwich has had royal connections since the 9th century, but the Tudors made it a preeminent royal residence. 👑👑👑
We took a short walking tour & explore the OLD ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE to admire the spectacular ORNC, the architectural centrepiece of Maritime Greenwich, also a World Heritage Site in Greenwich. 🏛️🏛️🏛️
Located on the south bank of the river Thames, a British landmark encompassing some of the finest buildings in the world, it's Sir Christopher Wren's riverside masterpiece. 😍
Then, there was also the legendary CUTTY SARK, the world's only surviving extreme clipper & the celebrated historic sailing ship. This Clipper ship is 150 years old, a British merchant ship & visited 16 different countries & travelled to the equivalent of 2.5 voyages to the moon & back. 🚢🚢🚢
It was specially built for the China tea trade but carried a vast array of cargoes. Famous for representing the pinnacle of clipper ship design & one of the FASTEST SHIPS of its day.
It survived heavy seas, war, neglect, obsolescence, fire & old age to be here in Greenwich. Cutty Sark is also home to the world's biggest collection of Merchant Navy figureheads.
Don't miss the GREENWICH FOOT TUNNEL, a 1,215-foot pre-WW2, the cast iron tunnel that transports pedestrians beneath the River Thames. 😊.
Opened in 1902, the Greenwich Foot Tunnel cuts 50 feet deep below the surface to take pedestrians under the River Thames from Greenwich to the Isle of Dogs to create a way for workers who lived in south London to get to work at the docks on the Isle of Dogs, replacing a ferry service, although now it offers 24-hour access to any travellers who need to cross the London river. Just a cool little side trip to end our day in Greenwich! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
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#AuntieLillyInLondon #CuttySark #Greenwich #GreenwichFootTunnel #OLDROYALNAVALCOLLEGE #Unesco
#London #Throwback