酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbill
Sasa 一出生時,需要待在新生兒重症監護病房,必須以奶瓶餵奶,後來隨我到產後護理之家由我直接哺乳,但,兩種方式都令我煩惱。因為Sasa 需要某種特定類型奶瓶和相對應的奶嘴才能適應並好好喝奶。
在嘗試了幾個不同的品牌後,發現酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbill 的KU Plus寬口PPSU奶瓶有許多令我驚豔的多種好處,堪稱專業級奶瓶。For example同樣是寬口用奶嘴,Sasa因嘴小在使用他牌奶瓶喝奶時都要嘗試好幾次才會成功含住,餵食時也容易從奶嘴上方的透氣孔上方漏奶,直接滴到寶寶的衣服上溼成一小片,非常困擾!! 但自從Sasa使用KU Plus寬口PPSU奶瓶後卻可以一次含住,重點是不‧會‧漏‧奶,守住了媽媽最珍貴的母乳還超好拍嗝、不扁塌,簡直是媽媽餵奶之路上必買的餵食神器。
Immediately after she was born she was sent to the NICU and had to be bottle-fed. After transitioning to breastfeeding at the postpartum center, I had a lot of trouble switching between the bottle and breast, it was really clear that Sasa always needed a certain type of bottle and a certain type of teat.
After trying several different brands, I found that the 酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbill wide-neck PPSU bottles had several benefits that I liked. For example, the wide neck shape was just right, I tried other wide-necked bottles but they were a bit too wide making it hard for Sasa to latch without unlatching several times before she drank. In many other brands, the milk will leak out and basically drip all over the baby’s clothing, wasting that precious milk. The anti-colic U-shaped ventilation system prevents leakage from the bottle, and even helps baby Sasa burp better, saving me a lot of headache!
Oh btw, did I mention these are MIT?? Made in Taiwan!
On top of fixing my baby bottle problem, this baby bottle really pays attention to the small details. First of all the material is BPA free and meets FDA standard testing, the bottle can withstand high impact falls without a scuff as well as a UV sanitizer, which many plastic baby bottles cannot stand. The lid prevents leaking, if at any point in time, I had to use formula, I could directly shake the baby bottle with the lid on.
The water bottle comes with the cutest strap and straw, which is perfect for Kali (Sasa’s sister) going to school with her cute new water bottle. Simply love these new safe, practical, and lightweight baby bottles!
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