Di antara membaca,bercakap dan menulis,mana satu nak dimulakan dulu?
1. Bercakap.
Usia KRITIKAL : 0-2 tahun.
...Continue ReadingBetween Reading, talking and writing, which one to start first?
1. Talk.
Critical Age: 0-2 years old.
This is the most important element in the life of a human being. Talking is important for us to communicate about our thoughts and feelings so that the people around know what we want to say so that there will be no misunderstanding.
Start since your child just came out to see the world, which is within 24 hours after being born. Greet your child, give greetings... say 'hi', kiss.... hug, say whatever you want to say. Just chat. It looks like it's not right when sitting in the ward, we're talking alone while giving eye contact to the baby. But that's the first thing we have to do since our child was born. And konsistenlah talks to them until they grow up, nak2 in the first two years.
I often ask parents, ' child can talk or not? 'most answer' already, said... ABC, 123 all he knows. Even jawi letters. ' I said, that's not talking. Where is the same talk by knowing those letters!
Talking is communicating. There is an eye contact, got a child answering back to the question, react to the name from mom dad, calling, not mention it.
Once when my child was admitted in the hospital, there was a mother 'talking' to her child who was a year and 6 months in spelling. That's strong! ' B.U.K.U... Book! ' I guess he's the target of his child to be good at spelling while talking. The rest of the time, I see his son just given a gadget and 'learn' through gadgets. Rampage Toksah say it. As long as something is wrong, the child is just raging. Noisy one ward listen!
I'm crazy looking at it!
Spelling is not talking!
Reading is not talking!
Counting not talking!
Talk need to have eye contact.
Speaking must have a understanding between two parties.
Talk must have expression and expression.
Talking is communication, there are people who listen, there are people who reply back.
Speaking must have a impersonation, better to copy in terms of style or sound of rattles.
Giving gadgets and learning at this age?
If possible, avoid it!
2. Doodling & painting
Critical Age: 1-3 years old.
It's important for your child to learn to hold a pencil or a crayon or a big painting brush at the moment for a doodling session.
If you're worried that your child will doodle the wall, buy a big paper paper, paste it on the wall of the house. If there is more budget, wall the wall with paint is easy to delete. If it's so hard to do, just accept that the walls of the house have to be doodle.
Contenting helps the child express their mind.
Doodling helps children strengthen hand muscles.
Content there is a visual element of perceptual (this is another chapter).
Doodling creates midline crossing abilities.
Doodling helps the formation of a finger holding a pencil (Pencil Grip).
Don't care where to doodle. On Paper, on the floor, near the wall, books... we are grown up, please think of the best way to encourage children to be doodling. Follow everyone who wants to control your heart and feelings to see the house messy or what.... most importantly, think of the way!
May I make the element of the sand, the ground, the stone... for the wood twig... no complaints, as long as the child can be conteng.
During this age, don't force your child to write too much. It's fun to ask to write ABC, number, jawi letter...
Teach child painting after doodling.
Paint bentuk2 that is around us.
Animal Paint, plants, homes, or anything.
Accompany the child to draw.
Use water colour, crayon or any drawing tools.
It's not a waste to spend money buying these things. Not a loss!
3. Coloring.
Critical Age: 1-3 years old.
Teach the color at this age.
Coloring activity helps children form straight, vertical, oblique, rounded lines and so on.
The Color of the painting that is in let it fit the age of the child.
Don't be asked to coloring the complex painting. If possible, avoid coloring the painting inside the gadget.
Coloring in gadgets does not bring any meaning to hand muscle. How to develop a memory motor against the line?
At this age, you don't have to worry if the children are still not good at the color in the line. Still the color out the line is normal. No problem. The most important thing is, he knows where to color it.
Create a concept of coloring as early as possible. No need to wait until school is just about to coloring.
No need to bring to the mall, coloring at the that has of for in, then you have to pay. The color at home is better. It's better for us to draw a picture of our family, ask our children to be color. Simple. Saving a lot.
4. Writing and reading.
Critical age of writing: 4 years
Starting age knowing letters and numbers: 4 years
Beginning of reading age: 5 years and above.
Age that is considered late to be able to read: 11 years.
Logically, when the child has learned a lot of lines through doodling and coloring, it's self-prepare to write. This time it's easy to write letters and numbers even though they don't know the letters and numbers yet. No problem.
Can teach to write in a session, then teach to know the letter in the later session.... at the age of 4! This is the earliest age! Not too late yet.
No need to worry because once a child and learn letters, a few letters... start to read at the age of 5
If we follow all this process gradually, God willing, the child has no problem! No need to worry too much.
If we 'turn' all this process, there will be consequences because it has violated the development of a human being.
If you feel there is an effect, don't be shy to bring the therapist to fix the problems that are available.
So much.
Picture for example only not encourage for children to doodle walls.
Parents please paste the big paper on the wall so that the children are free to play at the same time they can work comfortably
Source: Liyana Raya
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Have you ever spent an entire week in the desert? Can you imagine a temporary city erected in the middle of nowhere that attracts more than 50,000 people every year? Are you a little bit crazy, quite a bit determined, and a whole lot of wiry and smart? If the answer is yes, then the annual Burning Man held in Nevada may be your best choice for #Summer2017. It has been described as an experiment in community and art, influenced by self-reliance and self-expression. The burning of “the temple,” has been a traditional activity in the event. You can make friends with all kinds of people coming from all over the world-- artists, celebrities and even tech CEOs from Silicon Valley at the number seven #Summer17 festival! You can party with live DJs in venues that look like scenes from the movie Mad-Max. Have fun and drink tons of water! The festival runs from August 27-September 4, 2017.
self expression activity 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
【玳瑚師父茶會課室】 《 第十場茶會回顧 :學佛修行不出岔子》
10th Tea Session Recap : How Not to Go Wrong In Your Spiritual Cultivation
(English version below)
茶會開場時,玳瑚師父對出席者們說: 「如果妳你很會算,不如來算算妳你這一世,從妳你懂事以來到現在,累積的業障到底有多少。這一世能還完,才會有個美滿的人生。」
玳瑚師父舉例,《地藏菩薩本願經》所言: 「南閻浮提眾生,舉止動念,無不是業,無不是罪。」
許多人學佛,因爲出發心不正,而後來魔障重重, 因此,茶會中旬,玳瑚師父要求出席者們,以華文寫出爲何要學佛。
在每位出席者用心地寫出自己理由的當兒,有位女士,只寫了四個字,再加上她先前遲到,師父有感她的行爲有欠學習的誠意。但,師父本身是個學佛人,爲了給她公平,將她的本子顯示給每位出席者看, 問她他們覺得女士的答案是否有誠意,衆人亦搖頭。
一、 人間八大苦
二、 爲何心會煩燥?
三、 着魔分哪三種?
四、 六神無主,因此“她他”就來做妳你的主。
五、 六神是什麽?
六、 哪些生活習慣易陷入「魔」道,而不自覺?
七、 今世貪慾成性,將輪回哪一道?
八、 那位師姐身上陰霾之氣,竟然是來自居家的風水!
九、 有些東西不是去求得,是用智慧去觀磨的。
十、 佛陀遇見「毒蛇」的故事: 農夫敵不過誘惑之魔的下場。
十一、 過份喜歡一個東西,就是着魔。
十二、 不要說不關我的事,這顯得妳你好像不慈悲。
十三、 修法一定要有次序!
十四、 身體裡的氣向出錯,也會導致着魔!
十五、 如果佛菩萨想要匿名隐居,就無人出来弘揚佛法,那我們也没有法門能解脱六道輪迴了!
玳瑚師父解讀活動: 出席者們爲何要學佛 ~
十六、 學佛要有廣大菩提心,沒有廣大菩提心,成不了佛!
十七、 皈依明師爲何如此重要?
十八、 上網盜法結果會怎樣?
十九、 學佛一定要心智成熟,不能半信半疑,起心動念都很重要。
二十、 心靈和肉體必須要協調。
二十一、 在玳瑚師父面前,不要撒謊,師父看妳你,是看到妳你的心裡面。
二十二、 我們都是有病的人,心靈都是殘障的,所以,我們需要佛法。
二十三、 師父講解何為真確學佛的答案。
玳瑚師父解讀活動: 出席者們的字跡分析 ~
二十四、 從何看這人做事虎頭蛇尾?
二十五、 常把字寫在角落頭,是個怎樣的人?
二十六、 他一定是個用情很深的人!
二十七、 師父如何看出這位男生前世是位出家人?
二十八、 從練字可以培養身心,可以成就事業,請閲讀師父文章《字裡行間》
玳瑚師父現場答客問 ~
二十九、 《金剛經》說無相離相,何以玳瑚師父說修法要有次序,豈不是有相嗎?
三十、 怎麽樣皈依?
三十一、 只唸佛,不是就能成佛嗎?
三十二、 皈依前,什麽都不能唸嗎?
三十三、 客人尋找某尊佛像,千辛萬苦,尋覓不得,問師父如何是好?
三十四、 客人的女娃,不吃不睡,體重過輕,師父慈悲指點孩童正確的睡覺方位。
On 17th March 2016, Master Dai Hu specially took time out from his schedule, to hold the 10th Tea Session with the theme, "How To Stay On The Right Path of Spiritual Cultivation?".
The session swung into action with these first words from Master Dai Hu, "If you are that calculative, why don't you start counting, from the day you were born in this lifetime, how much negative karma you have accumulated? Only when you have cleared these karmic debts, will you have a blissful life."
Master Dai Hu quoted from the Sutra of the Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, "All sentient beings in the Daksina-jambudvīpa create karma and offenses endlessly with their every thought and behaviour."
A person does not encounter the Mara for no good reason. There lies an affinity, often self-inflicted, within. Many a time, he or she brought it upon himself/herself with his/her faithlessness towards the teachings of a virtuous master.
Many people learn the Dharma without the correct intention, and subsequently, had to face many obstacles and impediments from the Mara. Thus, in the middle of the tea session, Master Dai Hu requested for the participants to write down, in Mandarin, their reasons for learning the Dharma.
While everybody was diligent in writing their piece, one female participant only penned four characters. Prior to the exercise, she had came late for the Tea Session and Master Dai Hu could see her lack of sincerity in learning. Being a learned cultivator of the Dharma, and to show fairness to the lady, Master Dai Hu showed everyone the written note and asked if they thought if the female participant was sincere in learning. All the fellow participants shook their heads.
There is no fee charged for attending Master Dai Hu's Tea Sessions, as this is one way which Master Dai Hu gives back to the society. However, this does not imply that his time is worthless. Using this as an example, we do hope future participants come for the session with an attitude of sincerity and thought maturity, as well as respect for everybody's and Master Dai Hu's time.
Subsequently, Master Dai Hu went through each and every answer from the participants, and advised them individually how their mindsets can be improved. It was a beneficial experience for everyone, as the participants gained a more thorough understanding of themselves. Some of the participants even rewrote their piece after listening to the advice from Master Dai Hu, and consulted him again. Such spirit of willingness to learn is commendable indeed!
Highlights of the Tea Session:
1. What are the Eight Sufferings in the human realm?
2. Why do we experience vexation?
3. What are the three kinds of Mara disturbances?
4. If you have no control over your six spirits that rule your vital organs, another spirit shall intrude to take possession.
5. What are the six spirits?
6. What kind of daily habits will make you unknowingly susceptible to the influence of the Mara?
7. If one is addicted to desires in this lifetime, which of the six realms of existence is he likely to end up in his next life?
8. The aura of negative energy on a Dharma sister is caused by the Feng Shui of her residence!
9. There are some things that cannot be achieved by merely wishing for them. You have to use your wisdom and acumen to observe and learn.
10. The Buddha's encounter with the "poisonous serpent": Downfall of a farmer who could not resist Mara's temptation.
11. An obsession in liking something is a form of Mara disturbance.
12. Do not say "This is none of my business." as you will appear to be lacking in compassion.
13. The proper sequence must be observed in spiritual cultivation!
14. A disruptive flow of energies in your body can also result in disturbance from the Mara!
15. If the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas had craved for anonymity and stayed in recluse, no one would come forward to propagate the Dharma and we would be deprived of The Way out of Samsara.
Master Dai Hu's Group Activity - Why Do You Wish To Learn the Dharma?
16. To learn the Dharma well, one must possess great Bodhicitta. Without it, you will never attain Buddhahood!
17. Why is it so critical to take refuge in an accomplished Master?
18. What are the consequences of stealing the Dharma off the Internet?
19. One must have a mature mentality and not a doubtful nature, when learning the Dharma. We must be mindful of every thought and intention that arises within.
20. There is a necessity for the physical body and the soul to align and work in harmony.
21. Do not attempt to lie in front of Master Dai Hu, for he can look deep inside your heart and read you like a book.
22. We are all sick patients with disabilities in our souls. That is precisely why we need the Buddhadharma.
23. Master Dai Hu explained the correct intention one should have in learning the Buddha's teachings
Master Dai Hu Group Activity - Handwriting analysis of the participants
24. How do you tell that this person is one who starts strongly but often cannot last the entire race?
25. What kind of person tends to write his/her words at the corner of the writing space?
26. Such a person is definitely very devoted in his relationships.
27. How can Master Dai Hu tell that this man was a monk in his previous life?
28. A person can cultivate his/her body and spirit through handwriting practice, and achieve career success. Please read the article "In Between The Lines" by Master Dai Hu.
Live Q & A session with Master Dai Hu -
29. The Diamond Sutra expounds on the formless and the detachment from forms. Why does Master Dai Hu say that there must be a proper sequence in our spiritual cultivation? Isn't that a form?
30. How do you take refuge in the Triple Jewels?
31. Is it true that Buddhahood can be attained by reciting only the Buddha's Name?
32. Before taking refuge, am I not supposed to recite any mantra or sutra?
33. A client sought Master Dai Hu for his advice, after many difficult and futile attempts in their search for a particular Buddha statue.
34. A client's young daughter has not been eating and sleeping well, resulting in her being underweight. Master Dai Hu showed compassion by pinpointing the correct sleeping position for the toddler.
And many more.
The client couple previously did not agree with Master Dai Hu's suggestion to impart knowledge of the Dharma to their teenager children, and told Master Dai Hu that the children can "take their own time". As a result, when they intended to set up an altar in their residence, they could not find a suitable Buddha statue, despite trying many means and ways. It seemed like the Buddha is also "taking His own time" to go to their home. A gentle reminder to everyone: do not carelessly reject the advice of a virtuous Master, for this will set up many obstacles for you and your family on the path of pursuing the Dharma!
Students of the Dharma, remember this, there will never be an enemy in your heart. If you regard anyone as a foe, the Mara will creep into that crack in your heart. Taking refuge and learning the Dharma is like holding a mirror and looking at your own heart. If you do not self-reflect regularly, you will easily fall prey to the Mara.
As the Tea session came to a close, several participants came forward with Master Dai Hu's book, "Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment", to ask for his autograph. Master Dai Hu obliged and even hand wrote the Six Syllable Mantra, a ubiquitous mantra in Tibet, in Sanskrit in each book to convey his blessings for the participants. This is an auspicious mantra that is able to penetrate the darkness and destroy all impediments.
Earlier on, a female participant shared her experience of "sleeping" with Master Dai Hu's book. She had been having a hard time falling asleep peacefully, and often, an unknown fear of her surroundings crept up in her, making it even more difficult for her to sleep. In the middle of a particular night, when that mysterious yet familiar fear arose, she decided to go to sleep with Master Dai Hu's book tucked safely inside her zipped hoodie. According to her, it was a night of very restful sleep!
A young participant, Mr Samuel Goh, after having read Master Dai Hu's article "Together, We Can Turn The Tide", expressed his concern for Master's well-being and bought fresh apples, as an offering. Master Dai Hu joked that it must be Mr Samuel's wish that "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away from Master Dai Hu". As an expression of his gratitude, Master Dai Hu did a offering prayer on the spot and dedicated all merits to this young man. May he be an accomplished student of the Dharma and do great work that benefits himself and other sentient beings.
After the Tea Session ended, some participants were keen to learn more from Master Dai Hu. Hence, they stayed behind and had a coffee session with Master, which lasted till almost dawn. It was a session of Dharma bliss for everyone present. Master Dai Hu hopes that they put into practice what they have learnt from him, and not put his painstaking efforts to waste.