譚新強:維珍銀河開太空旅遊新時代 是福還是禍?
【明報專訊】恭喜維珍創辦人布蘭森(Richard Branson,也預祝7月18日他的71歲生日快樂)創下太空旅遊壯舉,7月11日,乘坐他自己旗下維珍銀河(Virgin Galactic)的團結號(VSS Unity)飛船,成為了第一位進入「太空」的富豪(billionaire)!另一有太空夢的富豪馬斯克(Elon Musk),去了新墨西哥州(New Mexico)為布蘭森打氣兼送行;連輸了牙骱戰的另一富豪貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)也有發賀電,但他應該輸得有點不服氣;他也打算在7月20日,乘坐他的藍色起源(Blue Origin)火箭升空,只差9日,更氣憤的是他必認為布蘭森未有真正進入太空。國際標準以100公里高空的卡門線(Karman Line)為界(貝索斯計劃升穿),但美國標準只是50英里,約80公里高度,今次布蘭森的團結號,最高點只飛至約85公里,所以美國認可他已到過太空,但不符合國際標準(其實也不奇怪,美國在任何事情上,都慣性採取雙標)!
隨着布蘭森今次的成功,正式打開太空旅遊(space tourism)的第一頁。整個旅程只1小時多,直上直落,未進入環繞地球軌道,無重狀態只歷時數分鐘,整個經驗其實較近似主題樂園的過山車!無論如何,布蘭森已號稱圓了人生之太空夢。况且這種極短的「差不多」太空旅程,最適合普羅大眾,毋須太多特殊訓練。乘客承受最大的壓力只約3g,比戰鬥機師高速轉向時承受的9g低很多,所以不需穿抗重力服(Anti-g suit)。
富豪太空遊具帶頭作用 碳排放量恐大增
維珍銀河收取的價錢也非常合理,只約25萬美元,全球能負擔此費用的人數以千萬計。布蘭森升空前,已收到約600名客人訂位,相信今次的成功後,必定客似雲來。YOLO(You Only Live Once,你只會活一次)心理驅使下,連我都有點心動!相對下,藍色起源的收費就昂貴很多,拍賣出一個將跟貝索斯同行的乘客座位,價錢竟高達2800萬美元!是否因為包含一個世界首富當伴遊溢價?
有分析師估計,現在太空旅遊業的價值已約2500億美元,未來將高速增長,到2030年,將升至8000億美元。除現階段這類無聊的「Space trip to nowhere」外,SpaceX和維珍銀河等,都有計劃發展較具實際運輸用途的次軌道太空飛行(Sub-orbital Spaceflights),如成功,北京飛紐約只需兩小時(大家請記住,即是說,比洲際導彈需時更短,因不需減速降落)!
題外話,最近看到一些有關郵輪污染空氣的驚人數據。原來一艘中型郵輪的懸浮粒子(particulate matter, PM)排放量,已等如100萬輛汽車!有個2019年歐洲研究報告顯示,只是一家嘉年華郵輪公司的47艘郵輪,二氧化硫(sulphur dioxide)的排放量,已是2.6億輛歐洲汽車總排放量的10倍!簡直難以置信!原來即使最優質的郵輪燃料,含硫磺量也比歐盟汽車燃油標準高100倍。所以有人形容郵輪為利用最骯髒燃料推動的海上城市。除此之外,郵輪亦已儼然成為傳播各種病毒,包括新冠病毒(COVID)和諾如病毒(Norovirus)等的最佳實驗室。但近日見到有郵輪公司以抽獎遊戲,鼓勵市民接種疫苗,我建議大家參加其他較環保的抽獎遊戲,如商場消費券。其實近日已有人開始呼籲立法禁止郵輪旅遊。
火箭燃料噴出廢氣 臭氧層傷害難補救
言歸正傳,太空旅遊除對全球暖化有影響外,若火箭燃料包含端羥基聚丁二烯(Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene,HTPB)和一氧化二氮(Nitrous oxide),更可對臭氧層(Ozone layer)造成難以補救傷害。藍色起源自稱對比維珍銀河的另一優勢正是火箭燃料,他們用氫氣,噴出廢氣只是水蒸氣,而維珍銀河使用化石燃料對臭氧層傷害高百倍!但亦有人指出,製造氫氣的過程中,通常亦會製造大量碳排放。
若然太空旅遊只是一種沒有實際用途的奢侈品,反而對氣候變化有害,那麼為科學而進行太空探索又值得嗎?我非常支持太空探索,像我經常說,如美中能合作尋找ET,若找到,人類肯定較團結。但不幸,美國不止無意跟中國合作,特朗普在數年前竟成立了全新的太空軍(Space Force)部隊,極可能是違反國際禁止太空軍事化條約的!
另外,即使要探索太空,技術層面上,人類航天員可說是多餘的,大大增加成本,甚至阻手阻腳。維持生命的系統非常昂貴和複雜,需要氧氣、食物和洗手間等,更麻煩的是太空人需要返回地球,對太空旅程的時間和距離都有極大掣肘(人類駕駛戰鬥機也面對同樣問題)。無人太空探測器(space probe)簡單和成本低很多,更可一去不返,探索太陽系以外的銀河系,科學價值高很多。數十年前,美國的穿梭機,雖曾風摩全球一段時間(周星馳都是靠它走紅!),但最後的結論是浪費了大量資源和好幾條人命,反而剝削了其他更有科學價值的無人太空探測計劃。諾貝爾得獎物理學家溫伯格(Steven Weinberg)甚至認為這是美國停止在得州興建超導超大型加速器(Superconducting Super Collider,SSC)的主因之一,亦自此把實驗物理學的領導地位,拱手相讓給了歐洲核子研究組織(CERN)。
探索火星 為人類延續買保險
這計劃的成功機會極微,科學和技術挑戰實在很多。去火星的距離比月球遠得多,旅程最少半年以上,途中很大機會遇上閃焰(solar flares),如太激烈,可能輻射屏蔽(radiation shielding)也沒用,足以殺死航天員。即使成功抵達火星,回程問題更大,因為雖然火星比地球小,但地心吸力為地球的38%,所以要頗大火箭動力才能脫離火星的地心吸力。最可行的計劃是另外發射火箭,把一大堆製造燃料的機器預送到火星,希望能夠利用在火星上的二氧化碳和水,提煉成為甲烷(methane)作火箭燃料,推動太空船回航之甪!佩服此計劃的想像力,但成功機會有多少?
若想長期留在火星殖民,如何火星地球化(Terraform Mars),是個更大雖題。火星大氣層稀薄,亦缺乏氧氣,表面溫度亦太低,有人科幻式建議利用太陽能(或核彈),把火星的極地冰蓋(polar ice cap)融化,製造大量二氧化碳,或更誇張地找方法把火星其中一個月亮推向火星,利用此撞擊製造大量二氧化碳!這些都是天方夜譚吧!
發達國家 應訂更進取負碳排放目標
即使能做到,需時最少數百甚至數千年。但美國似乎冥頑不靈,仍不斷把世界推向第三次世界大戰邊緣,亦有可能美國對氣候變化不負責任,甚至再次退出《巴黎氣候協定》。其實對發達國家而言,2050年碳中和目標是不足夠的,因為發展中國家缺乏能力支付各種技術的「綠色溢價」(Green Premium),亦不應不公道地阻止他們遲起步的發展,所以發達國家應訂下更進取的負碳排放目標。面對這些巨大威脅,人類在地球上,還有多少時間呢?誰也不知道……
[譚新強 中環新譚]
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅五哥頻道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【 Chemtrail陰謀】原來香港都有? ?陰謀系列 - http://bit.ly/2RW8oVd ⭐️如果鍾意哩條片,就記得比個Like同埋訂閲我嘅頻道啦! https://bit.ly/2F6Y2M8 ?如果你希望可以鼓勵五哥,支持我每日努力出片分享實用資訊,可以點以下連結: http...
solar radiation 在 小小藥罐子 Facebook 的最佳解答
首先維生素E的確是一種抗氧化劑(Antioxidant),主要用來KO體內的自由基(Free Radicals)。
實際上,一項研究指出每天服用大約50 IU的人工維生素E便可能會增加出現出血性中風(Hemorrhagic Stroke)的風險[9],不過詭異的是這卻可能會減少出現缺血性中風(Ischemic Stroke)的風險。[10]
1. Fuchs J, Kern H. Modulation of UV-light-induced skin inflammation by d-alpha-tocopherol and l-ascorbic acid: a clinical study using solar simulated radiation. Free Radic Biol Med. 1998;25:1006-1012.
2. Eberlein-Konig B, Placzek M, and Przybilla B. Protective effect against sunburn of combined systemic ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and d-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). J Am Acad Dermatol. 1998;38:45-48.
3. Darr D, Dunston S, Faust H, et al. Effectiveness of antioxidants (vitamin C and E) with and without sunscreens as topical photoprotectants. Acta Derm Venereol. 1996;76:264-268.
4. Trevithick JR, Shum DT, Redae S, et al. Reduction of sunburn damage to skin by topical application of vitamin E acetate following exposure to ultraviolet B radiation: effect of delaying application or of reducing concentration of vitamin E acetate applied. Scanning Microsc. 1993;7:1269-1281.
5. Trevithick JR, Xiong H, Lee S, et al. Topical tocopherol acetate reduces post-UVB, sunburn-associated erythema, edema, and skin sensitivity in hairless mice. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1992;296:575-582.
6. Heinonen OP, Albanes D, Virtamo J, et al. Prostate cancer and supplementation with alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene: incidence and mortality in a controlled trial. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1998;90:440-446.
7. Helzlsouer KJ, Huang HY, Alberg AJ, et al. Association between alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, selenium, and subsequent prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2000;92:2018-2023.
8. Wright ME, Weinstein SJ, Lawson KA, et al. Supplemental and dietary vitamin E intakes and risk of prostate cancer in a large prospective study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007;16:1128-1135.
9. Leppala JM, Virtamo J, Fogelholm R, et al. Controlled trial of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplements on stroke incidence and mortality in male smokers. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2000;20:230-235.
10. Leppala JM, Virtamo J, Fogelholm R, et al. Vitamin E and beta carotene supplementation in high risk for stroke. A subgroup analysis of the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study. Arch Neurol. 2000;57:1503-1509.
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--> Từ vựng cho các chủ đề khác, các bạn có thể xem tại chuyên mục Vocabulary nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/category/vocabulary/
Trong bài viết này, Huyền đã tổng hợp các từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Energy theo cụm để các bạn có thể dễ dàng áp dụng vào bài viết IELTS Writing Task 2 hoặc phần thi Speaking. Các từ vựng cũng đã được dịch chi tiết để các bạn có thể áp dụng dễ dàng hơn.
♦️♦️Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Energy
✔️environmentally-friendly (adj): thân thiện với môi trường
✔️renewable/infinite energy sources >< non-renewable energy sources: các nguồn năng lượng tái tạo được >< các nguồn năng lượng không tái tạo được
✔️nuclear power = nuclear energy: năng lượng hạt nhân
✔️nuclear weapon: vũ khí hạt nhân
✔️nuclear accident = nuclear disaster: tai nạn/thảm họa hạt nhân
✔️a leakage of nuclear materials into the environment: sự rò rỉ các nhiên liệu hạt nhân vào môi trường
✔️high levels of radiation: mức độ phóng xạ cao
✔️improvements in nuclear technology: những sự cải thiện trong công nghệ hạt nhân
✔️solar, wind or water power: năng lượng mặt trời, gió và nước
✔️power stations = power plants: các nhà máy năng lượng
✔️fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas: nhiên liệu hóa thạch như than đá, dầu và khí tự nhiên
✔️generate/produce electricity: sản xuất điện
✔️release greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere: thải khí thải nhà kính ra bầu khí quyển
✔️sustainable energy sources: các nguồn năng lượng bền vững
✔️pose a serious threat to people and the environment: gây ra 1 mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho con người và môi trường
✔️the exploitation of natural resources: sự khai thác các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
✔️the depletion of natural resources: sự cạn kiệt các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
✔️lead to environmental degradation/ global warming: dẫn tới sự suy thoái môi trường/ nóng lên toàn cầu
✔️energy consumption: sự tiêu thụ năng lượng
✔️meet global energy needs: đáp ứng nhu cầu năng lượng toàn cầu
✔️run out: cạn kiệt
✔️install solar panels: lắp đạt các tấm pin năng lượng mặt trời
✔️build/ set up a wind farm: xây dựng 1 tua bin được dùng để sản xuất điện từ gió
✔️have a devastating impact on people/ the environment/ marine ecosystems: có tác động tàn phá đối với con người / môi trường / hệ sinh thái biển
✔️energy-efficient/energy-saving appliances: các thiết bị tiết kiệm năng lượng
Nguyễn Huyền☘️
IELTS Nguyễn Huyền
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รีวิว Casio Pro Trek F20A นาฬิกาที่แข็งแรงที่สุดจาก Casio ผ่านการทดสอบระดับเกรดทหาร
Casio Pro Trek F20A เปิดราคาเมืองไทย 14900 บาท เท่านั้น สามารถไปชมตัวจริงได้ที่งาน International Watch Fair วันที่ 21 สิงหาคม 2561 - 30 กันยายน 2561 นี้ ที่เซนทรัลชิดลม กรุงเทพมหานคร
Wear OS by Google™
4 GB internal memory
512 MB RAM
512 MB of RAM available.
Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n)
Bluetooth® Smart
MIL-STD-810G compliant
The MIL-STD-810 is a U.S. military technical standard that specifies environmental test conditions for military equipment. The standard defines tests for the compatibility of equipment and devices with extreme temperatures and air pressures, solar radiation, humidity, chemicals, acceleration forces and vibrations.
Smartphone time
Double LCD (320 x 300)
Sunrise/sunset display
Fishing Timer
A special sensor measures the air pressure (measuring range: 260/1100 hPa) and presents this on the display in the form of a symbol. This enables early detection of weather trends.
A built-in direction sensor detecs the magnetic north.
10,000 m Altimeter
A pressure sensor detects changes in the air pressure and converts the result into an altitude up to 10,000 m.
Altimeter data memory
Depending on the model, up to 40 sets of elevation data can be stored in the watch's data memory and re-accessed at any time. Each of these data sets consists of a measured altitude as well as the date and time. In addition to the individual altitudes, the maximum and minimum altitudes during a measurement are also stored.
Moon Phase Indicator
The moon phase indicator shows the current moon phase based to the earth
Tide indicator
Once the high tide time has been entered for a selected location, the watch can display the low and high tide phases at this location on any given date. This can be quite useful, for example, if you want to know the patterns of the tides at your destination in advance.
Ideal for outdoor activities: The gyro sensor shows you every little change in direction during navigation, ensuring you always reach your destination. The sensor detects the smallest movements of the watch and acts against this by supporting optical image stabilisation or the alignment of the display.
Acceleration sensor
The motion sensor responds to acceleration and shows this as a speed on the display. The sensor also supports the auto rotation function of the watch, ensuring that the image is always displayed the right way up on the display.
GPS function
Measures your current position using artificial satellites circling the globe.
World time function
Displays the current time in major cities and specific areas around the world.
Daily alarm
The daily alarm reminds you of events that recur every day, by emitting an audible signal at the set time.
Snooze feature
Each time you stop the alarm, it sounds again after a few minutes.
Vibration alert
The vibration alarm discreetly reminds you of important appointments, without emitting a loud signal.
Airplane Mode (Offline Mode)
At the touch of a button, the watch switches to offline mode. This means that you can disable the wireless or GPS receiver when in the air for the duration of the flight.
Make your daily life easier using practical voice commands spoken directly into the microphone on your watch. For example, you can start a Google search by saying "OK Google" — without the need to touch the display, or even take your smartphone out of your pocket. Many actions can be performed via the microphone using voice commands.
Mineral glass
The tough mineral glass resists scratching.
Resin case
Resin band
Synthetic resin is the ideal material for wrist straps thanks to its extremely durable and flexible properties.
Battery level indicator
An indicator shows the current battery level.
Water resistance classification (5 bar)
This watch can be worn when showering and bathing - it is tested for water resistance up to 5 bar according to ISO 22810.
Dimensions (H x W x D)
61,7mm x 57,7mm x 15,3mm
approx. 90 g
Availability of models and/or lineups may differ depending on the country or region.
Technical amendments and errors excepted. The sizes in figures do not correspond to the original sizes.
The colours may differ slightly from the original.
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10 REASONS Why Asians Don't Get FAT: https://youtu.be/xIqJR6xfMro
There are a lot of comic book fans out there, and many of them are Asian. Yet historically, superheroes of Asian descent have been a rare thing in the Marvel & DC universes.
With movies like Captain America Civil War, Batman vs Superman and Deadpool already having broken several box office records this year, superhero movies are only getting more popular.
And you know, you have the first female solo superhero film in quite some time coming out in 2017 with DC’s Wonder Woman, and the first black solo superhero film in some time coming out in 2018 with Marvel’s Black Panther. Makes me wonder when we’ll see the first Asian solo superhero film on the big screen.
But we’re a long ways off because first, we actually need a successful and popular Asian superhero in the comics, and thus far, it’s not clear if we even have one.
Well you be the judge.
1. Jubilee (Marvel)
- arguably the most well-known Asian superhero
- a Chinese-American girl born in LA
- X-Men’s youngest member in the early 1990s
2. Shang Chi (Marvel)
- created in the 1970s, a period in time where people were crazy for Bruce Lee and anything Kung Fu related
- the premiere Asian character of the 70s
- born in China
- son & nemesis of the infamous, wealthy international Chinese crime lord Fu Manchu.
- has no superpowers, but is an expert in all forms of martial arts
- unfortunately as stereotypically Asian as you can get
3. Sunfire (Marvel)
- Japan’s premiere superhero
- just like Shang Chi, an Asian character of overt Asian symbolisms.
- real name, Shiro Yoshida
- born to a mother who suffered radiation poisoning (Hiroshima atomic bomb)
- became a mutant possessing solar radiation powers
4. Atom (DC)
- real name, Ryan Choi
- super smart & gets good grades
- can be quite the ladies’ man
- from Hong Kong
- protege of original Atom, Ray Palmer
- the Atom is a super hero who can shrink to a subatomic size (like Ant-Man)
- pretty noteworthy because first time an Asian guy took over the mantle of an existing superhero with an already established fan base
- too bad he only appeared in 78 issues before being killed off by the assassin, Deathstroke
- his death became the subject of racial controversy as he had been one of the few high profile Asian characters in the DC Universe
5. Batgirl (DC)
- real name, Cassandra Cain
- she’s a halfie, with a white dad and a Chinese mom
- adopted by Bruce Wayne, aka Batman.
- under Batman’s watch, she became Batgirl
- some refer to her as the Asian Batgirl
6. Psylocke (Marvel)
- real name is Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock, originally a blonde haired girl from Essex, Great Britain
- a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers and a long time X-Man.
- had her soul transferred into the body of a Japanese female ninja
- in X-Men: Apocalypse movie she is played by Olivia Munn (Is this another example of whitewashing in Hollywood?)
7. Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
- real name, Kamala Khan, the second Ms. Marvel who made her debut in 2013
- a Pakistani Muslim teenage girl living in New Jersey from a very traditional Pakistani family.
- is an inhuman (a race of superhumans)
- her power makes her able to stretch her body in unimaginable ways
8. Silk (Marvel)
- real name Cindy Moon, a Korean American girl.
- Spiderman was bitten by a radioactive spider but what we didn’t know was, so did another student
9. Hulk (Marvel)
- in 2015 we were introduced to a Korean Hulk.
- real name, Amadeus Cho, a Korean American
- this new Hulk fights gamma monsters while traveling cross country with his sister Maddy
10. Superman
- DC one upped Marvel by making one of, if not, the most iconic superhero of all time Asian.
- Superman is now Chinese!
- a 17 year old kid from Shanghai named Kenan Kong
- you can imagine the outrage this has caused as ‘superman is supposed to be white’ and American
We do videos on interesting 'Asiany' topics - Asian stereotypes, Asian pop culture, Asian issues, Asian history, AMWF, and things you just didn't know about Asia!
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