甜點迷們注意了! 風靡全球的神人級甜點名店【Lady M】將於4/28至5/8與晶華酒店共同攜手,推出招牌千層蛋糕及一系列限量人氣甜點,讓粉絲們不用大老遠飛到紐約,也能享有相同排隊人氣美味 <3 (數量有限,售完為止)
線上搶先預購: http://bit.ly/1NySTJt
Attention to all the sweet lovers! From 4/28 to 5/8, Regent Taipei specially invites Lady M, the legendary celebrity cake shop and presents their best-selling signature mille crêpes and a series of exquisite sweet delicacies to please your palate! Come and enjoy the same delicate and irresistible subtle sweet taste without flying all over to New York, or join our Line now to receive a chance of winning a free 6" signature mille crêpes home!