精彩的10月 x 哇賽滿月中秋
🐳 2019年自己給自己的生日禮物:催眠教練培訓+呼吸教練培訓 🦋 讓我深刻的療癒由內而外自己與女超人客戶
她還為我抽一張Work Your Light Oracle Cards,飛出了一張IMRAMA,意思是靈魂之旅
訊息是:我的靈魂開始「記得/憶起」古老陸地的秘密 ; 允許我乘著古老智慧的血統,記住 - 我不需要自己獨自完成使命
🌹每一刻,妳都會接收到宇宙捎給妳的微小訊息,妳有在傾聽嗎?2019年10月我投資的線上教練課程,也是改變我一生的課程,在San Diego召開高峰會 Broke to Woke Summit
我的美國🇺🇸室友擁有這Work Your Light牌卡,我對這牌卡的第一印象是...覺得好美,但是我不需要 ~
結束會議後,我開始去San Diego各大瑜珈身心靈修練聖地朝聖,再次看到這牌卡以及書籍,於是決定回台灣購入,因為是可以幫助許多女超人客戶的最佳工具
一年過去了,我摸這牌卡不到5次!因為我超級無敵「不習慣」問我的指導團隊問題 😅 (我的潛意識...就是把她當作幫助客戶的工具)
🌹 隨著我越往內心探索,認真打開與生俱來的「氣功/呼吸」,我的天線瞬間接通
...因為,我已經接上「直覺GUT」,也創造了「支持高效女性領導者的心靈圈 GUT90」
Wooman Power 使用蘿菈專屬碼「Lola300」,完成後私訊 ➡️ 報名連結:https://podcast.lolalinocean.com/96
我將帶領我的女超人客戶在「呼吸線上工作坊」中:打開心💖 妳是愛,妳是力量 I AM LOVE. I AM POWER.
Work Your Light牌卡的意義...
2020.10.4 中秋節|與蘿菈靈魂的對話
1. 現狀:Share Your Voice
2. 靈魂告訴我:STARSEED
3. 妳內心昇華著:The Ever-Unfolding Rose
4. 正在逝去的:Anna, Grandma of Jesus
5. 靈魂的禮物:STAR MOTHER - Lay all of your worries, regrets, shame and guilt on Her alter. Do not fear. You are LOVE in motion
6. 妳心想事成了:PROTECTION - Soul Retrieval. Cut the Cords. Call back your Power. Protect your energy. May all the lost pieces return home now. Check into your body NOW & see which Chakra FEELS like it needs a bit of an energetic clean-up
7. 下一步:LEAP
8. 前世影響力:LEMURIA - keep holding the clear vision of the future. Do your transmission work & hold the frequency of Lemuria in your own community, family, or within yourself. You are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands who hold the codes of this ancient lost land & even Lemuria crystals that hold the codes of REMEMBERING that are beginning to rise all over the planet. Keep doing what you are doing & remember: The only way to HEAL the world around us is to first heal ourselves.
9. 妳必須知曉:MIRROR - Who or what is triggering you? What is it in you that they are triggering? What part of you longs to be witnessed?
10. 希望與恐懼:SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSE - surround yourself with beauty and create beauty wherever you go
11. 可能的成果:THE GREAT GATHERING - you are being called to let your intuition move you physically. You are connected to a group of sounds who are weaving a web around the planet. When you share what is REAL and true to you, and you share the medicine that you most need, those who are like you will gather around you. You are your tribe! I choose now to let myself be see. I am ready to call in my soul tribe and create a web of light all over the planet
妳也要加入蘿菈創造的女超人圈嗎?留言 🌹 接收我的💓