美國空軍大學(Air University)12日發布位在中國內蒙古的洲際飛彈井工地照片,預估可能將設置36個發射井;美國戰略司令部司令在一場飛彈防禦會議中說,「我們正在目睹中國的戰略突破」
「strategic air command」的推薦目錄:
strategic air command 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳貼文
美國空軍C-17運輸機昨天在夏威夷海域對俄亥俄級「亨利·M·傑克森號」潛艦(USS Henry Jackson, SSBN-730)進行空中補給訓練,除使用無人機,也動用MH-60M直升機為潛艦補給
Watch as a C-17 Globemaster III, attached to the Air Force 535th Airlift Squadron, delivers a payload to the Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Henry M. Jackson (SSBN 730). #Submarine #C17 #AirForce U.S. Navy U.S. Pacific Fleet U.S. Indo-Pacific Command United States Strategic Command
strategic air command 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的精選貼文
2 US Air Force B-1B Lancers from the 28th Bomb Wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D. flew a 32-hour round-trip sortie to conduct operations over the #SouthChinaSea as part of a joint US Indo-Pacific Command & US Strategic Command Bomber Task Force mission April 30, 2020.
This operation demonstrates the U.S. Air Force’s dynamic force employment model in line with the US steadfast commitment to security and stability of the #IndoPacific region, assuring allies and partners with its persistent presence even all heavy bombers being evacuated from Guam.
Photo courtesy to Senior Airman Cynthia Belío & Nicolas Erwin
Read more at https://www.pacaf.af.mil/…/b-1s-conduct-south-china-sea-mi…/