An opener for Smithsonian magazine on Evo-tourism. I don’t recall ever being so excited about a project with 30% of the words in the manuscript unknown to me: pseudosuchian, Reveultosaurus, Desmatosuchus, protomammal.etc.
The story is about Revueltosaurus, a (rather cute, if you ask me) creature that’s been named 15 years ago and thought to be a very early dinosaur during the Triassic era. Latest fossils excavations from the Petrified Forest National Park, AZ shows that the creature was in fact a pseudosuchian, a non-dinosaurian lineage of reptiles that eventually evolved into modern-day crocodiles,
Did you know that just this year, Petrified Forest hosted its first volunteer fossil dig for the public. One volunteer, Stephanie Leco, found a fossil fish never before seen in that part of the world. I can’t wait to visit this Park (and maybe find my own fossil)!
Big big thanks to AD Maria Keehan for this fun project!