I do like horses. And when I wrote my book many years back, I wrote about "an amusement park, a horse's eye & little orange suns". This studious birthday gift on my writing desk brings me back to the magical times I spent experiencing life, feeling, and writing. And like a horse, steadfast, kind, strong. I do miss me writing. 🐴
"I was blinded by the sunlight in its eyes. I didn't know if it was #love or the notion of love I saw, that blinded me. Still, the reflection of the sun in its eyes was one of the most beautiful reflections I'd ever seen, and it was shining brightly. It was like a dream, maybe it was still a dream, the little black wooden horse the boy was riding on had transformed into this most magnificent creature standing in front of me.
We seemed to have known each other a long time, yet we had only just come to meet. In the short time that this lifeless, wooden, previously non-existent form had come to take on a real life form and existence in my eyes, we seemed to have been to many places together before. We had been through summers of orange suns, winters of falling snow, ploughed through tough uneven mountains, galloped across wide raging rivers, taken slow walks through large open fields of long grass and blue skies, leapt through windows of hope and promise of future which we drew for ourselves...
We just weren't so sure if all these were happening outside of the little carousel worlds we came from, or if indeed we were spinning to a quicker and giddier same rhythm within them. It didn't really matter perhaps, because we were #happy and we believed in it and it was #real." 💙
#littlewoodenhorse #littleorangesuns #ElvinNg #OurEpicLittleLives #伟大的卑微 #游乐场马的眼睛小太阳