右翼財經博客Zero Hedge炒作P4實驗室播毒被Twitter永久封禁。
On Wednesday, far-right news site Zero Hedge claimed without evidence that a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology created the strain of the virus that has led the World Health Organization to declare a global health emergency. The outbreak has grown to more than 9,776 cases, with 118 outside of China. The coronavirus has killed 213 people, all in China.
It concludes, “if anyone wants to find out what really caused the coronavirus pandemic that has infected thousands of people in China and around the globe, they should probably pay [the Chinese scientist] a visit.” It also lists their email address and a phone number.
Zero Hedge, which describes itself as a financial blog, has more than 50,000 followers on Facebook and more than 670,000 followers on Twitter and is run by Daniel Ivandjiiski, a Bulgarian-born, US-based, former investment banker, who writes the majority of the posts published by the pseudonym Tyler Durden. The site regularly amplifies conspiracy theories from anonymous message board 4chan and writes frequently about the deep state, doomsday prep, bitcoin speculation, and New Age pseudoscience.
wednesday tyler 在 Wednesday與壞透樂團Bad to the Bone Facebook 的最佳解答
希望昨晚三團的表演能讓大家一掃monday blue的壞心情。感謝小地方展演空間以及Tyler Chang的邀約,林軒仲的幫忙,超棒的後搖島嶼 Islanders以及音樂風格明顯與年齡不符 (in a good way), 然後吉他手張書槐 (對,就是壞透的前任吉他手) 參加完自己的婚禮就來演出的 Kumara the Cat 貓咪庫瑪拉。當然最棒的就是台下的各位,希望有機會能在各大音樂祭以及livehouse繼續看到大家。
然後就是,請大家繼續支持壞透的EP還有現場表演!! 新貼紙等大家來現場拿哦!!
不怕你/妳來拿,只怕你/妳不拿 (老派)
Special thanks for photos: 蔡沛哲
Wednesday與壞透樂團Bad to the Bone《#太陽黑子》
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wednesday tyler 在 Coach Fui Facebook 的最讚貼文
Wednesday Shooting Course Pro確認帖:
先謝謝大家的支持🙇🏻Wed Shooting Course Pro課程很快就額滿,謝謝。因人數眾多,將加開星期一班,將會15/11 星期四報名,謝謝各位支持
以下是Wednesday Shooting Course Pro成功報名學員的名單:
1 Gary Chan
2 Eric Yu
3 Chu Siu Lun
4 Steven Ng
5 Jacky Wong
6 Tyler Hui
7 How Long Brian
9 Danny Kwok
以上各位請大家inbox Message 給我你的稱呼,年齡及電話,於星期二 1400前確認,謝謝☺️
10 Johnny Leung
11 Kwan Oscar
12 Leo Chan
13 Miller Lee
14 Gary Yuen
15 Matthew Chi
16 Kwok Ning
以上各位為後備名單,星期四會開始報名Monday Shooting Course, 逢星期一9-11 練習,課程內容一樣,如有興趣請Inbox 我,謝謝🙏