#唐鳳 社會創新就是「眾人之事,眾人助之。」,任何社會上想解決的問題,大家可以一起組織來想出解決辦法。
什麼是 #社會創新?
追蹤社會創新平台掌握最新消息 https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/
#數位社會創新(Digital Social Innovation, DSI)又是什麼?
群眾集資 #Crowdfunding:如萬人響應集資,讓 #TaiwanCanHelp 廣告登上紐約時報,在廣告刊出後,社群接力二創改圖也是數位社會創新的經典案例。香港銅鑼灣書店在臺灣重啟,透過群眾集資獲得近 600 萬臺幣支持也屬於這類。
地理圖資協作:你知道每年光臺灣就消費 10 億瓶瓶裝水嗎?民間團隊 CircuPlus為了減少瓶裝水造成的塑膠污染跟碳排,與環保署合作,整理飲水機的開放地理圖資,並邀請全臺企業、商圈共同加入,成為奉茶據點,民眾可以透過奉茶 App 新增站點,這樣一來,用自備杯找水喝就更容易,還可以累積點數換商品。另外像是地球公民基金會推出的農地違章工廠回報行動、以及公民科學計畫路殺社也都屬於地理圖資協作喔。
開放資料/開放政府:如這次疫情期間誕生的口罩地圖,是民間開發者透過政府提供的開放資料,快速做出能即時反應口罩供需數量的平台,讓每個人都能獲得公平資訊。另外像是使用教育部 CC 授權辭典的萌典(超好用)、還有成為 2020 總統盃黑客松卓越團隊,找出適合植樹公有地的「臺灣好植地」,也都屬於這類喔!
【Startup Adventure 】Social Innovation Lab Sharing What is social innovation?
Why does everyone talk about "social innovation"? You probably curious about what exactly is social innovation?
Audrey Tang said “everyone’s business, everyone helps.” People work together to find out the solution for solving the problem in society. Now
*Let’s know more about what is “Social innovation”`?
The core concept of social innovation is to find ways to solve social problems in an "innovative" way. Through these innovation ways can create better value to the whole society! Social innovation has no specific form or rules, no matter who you are, you can always be an important part of promoting social innovation!
Follow the newest information here: https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/
*What is “Digital social innovation”?
As long as you add “digital” elements to social innovation actions, it is “Digital Social Innovation (DSI)”.
Here are some successful cases with digital innovation features:
For example, tens of thousands of people joined the fundraising of “Taiwan Can Help” advertisement to let the advertising appear on the New York Times. After the advertisement published, the community made the second creation of it is also a classic case of digital social innovation. Another example was the Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay Bookstore reopened in Taiwan, it got the support of nearly 6 million Taiwan dollars through crowdfunding as well.
*Geographic Information Cooperation
First example, do you know
Do you know that people in Taiwan use at least 1 billion bottles of bottled water every year? In order to reduce the plastic pollution and carbon emissions caused by bottled water, “CircuPlus” cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to sort out the open geographic map of drinking fountains. Besides, CircuPlus invited enterprises to join together and to set more drinking fountains bases in Taiwan. As long as you download the APP, you can not only find the way to get drink but also can easily add new drinking fountain bases as well. Then you can also accumulate CircuPlus points for goods exchanging.
In addition, the “Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan” encouraged people to join the Illegal Factory established on Farmland action, the “Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network” raise people to report the situation of killed animals on roads are also parts of the geographic map information collaboration.
*Open data/open government:
For example, the mask map was been created during this epidemic period. The mask map is a platform that can quickly corresponding to the supply and demand of the amount of masks. This platform was developing by private programmers who use open data provided by the government, so that everyone can get fair information.
You could check the other successful cases such as the Mengdian (super easy to use) using the CC authorized dictionary of the Ministry of Education, and the 2020 Presidents Cup Hackathon, finding a "good planting land in Taiwan" suitable for tree planting public land as well.
「what is data protection」的推薦目錄:
- 關於what is data protection 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於what is data protection 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於what is data protection 在 JZB Studio Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於what is data protection 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於what is data protection 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於what is data protection 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於what is data protection 在 What is Data Privacy? - YouTube 的評價
what is data protection 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
【台灣防疫成效 #國際政要 都肯定👍👍👍】
第二波移入疫情強勢回流 🌀
但只要我們 #謹慎應對 持續落實 #防疫工作
如何讚 #台灣 目前為止的防疫模式 👏👏👏
#因為我們知道大雨之後會有彩虹 🌈
#團結一心 #正向防疫
#台灣加油 💪
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, we'll endeavour to remain prudent in our epidemic prevention measures. We believe we can stem the tide.
To reinstill some confidence, we've collected a series of quotes from politicians and ministers around the world, praising the #TaiwanModel as part of the fight against the #COVID19 #WuhanCoronavirus. Read what they had to say below!
#紐西蘭 New Zealand 🇳🇿
3/15 ─ 紐西蘭總理阿爾登:「我們將緊密遵循相當接近於台灣的模式,他們(台灣政府)針對公眾集會所建立的因應架構,是相當成功的。我們將以它為根據,來設定我們的標準。」
March 15 - Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, in a Q+A interview on Sunday, that officials were looking at tailored criteria for events that may need to be cancelled, such as whether people would be in close proximity to one another.
“We're going to follow, pretty closely, the Taiwanese model. They worked up a framework for mass gatherings that's been quite successful,” she said.
#日本 Japan 🇯🇵
3/12 ─ 日本台灣交流協會代表泉裕泰:「我相信台灣的真知灼見可與世界各國廣泛共享,並對苦於遭受傳染蔓延的其他國家與地區做出巨大的貢獻。」
March 12 - Japan's chief representative in Taiwan, Hiroyasu Izumi, stated that he believes Taiwan's insights can be widely shared with other countries in the world and make great contributions to other countries and regions suffering from the spread of infection.
#以色列 Israel 🇮🇱
3/14 ─ 以色列總理尼坦雅胡:「順帶一提,這個方法已經在台灣試過了,可能很成功。以色列是少數國家當中,有這個能力做的。我們將採用這個方法。」
March 14 - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was not an easy choice to make and described the virus as an “invisible enemy that must be located.” He said Israel would follow similar methods used by Taiwan.
3/14 ─ 以色列前總理巴拉克:「以色列可以對抗新冠病毒,但必須像台灣一樣反應快速。」
March 14 - Former prime minister Ehud Barak stated that Israel can fight against the novel coronovirus, but that it must react as swiftly as Taiwan.
#尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua🇳🇮
3/11 ─ 尼加拉瓜副總統穆麗優:「我們得知台灣政府及人民實行了成功的防疫模式,我們已向台灣駐尼大使提出請求,期盼台灣與我們分享經驗,因為台灣不僅成功防制傳染,且維持人民秩序免於慌亂,確實值得學習。」
March 11 - La vicepresidenta de Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, declaró: "Nosotros hemos conocido el Modelo exitoso de contención que puso en práctica el Gobierno y el Pueblo de la República de China(Taiwán), y hemos pedido a su Embajador aquí, que nos presenten ese Modelo exitoso, porque han logrado no solo contener, sino también mantener a la población en un estado que no esté de pánico." (The vice president of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, stated, "We are aware of the successful model of prevention that the government and the people of Taiwan have put into practice, and we've asked the Taiwanese ambassador to make a presentation on this successful model, because they've not only managed to contain the virus, but they've kept their population from panicking.")
#聖文森 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines🇻🇨
3/12 ─ 聖文森衛生部長布朗:「台灣因『一個中國』原則不被承認為獨立國家,因此未被納入參與「世界衛生大會」(WHA),台灣距離中國僅為海峽之隔,然而疫情爆發至今卻僅有少數確診病例,我已正式致函何大使尋求台灣的協助以對抗聖國疫情。」
March 12 - "It’s quite remarkable that they’re just 81 miles from mainland China and whereas coronavirus in mainland China has been spiralling out of control...That’s incredible,” Health minister Luke Brown said. Taiwan is not a part of the World Health Assembly as it is not recognised as being an independent country under the One-China policy. Browne said the ambassador has mentioned some of the measures that Taiwan has taken, some of which he believes will work in the Vincentian context while others may not.
#聖露西亞 Saint Lucia🇱🇨
3/11 ─ 聖露西亞衛生部長艾瑟柯:「目前全球正共同對抗來自中國武漢的新型冠狀病毒,聖露西亞政府藉此機會讚許臺灣採取有效率且具成效的防疫措施,並提議與露國緊密合作防疫。」
March 11 - “As the world is fighting the COVID-19 Coronavirus originated from Wuhan, China, the Government of Saint Lucia wishes to take this opportunity to commend Taiwan for its efficient and efficacious measures, and its offer to work closely with Saint Lucia to contain the pandemic,” said Health Minister Mary Isaac.
#貝里斯 Belize🇧🇿
2/4 ─ 貝里斯衛生部長馬林:「貝國政府及衛生部肯定台灣關鍵的公衛措施,包括對隔離案例進行電子監控、口罩及其他物資供應,強化防疫工作。」
Feb. 4 - Minister of Health, Hon. Pablo Marin: “The Government of Belize, and by extension the Ministry of Health, applauds Taiwan’s key public health measures that include electronic monitoring of quarantined cases and the provision of masks and other items to support the prevention efforts.”
#巴拉圭 Paraguay🇵🇾
3/17 ─ 巴拉圭參議員法切提:「儘管與WHO無任何合作關係,台灣仍向前行…台灣也因此能夠成功防堵新冠病毒。」
March 17 - Fernando Silva Facetti, Paraguayan politician: "A PESAR DE LA NULA COOPERACIÓN DE LA @opsoms, #TAIWAN SIGUE ADELANTE... Así es como Taiwán logró contener el brote de #coronavirus" (Despite the lack of cooperation from the WHO, Taiwan continues to progress... This is how Taiwan managed to contain the coronavirus.)
#委內瑞拉 Venezuela🇻🇪
3/13 ─ 委內瑞拉臨時政府代表楊杰斯議員:「感謝情同手足的台灣人民贈交我們防疫所需的口罩及酒精。Taiwan Can Help!」
March 13 - Jesús M. Yánez M., Venezuelan politician: "Gracias a el hermano pueblo de Taiwan nos encontramos entregando tapa boca y kits de alcohol, denunciando la falta de prevención y de medidas acordes contra el COVIDー19 Taiwan Can Help" (Thanks to our brothers and sisters in Taiwan, we find ourselves with face masks and alcohol kits, denouncing the lack of prevention and appropriate measures against COVID-19. Taiwan Can Help.)
3/15 ─ 委內瑞拉駐西班牙大使艾卡利:「台灣及早警覺,並已阻擋了疫情擴散。」
March 15 - Antonio Ecarri B., Ambassador of Venezuela in Spain: "Taiwan se alarmó y frenó su expansión." (Taiwan was alarmed and curbed the spread.)
#阿根廷 Argentina 🇦🇷
3/11 ─ 阿根廷國會議員康帕紐利:「台灣是成功控制疫情的模範。」
March 11 - Marcela Campagnoli, National Deputy in Argentina: "Taiwan es un ejemplo de como lo han controlado." (Taiwan is an example of how to control it.)
3/16 ─ 阿根廷國際關係委員會秘書長桑提巴聶茲:「認為威權政府防疫工作做得比民主國家好,這個想法是錯的。台灣、韓國及新加坡做得非常好,他們都是民主國家。」
March 16 - Francisco de Santibañes, Secretary General of the Argentine Council for International Relations: "Sería un error pensar que los gobiernos autoritarios actuaron mejor que las democracias a la hora de controlar el coronavirus. Corea del Sur, Singapur y Taiwán lo hicieron muy bien y son democracias." (It would be a mistake to think that authoritarian governments act better than democracies in curbing the coronavirus. South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan did it very well and they're democracies.)
#哥倫比亞 Colombia🇨🇴
3/12 ─ 哥倫比亞內科醫師學會前主席希尼爾:「看看台灣,從全球確診統計圖表中漸漸消失,並對照其他亞洲國家防疫進展。他們比其他國家聰明嗎?不,是因為他們比較有組織、守紀律!」
March 12 - Juan Senior, ex-president of the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine: "Miren la evolución de Taiwán, desaparece del panorama y como evoluciona la epidemia en países asiáticos. Son más inteligentes que todos? No, son más organizados y disciplinados!!!" (Look how things have gone in Taiwan, they're out of the picture now and how the epidemic has developed in asian countries. Are they smarter than everyone else? No, they're more organized and more disciplined!!!)
#巴拿馬 Panama 🇵🇦
3/11 ─ 巴拿馬前駐台大使馬締斯:「台灣向世界展現,他們運用2003年抗煞所學到的經驗,準備好對抗新冠疫情。」
March 11 - Dr. Alfredo Martiz, former Ambassador of Panama in Taiwan: "Lo que Taiwán puede enseñar al mundo sobre la lucha contra el coronavirus Análisis: Taiwán aprovechó las lecciones aprendidas durante el brote de SARS de 2003, y esta vez su gobierno y su pueblo estaban preparados" (What Taiwan can teach the world about the fight against the coronavirus. Analysis: Taiwan took the lessons learned during the SARS outbreak of 2003 and this time its government and its people were ready.)
#捷克 Czech Republic🇨🇿
3/15 ─ 捷克總理巴比斯:「政府決定改變中央危機應變中心的定位及人員調度,仿照如同媒體所報導台灣的因應做法。」 March 15 - Prime Minister Andrej Babis: “The government decided to change the status of the Central Crisis Staff, where the crisis staff will be modeled, as we read in the media and it was in Taiwan.”
#丹麥 Denmark🇩🇰
3/18 ─ 丹麥前總理拉斯穆森:「台灣利用大數據、透明、由中央指揮的防疫作為奏效,值得世界各國學習。現在是時候告訴中國,確有地方可以討論地緣政治的,但不是在世界衛生組織。」 March 18 - In his March 18 piece in Time Magazine, former prime minister of Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen, stated "After the first notifications at the end of 2019, Taipei swiftly deployed a combination of measures to identify and contain the virus, including the use of big data to help contain potential cases."
#法國 France🇫🇷
3/5 ─ 前法國衛生部長及外交部長杜斯特:「檢視中央集權與非中央集權國家決策模式的差異十分有意思。台灣雖緊鄰中國卻可能是受武漢肺炎死亡率最低及受影響最輕的國家,其防疫成果完全令人難以置信,是為出色的危機管理。」
March 5 - Former French health and foreign minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said, "Ce qui est très intéressant en regardant les différents pays, c’est la centralisation ou la non-centralisation des décisions. Et on s’aperçoit que par exemple Taiwan est probablement le pays où il y a le moins de létalité et le pays le moins touché alors que c’est extrêmement près de la Chine. Le résultat est absolument invraisemblable. C’est une magnifique gestion de crise." (What is quite interesting with different countries, is centralization vs non-centralization of decisions. And one realizes that, for example, Taiwan is probably the country where the mortality rate is the lowest and the least affected country despite its extreme proximity to China. The result is absolutely implausible. It’s wonderful crisis management.)
3/7 ─ 法國國民議會友臺小組主席瑟賽希尼:「臺灣是處理武漢肺炎疫情的典範。」
March 7 - The chair of the French National Assembly's France-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group, Jean François Cesarini, stated "Taïwan : Exemplaire dans sa gestion de l’épidémie du Coronavirus." (Taiwan: an excellent model for the management of the coronavirus epidemic.)
3/6 ─ 法國國民議會友臺小組副主席拉赫迪耶:「臺灣堪稱處理武漢肺炎危機的典範。」
March 6 - The deputy chair of the French National Assembly's France-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group, Laure de La Raudière, stated "Gestion exemplaire de Taiwan de la crise du Coronavirus." (Taiwan's exemplary management of the coronavirus crisis.)
#義大利 Italy🇮🇹
3/16 ─ 義大利前外交部長德爾其:「台灣可能是第一個向WHO報告新冠病毒人傳人的國家,而且早在中國和WHO承認之前。顯然地,台灣因為北京施壓,被排除在世衛組織之外已有兩年之久。」
March 16 - Former foreign minister, Giulio Terzi: "Taiwan potrebber esser stato primo Paese a comunicare alla OMS che coronavirus COVID19 si stava trasmettendo da uomo a uomo.Molto prima che Cina e OMS lo ammettessero. Ovviamente, per volere Pechino, Taipei subisce esclusione da OMS da due anni." (Taiwan may have been the first country to report to WHO that coronavirus COVID19 was spreading from amongst humans, long before China and WHO admitted it. Obviously, at the behest of Beijing, Taipei has been excluded from WHO for two years.)
3/19 ─ 義大利北聯黨外交事務首席法拉利,轉推蔡總統「台美簽署防疫聯合夥伴關係聲明」推文:「這是向中國,也是向世界傳達的重要訊息。」
March 19: Lega Nord head of foreign affairs in Lombardy, Max Ferrari: "Coronavirus. Importante messaggio alla Cina e al mondo da Taiwan e Usa." (Coronavirus. Important message to China and the world from Taiwan and the USA.)
#歐盟 EU🇪🇺
3/14 ─ 歐洲議會議員暨中國關係代表團團長包瑞翰:「在這次疫情危機中,台灣在拯救生命方面做得很好。為什麼不邀請他們充分參與國際呢? 為什麼WHO不這樣做?因為北京玩弄民族主義政治,犧牲人民的利益。」
March 14 - “Taiwan is doing a great job with saving lives in this corona crisis. Why not acknowledge that and invite them to participate fully in international efforts? Why doesn't WHO do it? Because Beijing is playing nationalist politics at people's expense,” said Reinhard Bütikofer
#英國 UK 🇬🇧
3/13 ─ 英國前衛生大臣杭特表示,政府應採取更積極的行動,包括禁止探視養老院的長者。他認為,英國應該像是泰國和台灣等已控制住疫情的國家一樣,採取行動。
March 13 - Jeremy Hunt, the UK former health secretary: "Countries like Thailand and Taiwan had controlled the outbreak by taking such action. People will be concerned we are not moving sooner on social distancing."
#瑞典 Sweden🇸🇪
2/18 ─ 瑞典國會議員溫和黨主席席德斐:「從長遠來看,世衛組織不願將台灣納入扼止新冠病毒傳播及由該病毒所引起的傳播的任務,是完全站不住腳的,並且從很多面向來看是適得其反,例如從醫學和經濟角度。」
Feb. 18 - Moderate Party MP Margareta Cederfelt pointed out that “WHO’s unwillingness to include Taiwan in its work with limiting the spread of the coronavirus and stopping infections caused by the virus in the long-run, is indefensible and counterproductive seen from several perspectives, for example from a medical and economic perspective.”
#德國 Germany🇩🇪
3/13 ─ 德國自民黨主席國會議員布本多弗:「有一個國家在抗疫上脫穎而出,運用明確的策略及冷靜的態度有效對抗新冠肺炎,這個國家就是臺灣。」
March 13 - Chair of the district association Mühldorf am Inn of the FDP Bavaria Sandra Maria Bubendorfe: "Bei meiner 3. Rede im Deutschen Bundestag zum Thema Zivil und Katastrophenschutz in Deutschland vergangen Freitag, war es mir ein besonderes Bedürfnis Taiwan hervorzuheben, das gezeigt hat wie man mit klaren Strategien und kühlen Kopf auf die Gefahr des Corona Virus antworten kann und damit die Ausbreitung deutlich erschwert und verlangsamt wird." (During my third speech in the German Bundestag on civil and civil protection in Germany last Friday, I felt a need to highlight Taiwan, which showed how to respond to the dangers of the coronavirus with a clear strategy and a cool head, and thus significantly slowed its spread.)
#荷蘭 The Netherlands🇳🇱
3/18 ─ 荷蘭前中央銀行主席維林克:「臺灣防疫預警作為,是這個擁有約2400萬居民,且每年接受約300萬中國旅客往訪的國家,迄今得以有效控制疫情的關鍵作為。」
March 18 - The former head of the Dutch central bank stated that with its 24 million strong population and 3 million annual tourists from China, Taiwan has unrolled effective key measures to curb the spread of the epidemic.
3/18 ─ 荷蘭50 Plus黨眾議員兼主席克羅及民主論壇黨眾議員兼主席伯德特:「台灣是成功例子」 無黨籍眾議員哈加:「台灣大量檢測與居家隔離,成功控制疫情,為何荷蘭不學習?」
March 18 - The leaders of the 50PLUS party and the Forum for Democracy, Henk Krol and Thierry Beaudet, stated that Taiwan has provided a successful model. Independent Dutch MP Wybren van Haga stated that Taiwan has been testing on a large scale and enforcing home quarantines, successful measures in curbing the epidemic and asked why the Netherlands wasn't learning from their example.
#瑞士 Switzerland 🇨🇭
3/10 ─ 瑞士國會下議員瓦爾德:「臺灣對抗新冠病毒具特別成效。」 March 10 - Swiss National Councillor Nicolas Walder said Taiwan's response to the novel coronavirus has been particularly effective.
#葡萄牙 Portugal🇵🇹
3/15 ─ 葡萄牙前人民黨黨揆暨資深媒體評論家波塔斯:「台灣承襲2003年對抗SARS經驗,成功壓抑疫情曲線峰值,值得葡國作為借鏡。」
March 15 - Former Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal and media personality Paulo Portas stated that Taiwan's experience in fighting SARS in 2003 allowed it to be successful in flattening the curve, providing a model Portugal can learn from.
3/18 ─ 葡萄牙國會友臺小組歐利維拉:「台灣病例出現雖早,卻在努力下獲得很好的控制,台灣防疫措施值得肯定及學習。」
March 18 - Chair of the Portugal-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group Paulo Rios de Oliveira stated that although cases in Taiwan started to appear quite early on, they've controlled it very well with a lot of effort. Taiwan's epidemic control measures should be praised and studied.
#西班牙 Spain🇪🇸
3/13 ─ 西班牙前國會議員瓦紐費瑞:「這些措施證明台灣公衛模式有效,包括世界上最先進的醫衛系統、自2003年抗煞以來所累積的廣泛防疫經驗等。」
March 13 - Francisco Vañó Ferre, a former member of the Spanish Parliament: "Estas y otras medidas prueban la eficacia del modelo sanitario de Taiwán, que cuenta con uno de los más avanzados sistemas de salud del mundo y con amplia experiencia en la lucha contra enfermedades contagiosas tras haber sufrido la epidemia del SARS en 2003." (These and other measures prove the efficacy of the health model of Taiwan, which has one of the most advanced health systems in the world and a wealth of experience in the fight against contagious diseases, after having suffered from the SARS epidemic in 2003.)
#匈牙利 Hungary🇭🇺
3/15 ─ 匈牙利醫師學會:「在中國其他省份和其他亞洲國家,例如台灣和新加坡等,已經能夠預防感染的傳播。」
March 15 - The Hungarian Medical Chamber stated “In other provinces of China and other Asian countries (eg Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore) have been able to prevent the spread of the infection.”
#美國 US🇺🇸
2/5 ─ 美國前衛生部長派司:「台灣已經證明其防疫行動極為負責且透明,特別是在醫學和科學領域。最近有幸到訪台灣,台灣協助研發疫苗或以其他方式協助拯救生命,並促進人類對抗病毒的能力及情報,此刻尤顯出色。」
Feb. 5 – US former secretary of health and human services Tom Price: "Taiwan has shown itself to be extremely responsible and transparent in its actions, especially in the area of medicine and science. Having had the privilege of visiting recently, the capacity of Taiwan to help formulate a vaccine or assist in other ways to help save lives and advance human engagement and intelligence at this time is remarkable."
#加拿大 Canada🇨🇦
3/6 ─ 加拿大前國務部長契爾格:「將台灣排除在世衛組織之外,會讓新冠病毒對其國民和世界其他地區變得更加危險。」
March 6 - Canadian former secretary of state David Kilgour: “Excluding Taiwan from contact with WHO makes COVID-19 more dangerous for its nationals and the rest of the world.”
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แต่ผ่านไป 15 ปี ในปี 2013
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แล้วที่นี้จะเหลืออะไรให้ Youtuber ทำ
และที่เลวร้ายที่สุด คือ มันมีทางออกทางกฏหมายแต่ Youtube ไม่บอกด้วย
คือ FTC ได้ให้เงื่อนไขของกฏหมาย COPPA ไว้ในปี 2015 ว่า มันมีสิ่งที่เรียกว่า เนื้อหาสำหรับทุกเพศทุกวัย
ซึ่งหมายความว่า เป็นเนื้อหาที่ไม่ได้เล็งแค่เด็ก แต่วัยอื่น ๆ ก็ดูได้
และกฏหมาย COPPA ไม่สามารถมีผลต่อเนื้อหาจำพวกนี้ได้
เพราะกฏหมายนี้จะมีผลก็ต่อเมื่อเนื้อหาของคุณมีกลุ่มเป้าหมายหลักคือเด็กที่อายุต่ำกว่า 13 และจงใจเก็บข้อมูลจากกลุ่มเป้าหมายนี้โดยเฉพาะ
หมายความว่าช่องเกมต่าง ๆ สามารถบอกว่าเนื้อหาเป็นสำหรับทุกเพศทุกวัย ก็สามารถที่จะหลีกเลี่ยงปัญหาทางกฏหมายได้แล้ว
แต่ Youtube กลับบีบบังคับให้คนแยกเลยว่าให้เด็กดู หรือ ไม่ให้เด็กดู ซึ่งเป็นการจำกัดเกินไป เช่น พี่เอก HRK ถึงจะเล่นเกมแต่วัยรุ่นผู้ใหญ่ก็ดูได้ เด็กหลายคนก็ชอบ แต่ถ้าทำตามกฏของ Youtube พี่เอกก็จะกลายเป็นเนื้อหาสำหรับเด็กและจะไม่แจ้งเตือน ให้ใครเห็นอีก
มันแย่นะ การเหมารวมเอาแบบนี้หมด
วงในจาก Youtube ก็ออกมาใบ้ว่าทำไม Youtube ถึงไม่ให้ทางเลือก เนื้อหาสำหรับทุกเพศทุกวัยละ
คำตอบคือ เพราะจะทำให้บริษัทได้กำไรน้อยลง
WTF การที่ Youtube ไม่สามารถเก็บข้อมูลแบบเจาะจงหรือการยิงโฆษณาตรงกลุ่มเป้าหมาย ทำให้เสียกำไร
จึงบีบบังคับ Youtuber ให้ดิ้นรนเพื่อจะได้กำไรมากขึ้น
Youtuber คนไหนอยู่ไม่ได้ก็ตายไป
Youtuber ทำคลิปที่เหมาะกับเด็กไม่ได้เพราะมันจะไม่แจ้งเตือนรายได้ก็ลดลง 90%
ทำคลิป 18+ ก็ไม่ได้เพราะจะะหารายได้ไม่ได้
คนที่หาเลี้ยงชีพด้วย Youtube อยู่ยากแน่ ๆ
ช่องเล็ก ๆ คงดับเลย ไปหางานอื่นทำ
แล้วต่อไปจะเหลืออะไรบน Youtube ละ
RIP Youtube
Seriously, this has nothing to do with add straight.
Because it's about Youtube
But this change on Youtube will impact many caster in our house.
But there is no mention yet.
Today I will talk about changes that will cost most creators in our home. 90 % of income.
(information may not be complete. 100 % correct because admin hasn't studied law. Anyone is interested can study information and let's talk)
The story started in 1998
Ftc main agencies that manage various activities in commercial electronics
The main duty to protect consumers in the United States.
Got a new law. Initials Coppa
(The Children's Online Privacy Protection)
Which is a law that protects personal information of children under 13
The purpose of coppa is to prevent children under the age of 13 years of 13 years of personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers to websites without consent.
For fear that the information will be used in law.
But 15 years passed in 2013
The FTC sees that the real threat is not for kids to tell the web.
But cookies. Information on our computer / mobile phone.
With Personal Information, address, phone number.
Websites often collect information from cookies and sell to people who advertise online so they can show ads exactly what they are interested.
The Web, including Youtube, collect cookies and ftc, looking for websites that collect cookies created by children under the age of 13, so they solve coppa law.
Include cookies as personal information that cannot be collected if it is created by children under 13
Many web adapt and stop picking cookies
But Youtube doesn't adjust the rules and claims that Youtube is the media for people over 13 years old. They don't have kids as the main audience.
Ftc believes and releases Youtube
But as we know, Youtube really collect all the information to sell it to those who want to shoot ads and put ads on the clip at cuddle
Advertisement with a specific person called personalize ads to take information from each of us. See what they are interested in. Shoot us an ad we should be interested in.
Personalize Ads can make customers buy more products than random shooting advertising for everyone to see.
So it's a great source of Youtube, which youtube has shared that income for creator youtuber castor so these people can make videos for many people to watch.
But during this year, Youtube changed the policy on rudeness.
Well, if the clip contains adult content such as sexual content, profanity, using severe words, 18 + jokes will not earn money from that clip.
Changing this policy makes a huge change because it makes youtuber turn to create content that can show kids because they make money.
The content that targets kids becomes the most earning content on Youtube.
Try to hit the game category on Youtube
Most of them are games that kids love to play. Roblox Minecraft. The game that kids love to watch. Apparently aiming at kids.
Youtuber that makes the most money in the world is channel
Ryan toysreview which is also a review channel for children's toys.
Apparently kids become Youtube's main audience
In 2019, Youtube got sued because he lied to death that the kid is not the main audience.
But I see that it's right and I went to collect cookies to make advertisement for kids. It's illegal. Coppa. See.
Let me say that youtube lost because of his mouth. Even in terms of use, Youtube says that it has to be 13 years old or older. Yes, kids may lie to age and sneak peek at Youtube. But it's because kids want to watch it. Because parents let kids play by themselves. Youtube is not wrong.
But Youtube is wrong because I'm going to travel. I announced that Youtube is the most watched web for advertisers. I told you not to let kids under 13 watch.
No matter how I watch it, I will lose the case
So Youtube got paid 170,000,000 $ with ftc deal with meat on Youtube last September.
Which I can tell you that it's very bad because it will make creator to the flight channel.
Youtube now has a new set for all youtube meat creators whether your content is child content. to adjust according to coppa law. Youtube will not collect data from your clip and will not advertise ads. It means your content. I will lose 90 % of income.
And if you disobey or lie, adjust your content
Your content will be deleted. It may be banned and if you live in usa you may be sued by ftc and pay 40,000 + $
So how do you know if your content fits kid's content?
Youtube also gives rules which content fits.
It's like, is your content directly targeted as a kid. This is the one who knows best is the clip maker.
Content do you have an animation cartoon character?
Is there a cereal breakfast snack toy?
Is there a kid in the clip
Are there activities that kids are interested in such as playing video games
Is there a teenage language that children are interested in?
Is there a light message attracted to children?
Is there a cartoon character or celebrity that kids like?
And if you're not sure, Youtube will let you consult the lawyers.
Which has heard from all of them is so bad
Yes, kids content like tales or comics must be childish content
But video games
The way you have video game content can be interpreted as child content.
Castor. Work is growing.
Especially playing roblox minecraft
Brother Ek who plays planet zoo doesn't know if he will survive.
Plus, there are many more channels that review toys.
Vrzo also has teenage language and light messages
Although many channels are not aiming for the main goal as a kid, but if it meets the conditions, there is a possibility of getting hit as well from the definition above.
If these channels, if they are counted as content for children, they will be reduced to 90 %!! very heavy.
Repeated content that belongs to children still cut off most of the features
Clip will not be searched in search box
Won't bounce as a notification. No side suggestion.
Can't comment
Well, if you want to watch the new clip, you must click into profile channel only.
Not enough deduction. Still reduce the audience.
And if you don't classify that clip, are you a kid's clip? Youtube will use machine learning to classify you.
Which honestly works pretty bad from past experience
Get ready to meet happy tree friends and south park. It's content for sure.
Coppa law is so bad. FTC is so bad
CEO of Youtube
Susan Wojcicki says some ftc law people don't even have mobile phones
Let people who don't even have cell phones come to law in the 2019 s.
And if you think it's okay to live in Thailand.
No, Youtube says this rule is effective around the world.
So what can we do about this? I'm not sure.
Because the ftc is still open to hear opinions to solve laws and agreements, but not sure what we as outsiders can do.
But if interested, go find out more.
The FTC is not one on the wrong side.
Youtube is a villain as well on this
Because Youtube is the one who keeps data from children under 13
But now I say that youtuber is responsible by cutting off ad money. You have to say that your content is young content. and if your content is not saying that you are targeted for kids, but ftc thinks it is, you have a chance to be sued, deleted and close the whole channel What Youtuber just made a clip which is not illegal coppa
Youtube is primarily pushing the responsibility of managing content for youtuber.
Youtube can strictly manage the system from children under 13 years to watch content on Youtube.
Just forcing everyone to have an account and confirm that they are 13 years old is done.
No Youtube don't do that
In fact, Youtube's fault is keeping information from children.
Just Youtube doesn't keep it. It's done.
No need to cancel income without advertising
No need to cancel notifications or make the clip unsearchable
What Youtube does like hints for creators to stop making kid content indirectly
Why? Because Youtube can't sell it to customers who advertise
Youtube is so mean to creator
Well, I couldn't make adult content earlier.
Now can't make kids content too
So what's left for youtuber to do
And the worst thing is that there is a legal solution but youtube doesn't tell.
Well, the ftc provided coppa law conditions in 2015 that it has what is called content for all ages.
Which means it's content that is not only aiming for young but other ages can watch.
And Coppa law cannot affect these content
Because this law only applies when your content has a primary audience, children under 13 and deliberately collect information from this audience.
It means that game channels can say content is for all ages. It can avoid legal issues.
But Youtube forced people to separate whether they let kids watch or not to watch. Which is too limited. Such as brother ek hrk. Even if they play games, teenagers, adults can watch it. Many kids like it. But if they follow youtube rules, brother ek. Will become content for kids and won't notify anyone else
It's too bad. It's all like this.
The inner circle from Youtube also comes out why youtube doesn't provide content choices for all ages.
The answer is because it will make companies less profit.
WTF. Youtube can't store specific data or shooting ads straight to the audience makes profit.
So I forced youtuber to struggle to gain more profit.
Any Youtuber can't live then die
Youtuber can't make a clip that fits kids because they won't alert. Income is reduced by 90 %
I can't make a clip of 18 + because I can't earn money.
People who earn a living with Youtube will be hard to live.
The big channel must have affected a lot.
The small channel must have gone out so I went to find another job.
So what's left on Youtube
For those who are interested in this, check out the clip that you can watch here.
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